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Senior Bowl weigh-in's

Ed Hochuli 3:16

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As a backup who will receive time to develop.


I make not argument for him as a starter. He's better than people give him credit for, but he needs work with a QB guru, and a steady helping of patience from a team, in order to fully develop his skills. As it stands now, however, he's a much better QB than Denard freaking Robinson.

People have tried to develop him. Just like we all keep talking about developing Cutler, yet he still has all the mechanical flaws. Difference is, Cutler has throwing skills underneath it all. I'm a Tebow fan, but simply believe he's become a distracting sideshow. Not of his doing, of course. I personally think a young QB should be brought in to develop the way Trestman wants.




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People have tried to develop him. Just like we all keep talking about developing Cutler, yet he still has all the mechanical flaws. Difference is, Cutler has throwing skills underneath it all. I'm a Tebow fan, but simply believe he's become a distracting sideshow. Not of his doing, of course. I personally think a young QB should be brought in to develop the way Trestman wants.

When you're starring in Super Bowl ads before you were drafted, for anti-abortion groups that even the people who agree with them would probably admit are "controversial"...then like it or not, you're definitely contributing to the sideshow.


The sideshow has been the only reason he's gotten this far. It got him drafted in the first round, it got him a shot in Denver, it convinced anotehr team to try him out after Manning was signed.

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When you're starring in Super Bowl ads before you were drafted, for anti-abortion groups that even the people who agree with them would probably admit are "controversial"...then like it or not, you're definitely contributing to the sideshow.


The sideshow has been the only reason he's gotten this far. It got him drafted in the first round, it got him a shot in Denver, it convinced anotehr team to try him out after Manning was signed.


I agree with you, he has done everything he can to promote this "sideshow".


If he had any value at all as a starting QB don't you think Jacksonville would be all over the possibility of signing this guy? After all, Jacksonville could use a QB and what location would be better than Jacksonville to have Tebow start? He would pack them into the stadium because of his fan base there. Yet Jacksonville has stated openly they are not interested in signing him.

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When you're starring in Super Bowl ads before you were drafted, for anti-abortion groups that even the people who agree with them would probably admit are "controversial"...then like it or not, you're definitely contributing to the sideshow.


The sideshow has been the only reason he's gotten this far. It got him drafted in the first round, it got him a shot in Denver, it convinced anotehr team to try him out after Manning was signed.

Good point! Thanks

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Tebow doesn't want to be a backup. Dude was furious with rex ryan for that. Tebow is delusional to think he can be a starter in the NF. How many times since his senior yr did he say he was gonna change his mechanics. Yet its still the same. Also ask anyone who followed the broncos on a daily basis. They all say he is a horrible practice player. So what makes u so convinced on this dude


If he refuses to take a spot as a backup, he'll be out of the league soon.


As for horrible practice player, I'd have to see proof of that. Every indication from everything he's said and done is that he's a competitor who gives 110% on a daily basis. He never complains. He busts his ass. And he has to keep overcoming people who doubt him. Which is understanding at this level. Changing how you throw is a very hard thing to do. Which is why I think he needs coaching.


What makes me want him as a backup on the Bears? Aside from all of the above? He's a winner. Period. He's also a great guy. It's funny that nearly everyone on this board is against guys like TO or Moss because they are locker-room cancers, but nearly nobody wants to support a guy who appears to be one of the better human beings on the freaking planet. :shakehead

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Good morning.


Still not the point and you know it. You keep bringing up QB and that was never the thought, but you are going to hold onto that lie, because that's all you have.(Thus the reason you didn't answer my question to you regarding how he throws compared to other wr/rb positions) As far as tone, it's more than likely compensation. The fact that you failed to understand the post is truly a mistake on my part, because I didn't type it in crayon. Hope that's clear or do I need a spreadsheet?


Back to the topic. I'm saying someone will take a chance on Robinson by the 6th round because is a football player that can provide value. The only thing I care to hear from you is your opinion on him as a 6th round wr/rb/pr/kr.


Morning. I don't know what the heck you're talking about.

Is a good enough passer to be a QB? No.

