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As the Bears Gm I-----


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I sign Mike McCoy as the new HC


I resign Melton,Roach,Louis,McGown. and Izzy to a one year contract


I resturcture Tillman and Marshalls contract


I cut J. Peppers due to his 12 million due this year,Spaeth, Kellen Davis


In FAgency I sign Bushrod/LT/NO- Saints are way over salary cap so more likey to complete a deal.

Levitre/LG/Buff- Young and up and coming

Cook/TE/Tenn-ready to breakout


In the draft #1 Ansah/DE/BYU to replace Peppers spot

#2 Mitner/MLB/LSU Urlachers spot, starts from day one

#4 Denard Robinson/WR/Mich Make him a Percy Harvin type WR-speed

#5 Cave/OC/ND Garzas eventual replacement

#6 Clement/TE/LSU blocking TE to replace Spaeth

#7 Brown/QB/Ill State

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Guest TerraTor
I like the HC and the Free Agency signings but the Bears aren't going to cut Peppers. His cap hit is like 16 million, so it would cost more to cut him than it would to keep him for a year I believe.




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I like the HC and the Free Agency signings but the Bears aren't going to cut Peppers. His cap hit is like 16 million, so it would cost more to cut him than it would to keep him for a year I believe.

his salary will be about 12333000, around there, and that salary goes away, you take around a 4 million cap hit, but it frees up that money to get some Oline upgrades.

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ok, so lets see what you got

Since Jason brought it up could probably get a third for Peppers(as far as trading instead of cutting) so I need to add


Trade Peppers for a third and in that round pick up OLB Hodges/PSU we added needed LB depth to eventually replace Briggs


Also note, I forgot to mention, we also cut Hester-time to go

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I sign Mike McCoy as the new HC - I don't think he's the best choice.


I resign Melton,Roach,Louis,McGown. and Izzy to a one year contract


I resturcture Tillman and Marshalls contract - After this year, probably the only two players on the team who deserve their contracts. I say this sends the wrong message.


I cut J. Peppers due to his 12 million due this year,Spaeth, Kellen Davis - I don't like the idea of cutting Peppers.


In FAgency I sign Bushrod/LT/NO- Saints are way over salary cap so more likey to complete a deal. I don't think this will happen, but I like the idea. He's a stud.

Levitre/LG/Buff- Young and up and coming All indications are that he stays in Buffalo. I would like to see him in a Bears' jersey, but prepare to hear everyone whine about an OG getting they type of money he'll command.

Cook/TE/Tenn-ready to breakout - I still think it's stupid to go after a FA TE when the Bears drafted a hybrid, pass-catching TE last year.


In the draft #1 Ansah/DE/BYU to replace Peppers spot - Starting to look like a Lovie & JA draft. And two years in a row for DE?

#2 Mitner/MLB/LSU Urlachers spot, starts from day one - Still looking that way. And no way a rook beats out Urlacher. Never gonna happen.

#4 Denard Robinson/WR/Mich Make him a Percy Harvin type WR-speed - HELL NO. Dude played QB. Enough of the position change garbage.

#5 Cave/OC/ND Garzas eventual replacement - I'd rather see Khaled Holmes in round 4 (I think he'll be there).

#6 Clement/TE/LSU blocking TE to replace Spaeth - Not necessary. Guys like these are a dime a dozen. Draft a need instead.

#7 Brown/QB/Ill State - I like this pick, only because it's something the Bears don't do (i.e. continually attempt to find and develop QB prospects).


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if you dont like mccoy then who?

Reconstruction of contacts is to make the cap more friendly to sign some offensive linemen, give thrm a couple more years and spread the money

I am trying to think out of the box here. He is our best defensive player, but we need the money to sign OLmen in FAgency, and I will be willing to bet if we dont cut money no big signnings will be coming here

Urlacher will be gone, he will want to be paid and he is on a road to injuries every year.


The whole idea of this post was to move forward, get the OL help we need and continue to build an offense, and try to retool defense in the meantime.

New Orleans is way over cap and dont see them being able to get out of that in one year.

