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J'Marcus Webb arrested on drug charges


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At some point the progression will end, I just think next year there are a lot of elements that will make him continue to progress.


-Aaron Kromer..Don't come back at me with Mike Tice...His lines sucked in Minny too...

-Using the RBs more in the pass game-It's gonna take some heat from the LBs off the line. LBs in a 3-4 are just about the only thing that killed him last year.

-The TE- See above. I actually think it's better to send them out on pass plays than staying in to block.

-A better LG- with the trash that was there last year the LT is vulnerable to bot inside and outside moves, something thats hard to check against explosive players like Matthews and Smith.

-Marc Trestman- If Jay listens, chances are Marc will get him to get the ball out quicker. Which will make the whole line look better.

-It's early but so far the drug bust looks like a reality check- Supposedly he's training harder than ever now.

-Connecting with his cousin- Another excellent brain to pick, why he hasn't done it in this past is pretty dumb (yes, he's not the brightest crayon in the box but neither is Albert). In case you skipped over the article I posted Webbs cousin is a 1990s all decade OT.


He's set up to have a good year and if he doesn't his contracts up. He'll have competition next year, no doubt, all I'm saying is I wouldn't be surprised if he wins the job and if he does I can see him improving. I really don't see why its hard to believe either.

So his cousin was all decade in the 90s. Is that supposed to tell me just because he's training with him he will become good. If only it was that simple

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Its alot of assumptions that your making considering that to this point in his career the facts prove hes never had even a decent yr. Your basing everything on assumptions. Hes training harder than ever after a drug bust? Big flipping deal what's it been 3 days or so. U crush mathieu and according to records it's been more than a yr since his issue. U say about LG next to him. Isn't that assuming we so something at that position. U also mentioned TE. Once again assuming we upgrade it unless u think Davis is that guy. Kromer? What is he some kind of miracle worker that im not aware of. I'll give u trestman but even that's assuming he will use a similar Playbook as in the past. I hate relying on assumptions all the time.


First I didn't crush Mathieu, and I thought I made that clear earlier.


None of them are that big of an assumption IMO.


Yes it is a big flippin deal that he's training harder than ever if he keeps it up the whole offseason. If he slacks off then no it's not a big deal.


Unless Aaron likes James Brown, which is possible, there's no way we don't address LG. Brown in his 2nd year could be that guy but if not who the hell else would we put there? Even if Cooper or Warmack don't fall there are other guys in the draft that will be huge upgrades over the garbage we put out there last year....I mean...It was BAD last year. Chilo Rachal and Chris Spencer are awful players and even my homer ass can't defend them.


I can't imagine they don't upgrade at TE with the way the position has been talked about so far this year.


Kromer has taken other teams garbage and late round picks and made them look good. See- Brian De la Puente, Jermon Bushrod, Zach Strief, Jahari Evans, Jonathon Goodwin. All mid to undrafted players that he got the most out of.... Everything I read about him says he's a great coach that gets the most out of his players. I don't think it's an outrageous assumption to think he'll get more out him than Tice did. 1 good new pointer could stick with him and make him a better player.


I can't see Trestman moving away too far from what his teams were successful at in the past. The WCO still works fairly well in the NFL and he's learned from the best in that area.



So his cousin was all decade in the 90s. Is that supposed to tell me just because he's training with him he will become good. If only it was that simple


No, but it's a damn good brain to pick is it not? Once again, 1 good pointer that sticks with him can take him to the next level.


Everyone loves the idea of Jeffery training with Marshall right? It's kinda the same deal.

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First I didn't crush Mathieu, and I thought I made that clear earlier.


None of them are that big of an assumption IMO.


Yes it is a big flippin deal that he's training harder than ever if he keeps it up the whole offseason. If he slacks off then no it's not a big deal.


Unless Aaron likes James Brown, which is possible, there's no way we don't address LG. Brown in his 2nd year could be that guy but if not who the hell else would we put there? Even if Cooper or Warmack don't fall there are other guys in the draft that will be huge upgrades over the garbage we put out there last year....I mean...It was BAD last year. Chilo Rachal and Chris Spencer are awful players and even my homer ass can't defend them.


I can't imagine they don't upgrade at TE with the way the position has been talked about so far this year.


Kromer has taken other teams garbage and late round picks and made them look good. See- Brian De la Puente, Jermon Bushrod, Zach Strief, Jahari Evans, Jonathon Goodwin. All mid to undrafted players that he got the most out of.... Everything I read about him says he's a great coach that gets the most out of his players. I don't think it's an outrageous assumption to think he'll get more out him than Tice did. 1 good new pointer could stick with him and make him a better player.


I can't see Trestman moving away too far from what his teams were successful at in the past. The WCO still works fairly well in the NFL and he's learned from the best in that area.





No, but it's a damn good brain to pick is it not? Once again, 1 good pointer that sticks with him can take him to the next level.


Everyone loves the idea of Jeffery training with Marshall right? It's kinda the same deal.