Is he going to throw as a RB/WR? No.


So it makes little or no difference whether he throws better than another WR. Sure, I'll admit there is a certainty he throws better than Hester or Marshall. But who cares? How many times will any of them throw the ball? Which is why you bringing up whether he throws the ball well a moot point.


As for a WR/RB/PR/KR...a flyer on him is all I'd take. 6th? Sure. But I think he'll be a bust because he has never played WR, doesn't understand the nuances of the position, and ultimately will rely on what he has relied on his whole life: athleticism. The problem? Everybody in the NFL is athletic.

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When you're starring in Super Bowl ads before you were drafted, for anti-abortion groups that even the people who agree with them would probably admit are "controversial"...then like it or not, you're definitely contributing to the sideshow.


The sideshow has been the only reason he's gotten this far. It got him drafted in the first round, it got him a shot in Denver, it convinced anotehr team to try him out after Manning was signed.


You don't think he would have been drafted without the sideshow? He was pretty decent in college.

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Morning. I don't know what the heck you're talking about.

Is a good enough passer to be a QB? No.

Is he going to throw as a RB/WR? No.


So it makes little or no difference whether he throws better than another WR. Sure, I'll admit there is a certainty he throws better than Hester or Marshall. But who cares? How many times will any of them throw the ball? Which is why you bringing up whether he throws the ball well a moot point.


As for a WR/RB/PR/KR...a flyer on him is all I'd take. 6th? Sure. But I think he'll be a bust because he has never played WR, doesn't understand the nuances of the position, and ultimately will rely on what he has relied on his whole life: athleticism. The problem? Everybody in the NFL is athletic.

Please explain how in the world a 6th rd draft pick can be a bust. Most 6th rd picks barely make team to begin. My whole point in all of this was and still is that in the 6th rd taking a kid like him is a value pick and that is exactly what teams look for. Look we get it u hate the kid but calling a 6th rd pick a bust is beyond stupid

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Is a good enough passer to be a QB? No.

Is he going to throw as a RB/WR? No.


So it makes little or no difference whether he throws better than another WR. Sure, I'll admit there is a certainty he throws better than Hester or Marshall. But who cares? How many times will any of them throw the ball? Which is why you bringing up whether he throws the ball well a moot point.

Last point on the matter. Antwaan Randle El. See career stats. Robinson is at least as talented. Take special notice to the passing stats from the WR position. Then, remember the impact he had on many games. Oh, and he played QB for IU.



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It will depend on who his coach is but I see no reason a WR couldn't make the occasional pass coming off a reverse or bubble screen. Walter certainly did enough passing in his career as a RB. These plays aren't a staple of the offense but are run once every few games, just enough to keep defenses alert to the possibility of it on certain plays.

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Please explain how in the world a 6th rd draft pick can be a bust. Most 6th rd picks barely make team to begin. My whole point in all of this was and still is that in the 6th rd taking a kid like him is a value pick and that is exactly what teams look for. Look we get it u hate the kid but calling a 6th rd pick a bust is beyond stupid


It's simply a differing opinion/definition for the word bust. Maybe you prefer "washed out of the league"? Or, "will probably get cut".


I don't hate him. I think he'd be a decent value pick in the 6th, just like you do. But I don't think this particular value pick will pan out.

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Last point on the matter. Antwaan Randle El. See career stats. Robinson is at least as talented. Take special notice to the passing stats from the WR position. Then, remember the impact he had on many games. Oh, and he played QB for IU.




I guess I still don't understand your point about passing. Dude passed 3 times a season. OK, maybe my guess of 1 time a season was too low. I still don't really see how Robinson's passing ability should factor much into whether a team picks him up as a WR. If the Bears can get that type of receiving production out of a 6th rounder, then it would be a great pick. I just don't see it happening.

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I'd rather the Bears took an actual WR in round 6 rather than a guy who was an athlete playing QB (poorly, I might add) in college and now wants to play WR in the NFL.


BTW, PFT tweeted today that he's been horrible in his workouts.


I saw pretty much the same from ESPN. He cannot fully participate because of the elbow injury.

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