Fill our needs in FAgency and draft to fill spots on defense.

Robinson is a wild card, a high end talent to add to the mix at a 4th round pick, this is where you take chances. He has speed and could use him as a read option player to add the offense.

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As GM I would...


Hire Bruce Arians and recommend he retain Dave Toub. If chooses not to, it's all good.


View film with Arians to determine key pieces and how to make them work and what dead weight to purge.


Out: Hester, Spaeth, Davis, Idonije, Spencer, Okoye, Campbell and Hayden


IN: Melton, Louis and Url (only if it's friendly)


Untouchables: Marshall and Peppers. They are the only players we have on our team that would go to the Pro Bowl on every team in the NFL.


Now, if you can convince any player to restructure to make the team better, go for it. But I'd tread lightly because it comes at a price down the road. I would strive to continue the cap excellence that has been practiced the last decade. This allows flexibility in time of need.


We have 3 players with significant trade value on our team. Two were mentioned above, the other is Cutler. I look at offers, but subsequently have to fleece a trade partner to pull the string on any.


In FA, I send a private jet to Miami stocked with booze and hookers to get our new left tackle. Sign a serviceable pass catching TE, while developing Rodriguez.


Draft BPA in rounds 1 and 2 and hopefully come up with a starting LB and OG. Possibly trade down. (Only for an extra 2nd or 3rd though) Draft BPA that we feel can become impactful players.


Send a message to team that this season, all jobs are being looked at and nothing less than champions will not last.



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As GM I would...


Hire Bruce Arians and recommend he retain Dave Toub. If chooses not to, it's all good.


View film with Arians to determine key pieces and how to make them work and what dead weight to purge.


Out: Hester, Spaeth, Davis, Idonije, Spencer, Okoye, Campbell and Hayden


IN: Melton, Louis and Url (only if it's friendly)


Untouchables: Marshall and Peppers. They are the only players we have on our team that would go to the Pro Bowl on every team in the NFL.


Now, if you can convince any player to restructure to make the team better, go for it. But I'd tread lightly because it comes at a price down the road. I would strive to continue the cap excellence that has been practiced the last decade. This allows flexibility in time of need.


We have 3 players with significant trade value on our team. Two were mentioned above, the other is Cutler. I look at offers, but subsequently have to fleece a trade partner to pull the string on any.


In FA, I send a private jet to Miami stocked with booze and hookers to get our new left tackle. Sign a serviceable pass catching TE, while developing Rodriguez.


Draft BPA in rounds 1 and 2 and hopefully come up with a starting LB and OG. Possibly trade down. (Only for an extra 2nd or 3rd though) Draft BPA that we feel can become impactful players.


Send a message to team that this season, all jobs are being looked at and nothing less than champions will not last.

All of that sounds reasonable except after we resign our own players, wont have enough money for a big FA signing, as Jake Long would be. The reason Miami will not try to resign is because the price will be to high. Thats why I put Peppers out to give us enough money to sign FAs on the Oline and a TE. I think Urlacher will wont to much money to come back, so dont think that he will be back.

I like Airians, but think Emery will go a little younger bringing a guy in.

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Sign Sullivan, Trestman, or Arian as the HC


Bring in a DC who runs a 3-4


Re-sign- Melton, Louis, and Roach.


Sign- Will Beatty....If you have restructure some contracts, go for it.




Ogletree, Minter, or if for whatever reason he falls Te'o in the first..I see Minter going in in the 1st in a couple mocks


Best available OL in the 2nd, supposedly this is a deep draft for OL..It's not for ILB,


Then the biggest and baddest DT in the 4th...I still think Paea can play NT but a backup will be needed


Then grab a Speed WR, a big TE, and a CB in the 5th 6th and 7th.




The OL battles it out for RT, and LG with Louis, Garza, and Beatty being sure things at RG/C/LT.


That leaves Scott, Rookie, Brown, Webb, and Carimi for those last 2 spots. 2 of them are bound to catch on.


The LB core in this 3-4 would be Briggs-Minter-Roach-SMC...I think thats pretty sexy.