Wow. With as much as u have talked webb up this off season i could make an assumption u think hes pro bowl caliber nxt yr


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Wow. With as much as u have talked webb up this off season i could make an assumption u think hes pro bowl caliber nxt yr



I mean are those not valid points? I think he's set up to have a much better year. I won't go as far as saying pro bowl though...I could just be a big time homer, like I'm known as on soxtalk, but I really do believe the points I just made are valid reasons as to why I expect Webb to make the jump from borderline average to at the very least "above average" if not good.


If he's cut/riding the pine all year I'll be the first admit that I was wrong. I'll stick around and let you all blast me.

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I mean are those not valid points? I think he's set up to have a much better year. I won't go as far as saying pro bowl though...I could just be a big time homer, like I'm known as on soxtalk, but I really do believe the points I just made are valid reasons as to why I expect Webb to make the jump from borderline average to at the very least "above average" if not good.


If he's cut/riding the pine all year I'll be the first admit that I was wrong. I'll stick around and let you all blast me.


There are some valid points in your posts but don't go overboard on Webb or anyone else for that matter. Others are reading way too much into your words too acting as if you say he'll be a Pro Bowl player, I don't read that in your words.


Webb gets the brunt of the fan's frustration with the Oline but he was far from our worst problem last year. Everyone knows it but we have moved on because guys like Rachal are gone, Spencer soon to be gone. Carimi couldn't pass protect at all most games. Yet Webb with his sheepish attitude, in some ways like Cutler with his stand-offish appearance, has become the scapegoat for all that went wrong.


I'm in the minority as well because I think we can win with Webb. We won't win because of him but we can win with him. I've seen the AZ Cardinals almost win a Superbowl with a former Bears castoff at LT...Mike Gandy. Gandy was worse than Webb during that season for the Cards. While he was in Chicago he was laughed at, or hated, as much as Webb.


We can't win if Webb is one of our better Olineman, but that's stating the obvious. If we put some very good players inside and can get as good a performance at RT as we got from Scott in a few games last year, then we can win with Webb at LT. Webb's shortcomings can be covered up through either blocking scheme or play calling if the rest of the line is consistently good.


We can't fix or replace all of our Oline issues given our salary cap situation and lack of 3rd Rd pick. I think we get one FA and two draft picks for the Oline. At this point I think we should rearrange some contracts to free up some cap space and sign a good FA OG. Draft Cooper in Rd 1. Grab an OT on day 3 to compete with Webb, Carimi, Scott. IMO fixing the interior of the line will do far more to improve our running and passing game than throwing big bucks at a FA LT.


The mystery is just what does this new coaching staff think of Carimi and Brown and where the belong? Or do they belong? Those decisions are pivotal in the Oline overhaul. Naturally they are being cryptic when asked about it. Carimi..."he's either a tackle or guard". Brown...."we're still watching film evaluating".

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There are some valid points in your posts but don't go overboard on Webb or anyone else for that matter. Others are reading way too much into your words too acting as if you say he'll be a Pro Bowl player, I don't read that in your words.


Webb gets the brunt of the fan's frustration with the Oline but he was far from our worst problem last year. Everyone knows it but we have moved on because guys like Rachal are gone, Spencer soon to be gone. Carimi couldn't pass protect at all most games. Yet Webb with his sheepish attitude, in some ways like Cutler with his stand-offish appearance, has become the scapegoat for all that went wrong.


I'm in the minority as well because I think we can win with Webb. We won't win because of him but we can win with him. I've seen the AZ Cardinals almost win a Superbowl with a former Bears castoff at LT...Mike Gandy. Gandy was worse than Webb during that season for the Cards. While he was in Chicago he was laughed at, or hated, as much as Webb.


We can't win if Webb is one of our better Olineman, but that's stating the obvious. If we put some very good players inside and can get as good a performance at RT as we got from Scott in a few games last year, then we can win with Webb at LT. Webb's shortcomings can be covered up through either blocking scheme or play calling if the rest of the line is consistently good.


We can't fix or replace all of our Oline issues given our salary cap situation and lack of 3rd Rd pick. I think we get one FA and two draft picks for the Oline. At this point I think we should rearrange some contracts to free up some cap space and sign a good FA OG. Draft Cooper in Rd 1. Grab an OT on day 3 to compete with Webb, Carimi, Scott. IMO fixing the interior of the line will do far more to improve our running and passing game than throwing big bucks at a FA LT.


The mystery is just what does this new coaching staff think of Carimi and Brown and where the belong? Or do they belong? Those decisions are pivotal in the Oline overhaul. Naturally they are being cryptic when asked about it. Carimi..."he's either a tackle or guard". Brown...."we're still watching film evaluating".


