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Alec Ogletree - Highlights

Guest TerraTor

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Bottom line, is that it's a red flag for him. That said, many guys who have had red flags, get over it and overcome. Many do not. Given Emery's tactics finding a coach, I could only imagine he'll do similar homework on potential players...


Well said. I myself am a police officer and agree with your assessment on how serious mj use can be.


However, unfortunately....it is extremely commonly used by a lot of people. I don't condone it and believe the Bears should stay away from players who they KNOW have issues with it. Regardless, that is what the interview process/background checks are for. I wouldn't write this kid off because of mj usage as a young adult....juvenile/young adult recidivism rates can be favorable in these cases.


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Yes, it's illegal, and yes I understand that being the end all for some but the fact remains that it's here and it's not going away. I'm not an expert but I have looked into it on great depths and there's really nothing wrong with it. I play semi pro rugby and it has caused me to have a bad back, if medical marijuana were legal here in Indiana (2 votes away last year) I would legally be smoking right now. I practice once a week and have 8 game seasons, I can only imagine the wear and tear nfl or college athletes who practice more and for a longer period of time go through.


I'm clean now but thats just because I'm unemployed...What is your view on alcohol? Ya know something that is 10x worse and disruptive to ones mental state and can actually kill you. Something that will make you act wayyyy stupider than marijuana, and really I don't know who you were hanging around but all the pot smokers i've been around don't do anything stupid...we might say something stupid but its a relaxed medicine that mellows you out...I just sit around and laugh...I dont go out and look for a fight or something along those lines.


What's your view on our James Brown? Or studs like.. Marshawn Lynch? Carmello Anthony? Bill Walton? Kareem Abdul Jabaar? Micheal Phelps? Tim Lincecum?



I understand you're a father, or so your picture leads me to believe, and i understand and respect your views but in this day and age it's not that big a deal...if it were why would states alloy it to be legal for even recreational use.


Yes im a father of 2 but what does that have to do with anything. My brother has done and college roommates did it. All acted stupid. Picking fights and driving stoned which is not a good idea. With alcohol lets just say im not a big fan of it either plrnty of bad experiences with loved ones also. Personally my job won't allow me to even touch it ever. But my point is marijuana is illegal and ur risking ur job to do it. Alcohol is dumb also for professional athletes but that's not illegal

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Ok, I don't smoke it but marijuana being illegal is stupid.


Can we start talking about football? He uses marijuana. Urlacher cheated on his wife. Jay Cutler "is immature." Julius Peppers has been accused of not playing his hardest all the time. Ray Lewis was on trial for murder. That doesn't affect anything.


Like Urlacher was, Ogletree is extremely raw. He is a converted safety, but that highlight video against great competition shows he has all the potential in the world to be a great professional MLB.

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Stoned people may not be out there picking fights but as far as what I've seen in my life they are still doing stupid things. Having seen a couple friends get addicted to marijuana and what it did to their motivation to work and many of the bad decisions they made because "they knew the meaning of life" it's not something I want in a 1st rd pick.


Recreational use IMO would be no different than recreational alcohol use but would people say the say thing about a college player who had alcohol abuse issues...draft him anyway? I doubt it. James Brown had addiction issues with marijuana and it affected his work ethic. Vontaze Burfict had issues and it affected his work ethic (just going by his words). I'm not against legalizing marijuana and as more governments go broke more will legalize it so they can tax it. It won't be long before it's a national debate.


Not sure where all this data is about alcohol being 10x worse than marijuana. It's already been proven that 1 or 2 beers a day, or a glass of red wine each day, has significant health benefits. In some ways not much different than the fact marijuana has known medical benefits.


I agree with BT's point that you have an elite athlete knowingly doing illegal activities. How smart is that knowing they could lose millions of dollars? It says they don't use good judgment in their daily decisions, especially if they've been caught twice or more, and that must be weighed in the decision to draft that guy and hand him millions and risk the future of your franchise on them. Our personal beliefs don't change the rules and laws the players must abide by so we can't ignore how that could impact the team.



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Stoned people may not be out there picking fights but as far as what I've seen in my life they are still doing stupid things. Having seen a couple friends get addicted to marijuana and what it did to their motivation to work and many of the bad decisions they made because "they knew the meaning of life" it's not something I want in a 1st rd pick.


Recreational use IMO would be no different than recreational alcohol use but would people say the say thing about a college player who had alcohol abuse issues...draft him anyway? I doubt it. James Brown had addiction issues with marijuana and it affected his work ethic. Vontaze Burfict had issues and it affected his work ethic (just going by his words). I'm not against legalizing marijuana and as more governments go broke more will legalize it so they can tax it. It won't be long before it's a national debate.


Not sure where all this data is about alcohol being 10x worse than marijuana. It's already been proven that 1 or 2 beers a day, or a glass of red wine each day, has significant health benefits. In some ways not much different than the fact marijuana has known medical benefits.


I agree with BT's point that you have an elite athlete knowingly doing illegal activities. How smart is that knowing they could lose millions of dollars? It says they don't use good judgment in their daily decisions, especially if they've been caught twice or more, and that must be weighed in the decision to draft that guy and hand him millions and risk the future of your franchise on them. Our personal beliefs don't change the rules and laws the players must abide by so we can't ignore how that could impact the team.

Thank you. You at least caught my point perfectly

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