The DL would be Pep-Paea-Melton. I know it's up for debate whether Paea can be a NT and if Melton can play DE but in my mind there's no question.


Utilize Rodriguez more as a hybrid TE.


Win a title.

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Sign Sullivan, Trestman, or Arian as the HC


Bring in a DC who runs a 3-4


Re-sign- Melton, Louis, and Roach.


Sign- Will Beatty....If you have restructure some contracts, go for it.




Ogletree, Minter, or if for whatever reason he falls Te'o in the first..I see Minter going in in the 1st in a couple mocks


Best available OL in the 2nd, supposedly this is a deep draft for OL..It's not for ILB,


Then the biggest and baddest DT in the 4th...I still think Paea can play NT but a backup will be needed


Then grab a Speed WR, a big TE, and a CB in the 5th 6th and 7th.




The OL battles it out for RT, and LG with Louis, Garza, and Beatty being sure things at RG/C/LT.


That leaves Scott, Rookie, Brown, Webb, and Carimi for those last 2 spots. 2 of them are bound to catch on.


The LB core in this 3-4 would be Briggs-Minter-Roach-SMC...I think thats pretty sexy.


The DL would be Pep-Paea-Melton. I know it's up for debate whether Paea can be a NT and if Melton can play DE but in my mind there's no question.


Utilize Rodriguez more as a hybrid TE.


Win a title.


Ok why are ppl so enamoured with ogletree. He's got major red flags. He's never played an entire yr. Losing time to injuries and 2 different suspensions. 1 was for drugs. I want someone more reliable with our 1st pick. So why so high on him. What makes u think hes so reliable

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Ok why are ppl so enamoured with ogletree. He's got major red flags. He's never played an entire yr. Losing time to injuries and 2 different suspensions. 1 was for drugs. I want someone more reliable with our 1st pick. So why so high on him. What makes u think hes so reliable



Because he's a 1st round talent and past the 3 I mentioned it's slim pick'ns.


Draft experts don't seem to mind either.


If they think they can get Minter in the 2nd and grab an OL in the first I'd be all for that, there are some drafts where I see Minter going in the first tho and with how deep the draft is on OLmen I'd prefer a ILB in the first.

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Sign Sullivan, Trestman, or Arian as the HC


Bring in a DC who runs a 3-4


Re-sign- Melton, Louis, and Roach.


Sign- Will Beatty....If you have restructure some contracts, go for it.




Ogletree, Minter, or if for whatever reason he falls Te'o in the first..I see Minter going in in the 1st in a couple mocks


Best available OL in the 2nd, supposedly this is a deep draft for OL..It's not for ILB,


Then the biggest and baddest DT in the 4th...I still think Paea can play NT but a backup will be needed


Then grab a Speed WR, a big TE, and a CB in the 5th 6th and 7th.

I like most of what you said BUT we wont be changing to the 3-4, it will take to many personal changes to make that work. Emery said the new guy will be working with the talent we have on defense. Beatty would be ok, but a 2nd rounderLG making an impact is slim at best. I think we need to just go out and two proven OL, no matter who there are and fix it now instead of a work in progress. Im telling you here Cutler wont last if he keeps taking hits as he has.



The OL battles it out for RT, and LG with Louis, Garza, and Beatty being sure things at RG/C/LT.


That leaves Scott, Rookie, Brown, Webb, and Carimi for those last 2 spots. 2 of them are bound to catch on.


The LB core in this 3-4 would be Briggs-Minter-Roach-SMC...I think thats pretty sexy.


The DL would be Pep-Paea-Melton. I know it's up for debate whether Paea can be a NT and if Melton can play DE but in my mind there's no question.


Utilize Rodriguez more as a hybrid TE.


Win a title.


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I like most of what you said BUT we wont be changing to the 3-4, it will take to many personal changes to make that work. Emery said the new guy will be working with the talent we have on defense. Beatty would be ok, but a 2nd rounderLG making an impact is slim at best. I think we need to just go out and two proven OL, no matter who there are and fix it now instead of a work in progress. Im telling you here Cutler wont last if he keeps taking hits as he has.


