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New Bears Head Coach Poll


Bears Head Coach  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. In your opinion, who will be the Bears next Head Coach?

    • Mike McCoy - Denver OC
    • Mike Sullivan - Tampa OC
    • Marc Trestman, Montreal Alouettes HC
    • Rick Dennison, Houston OC
    • Bruce Arians, Indianapolis OC
    • Tom Clements, Green Bay OC
    • Darrell Bevell, Seattle OC
    • Pete Carmichael, New Orleans OC
    • Keith Armstrong - Atlanta ST
    • OTHER (DeCamillis, Toub, Priefer, or someone else)

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I think Arians would be the easiest sell. Trestman would be the toughest, and McCoy seems to be the most popular with the fan-base. I say it's going to be neither of them. I'm going with Mike Sullivan because I think Emery will pick someone that none of us are talking about.

That seems to be his MO, I also picked Sullivan.

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I think Arians would be the easiest sell. Trestman would be the toughest, and McCoy seems to be the most popular with the fan-base. I say it's going to be neither of them. I'm going with Mike Sullivan because I think Emery will pick someone that none of us are talking about.

I buy Trestman before Arians. I don't want Arians.

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Very surprised....but I feel if the poll was on "who you want" rather than "who you think"- I think McCoy would have a lot more votes.

Absolutely, but I wanted to see what people thought from the information available. Maybe I will just make another one later in the week on who we want :)

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  • 1 year later...
why? so we can all see how stupid we are? thanks

Because I can. Why would I demean anyone here? It was interesting to see thoughts on the whole process and the 9 page thread was interesting as well but is locked.. Posts on how Trestman wears on players/coaches and hasnt held a job more than two years seem accurate. I think most were intrigued with Trestman and an offensive mind was a high priority.

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No. However, I bought Reid and McCoy over Arians and Trestman. I clearly was wrong on Arians. Trestman, I hated at first, then started to like and got duped like everyone else.

We all were fooled. Crazy to think the other candidates (Arians and McCoy) would've probably been better options. Who knew?

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Many of us were fooled, I remember when his name came up I didn't even know who he was and him being a canadian league coach I thought it was a joke. Now I wish it was. I'll admit that through the process I came to like the idea. An offensive coach that was sold as an aggressive coach, a guy who many touted as a QB guru, I for one fell for it and started drinking the kool-aid that perhaps finally the Bears had their ducks in a row. Even was willing to write off the D's bad year last year as new coaching staff, lots of injuries, etc. The offense was one of the top scoring offenses in the league last year so along with many here and in Bears nation felt that another year in the system and the offense should remain potent and even take steps to get better. With the additions made on the D through FA and draft fell that if our D could get to even average. This could be a special year. But then reality set in….


Offensively I think we're more inept than we were before Trestman was brought in. Jay looks no more fundamentally sound than he was before. Sure some stats will say his game has improved but stats don't show the true picture. For an offensive guru/QB whisperer, we have seen an offense that plays scared till it's too late in a game and the hole is too deep. Situational play calling makes no sense and our lack of discipline puts us behind the 8 ball almost every drive. Can't count how many drives have gone in reverse. Dumb repeated sideline WR screens that fool no one. How many times has this series of events happened: 1st down sidline WR screen for short yardage or loss, 2nd down and long handoff for a couple, 3rd down false start or holding or both on consecutive 3rd downs. 3rd and long poorly executed pass play or we hand it off again. 4th down punt. There is no sense of urgency or apparent plan. There's no rhyme or reason on when we run, when we throw short, or when we pass long other than it seems like in each situation we call the wrong type of play for that situation. We were sold fools gold.


Defensively our expectations weren't very high even with the additions because there was serious reason to doubt Tucker was fit to be a DC. What the injuries we've had has done has led us to field one of the most inexperienced and youngest D's I won't use that as an excuse, because what I see week in and week out, is poor fundamentals, players out of place, over running things, taking bad angles and just a look of general confusion. In a rebuilding of the D and that is what we have here, I see little to build on. That goes to drafting and roster management. And goes to coaches not having their players ready, and it goes to players themselves not playing well. What you look for is progress, young players getting better, I don't see that. In fact I see the opposite here. I see players regressing.


Special teams needs little mention as they have sucked last year and this year. Losing Dave Toub killed our special teams. Every game proves that we need someone who knows what he's doing coaching this group. True we lost Hester and really don't have anyone returning kicks that scares anyone. But lets' be honest Hester's career is waining.


Hindsight is always 20/20 it's clear now that Trestman was the wrong call. He may be a nice guy, but he is way in over his head as a head coach in the NFL. I remember a few weeks back or so on the Score forget which show, but they read off trestman's resume' season by season noting offensive ranking and QB stats etc. There was a definite pattern. First year there would be good results but every successive season there was regression, followed by him getting fired. As a coach in college and pros I think there was one place he lasted 3 years everywhere else he was fired after 2. Then came the Canadian team and he stuck as head coach for 5 years and his team won grey cups. Up north is different. Different game, different rules, different type of players. In Canada the players aren't multi million dollar egos but rather are lower paid and more so playing for the love of the game than worrying about wanting the be the highest paid at their position. Is he an offensive guru? Is he a QB whisperer? Sure his offenses and QB's put up big numbers early on in each of his stints. But you could also argue that quite often he took over situations where the talent was there. One could argue a lot of his success was due in part to inherited talent, rather than talent he developed. Another thing is what's new has the best chance to be effective on offense because no one has film on that offense. The longer you have a system in place the more film on it and the more defenses adapt. That is when you need to step up your game and be creative, and work to stay ahead of the curve. Status quo may work initially but pretty soon the curve passes you by and if you don't adapt things will fizzle out. That is what I see happening here and that is the pattern that has followed Trestman throughout his coaching career.

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