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I like most of what you said BUT we wont be changing to the 3-4, it will take to many personal changes to make that work. Emery said the new guy will be working with the talent we have on defense. Beatty would be ok, but a 2nd rounderLG making an impact is slim at best. I think we need to just go out and two proven OL, no matter who there are and fix it now instead of a work in progress. Im telling you here Cutler wont last if he keeps taking hits as he has.




Honestly the addition of Beatty or any top tier LT and the return of Louis sets the line up pretty good.


I can't find individual OL stats but someone here said Scott looked good at RT....So then you have Carimi, Brown, Webb, and the 2nd round rookie battling over the LG spot. I personally wanna give Carimi one more shot to see if he can hang at guard. Lining him up next to a proven top tier LT could be a good thing for him.


As far as the 3-4 goes, if you're like me and think Paea can play NT (Ridiculous strong, can gain weight) and Melton can play DE (Has a knack, speed, and power for getting to the QB) I don't see that big of a personnel change needed. Plus I believe it optimizes the value of SMC who moves to the OLB spot.

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Honestly the addition of Beatty or any top tier LT and the return of Louis sets the line up pretty good.


I can't find individual OL stats but someone here said Scott looked good at RT....So then you have Carimi, Brown, Webb, and the 2nd round rookie battling over the LG spot. I personally wanna give Carimi one more shot to see if he can hang at guard. Lining him up next to a proven top tier LT could be a good thing for him.


As far as the 3-4 goes, if you're like me and think Paea can play NT (Ridiculous strong, can gain weight) and Melton can play DE (Has a knack, speed, and power for getting to the QB) I don't see that big of a personnel change needed. Plus I believe it optimizes the value of SMC who moves to the OLB spot.

Moving carimi to LG? This is a proble. He was drafted as a RT. Its 1 thing to move him to RG as he plays nxt to him and should know his assignments but moving him to opposite side now and changing schemes on top of it. What we need to do is stop bouncing guys all around it only stunts growth. I've got an idea. I want Barrett Jones a C for example lets let him play C i know im crazy for thinking this. Its OK lol

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Moving carimi to LG? This is a proble. He was drafted as a RT. Its 1 thing to move him to RG as he plays nxt to him and should know his assignments but moving him to opposite side now and changing schemes on top of it. What we need to do is stop bouncing guys all around it only stunts growth. I've got an idea. I want Barrett Jones a C for example lets let him play C i know im crazy for thinking this. Its OK lol



When we drafted him weren't we all wanting him to be moved to LT? (If of course he lived up to his 1st round potential.)


If they bring back Louis he deserves a spot, and that should be where he's been, RG. Scott was supposedly solid at RT, but his ratings show otherwise, so I dont know what to think about him and would be open to Carimi there....If Scott was good there and you don't wanna move anyone around then you say good bye to Louis. It's too early to outright bench Gabe and he's being moved around because he hasnt found a home yet.


If I were the coach I'd let Gabe, Webb, Brown, Scott and the draft pick battle it out for RT and LG...Disregard prior positions, may the best men win

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When we drafted him weren't we all wanting him to be moved to LT? (If of course he lived up to his 1st round potential.)


If they bring back Louis he deserves a spot, and that should be where he's been, RG. Scott was supposedly solid at RT, but his ratings show otherwise, so I dont know what to think about him and would be open to Carimi there....If Scott was good there and you don't wanna move anyone around then you say good bye to Louis. It's too early to outright bench Gabe and he's being moved around because he hasnt found a home yet.


If I were the coach I'd let Gabe, Webb, Brown, Scott and the draft pick battle it out for RT and LG...Disregard prior positions, may the best men win

I understand where ur coming from. Personally i don't think Chris Williams was ever given a real chance. He was at LT then got hurt. When he came back he was LG then bounced around from there. We cant expect rookies to be great from day 1 and if hes not start moving them all around. This hardly ever works in general. If we draft a LG let's have him play there. More than anything we need continuity on the oline but when we continue to bounce everyone around we will never get that. I know it has really killed us last couple yrs with injuries up and down the line. Im not making excuses for any of the OL. Just saying in general of course.

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I understand where ur coming from. Personally i don't think Chris Williams was ever given a real chance. He was at LT then got hurt. When he came back he was LG then bounced around from there. We cant expect rookies to be great from day 1 and if hes not start moving them all around. This hardly ever works in general. If we draft a LG let's have him play there. More than anything we need continuity on the oline but when we continue to bounce everyone around we will never get that. I know it has really killed us last couple yrs with injuries up and down the line. Im not making excuses for any of the OL. Just saying in general of course.


The problem with continuity from this year to next is this years line obviously sucked. IMO the only guys who should be given their old spots back are Garza and Louis, and Louis played where Carimi ended up at. A top tier LT needs to brought in and the other 2 spots are to be earned. If Carimi really was hurt he should have no problem capturing his RT spot back, if someone else earns it over him and they wanna try Gabe at LG and he excels then thats fantastic and I don't see the problem.



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The problem with continuity from this year to next is this years line obviously sucked. IMO the only guys who should be given their old spots back are Garza and Louis, and Louis played where Carimi ended up at. A top tier LT needs to brought in and the other 2 spots are to be earned. If Carimi really was hurt he should have no problem capturing his RT spot back, if someone else earns it over him and they wanna try Gabe at LG and he excels then thats fantastic and I don't see the problem.

Gabe lost his job prior to being hurt this yr. Considering he even said he's never played G before this yr i have hard time seeing him sticking at LG. Which would mean another failed #1 pick in angelo era

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Gabe lost his job prior to being hurt this yr. Considering he even said he's never played G before this yr i have hard time seeing him sticking at LG. Which would mean another failed #1 pick in angelo era

Although this problem with bouncing gabe around has gone on since day 1. If ppl remember right he played LT at Wisc but Tice immediately slid webb over to LT and put gabe at RT. Although we all complained about Webb when he was at RT

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Gabe lost his job prior to being hurt this yr. Considering he even said he's never played G before this yr i have hard time seeing him sticking at LG. Which would mean another failed #1 pick in angelo era



Pretty sure he looked A LOT better at RG over RT though so whether he played there before is not an issue.


Here are the options for Gabe as I see them. (I'll just use Beatty because he's who I want)


Option 1- Play Gabe at RT where he sucked and hope he was indeed playing hurt.

- Carimi/Louis/Garza/?/Beatty

Option 2- Play Gabe at RG and not resign Louis who has been the best OLman the Bears have had.


Option 3- Move Lance Louis to LG or RT while playing Gabe at RG.

-Louis/Carimi/Garza/?/Beatty or ?/Carimi/Garza/Louis/Beatty

Option 4- Move Gabe Carimi to LG



Which would you all like to see?


I'd personally like to have the option of 1 or 4. Meaning a training camp battle like I've been calling for.

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Pretty sure he looked A LOT better at RG over RT though so whether he played there before is not an issue.


Here are the options for Gabe as I see them. (I'll just use Beatty because he's who I want)


Option 1- Play Gabe at RT where he sucked and hope he was indeed playing hurt.

- Carimi/Louis/Garza/?/Beatty

Option 2- Play Gabe at RG and not resign Louis who has been the best OLman the Bears have had.


Option 3- Move Lance Louis to LG or RT while playing Gabe at RG.

-Louis/Carimi/Garza/?/Beatty or ?/Carimi/Garza/Louis/Beatty

Option 4- Move Gabe Carimi to LG



Which would you all like to see?


I'd personally like to have the option of 1 or 4. Meaning a training camp battle like I've been calling for.

We have to resign Scott, he is not under contract. So we need to sign him, Actually Beatty is rated lower than Webb on one site I looked at and think we can do better. I think we should go after Bushrod/NO which will be more money but not Jake Long money. Then we need to sign a LG in FAgency, trusting a rookie to be consistent quality might be asking to much.

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