I'm in that minority as well. And completely agree the interior needs beefed up before anything. Let me add that Webb is in a carreer make or break season. In that, if he has an above average season he will cash in big time at the age of 25. While I'm not confident he will make that jump, I'm more confident he will make a slight one. Average at his price is good for me if we upgrade the atrocious play on the interior.(That is where the room for the greatest improvement lies)


As far as Carimi is concerned; he needs to show his knee has healed and he can carry extra weight in his achor area to be an NFL player. He looked like a TE last year and if that doesn't change he'll be a camp cut. I'd love to see reports on what he is doing this off season.


Brown looks as if he may be an option at a rotational G this season.

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I've never said he was our biggest problem. Just that he was 1 of the many problems. I guess pardon me for wanting something better than Hoping he can become avg nxt yr. We are talking about the guy who is supposed to protect our franchise qb back side but last 2 yrs hes allowe. 23.5 sacks. That's just not good. Cutler doesn't have faith in him at all its plain to see. I see a handful of guys in the draft that can come in and provide more than webb. I understand its been so long since we've had that franchise LT but shouldn't we aim for that instead praying for webb to become avg in yr 4. Dare to dream

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I've never said he was our biggest problem. Just that he was 1 of the many problems. I guess pardon me for wanting something better than Hoping he can become avg nxt yr. We are talking about the guy who is supposed to protect our franchise qb back side but last 2 yrs hes allowe. 23.5 sacks. That's just not good. Cutler doesn't have faith in him at all its plain to see. I see a handful of guys in the draft that can come in and provide more than webb. I understand its been so long since we've had that franchise LT but shouldn't we aim for that instead praying for webb to become avg in yr 4. Dare to dream

Totally agree, accepting Webb will improve dramatically is a big question mark. I think we have several question marks with Louis being healthy, Carmi taking a giant step forward after a terrible season.Also can Garza still play good enough as he is getting older. We all have opinions on this blog, many different looks at our problems, but the interesting thing is what do the new coaching staff think of all the incumbents we had play last year. I think if they want to get a LT in free agency they will find the money to do that, then that means they did not think much of Webb development. Maybe they see him at RT, if they bring back Scott, I read where they want him as the swing tackle. So the chances of getting a LT in the draft is slim, so I think what they do in FAgency will tell us everything. If they make an offer to a OT and fail to get him, it still tells us what they think of Webb and might have to settle for him due to money. If we go after a G in FAgency then that means they can live with Webb and will draft the BPA in the draft. If they draft Fluker, then he is our RT and Carmi is destined to play RG. If we resign Louis, means they think he will be healthy enough to play, and maybe Carmi moves to LG. A lot of different scenarios exist. It all starts in 9 days and everything will clear up.

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There are some valid points in your posts but don't go overboard on Webb or anyone else for that matter. Others are reading way too much into your words too acting as if you say he'll be a Pro Bowl player, I don't read that in your words.


Webb gets the brunt of the fan's frustration with the Oline but he was far from our worst problem last year. Everyone knows it but we have moved on because guys like Rachal are gone, Spencer soon to be gone. Carimi couldn't pass protect at all most games. Yet Webb with his sheepish attitude, in some ways like Cutler with his stand-offish appearance, has become the scapegoat for all that went wrong.


I'm in the minority as well because I think we can win with Webb. We won't win because of him but we can win with him. I've seen the AZ Cardinals almost win a Superbowl with a former Bears castoff at LT...Mike Gandy. Gandy was worse than Webb during that season for the Cards. While he was in Chicago he was laughed at, or hated, as much as Webb.


We can't win if Webb is one of our better Olineman, but that's stating the obvious. If we put some very good players inside and can get as good a performance at RT as we got from Scott in a few games last year, then we can win with Webb at LT. Webb's shortcomings can be covered up through either blocking scheme or play calling if the rest of the line is consistently good.


We can't fix or replace all of our Oline issues given our salary cap situation and lack of 3rd Rd pick. I think we get one FA and two draft picks for the Oline. At this point I think we should rearrange some contracts to free up some cap space and sign a good FA OG. Draft Cooper in Rd 1. Grab an OT on day 3 to compete with Webb, Carimi, Scott. IMO fixing the interior of the line will do far more to improve our running and passing game than throwing big bucks at a FA LT.


The mystery is just what does this new coaching staff think of Carimi and Brown and where the belong? Or do they belong? Those decisions are pivotal in the Oline overhaul. Naturally they are being cryptic when asked about it. Carimi..."he's either a tackle or guard". Brown...."we're still watching film evaluating".



Wow, you just summed up my thoughts pretty good, in a more civilized way lol...Very well written sir.


Mongo, I agree with your post as well

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Wow, you just summed up my thoughts pretty good, in a more civilized way lol...Very well written sir.


Mongo, I agree with your post as well

Your right, he does it more eloquently than you do, it is well written.I agree with his points, other than I think it is possible(not probably) to get a LT in FAgency that doesnt break the bank.

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Your right, he does it more eloquently than you do, it is well written.I agree with his points, other than I think it is possible(not probably) to get a LT in FAgency that doesnt break the bank.



All my points are made in some sort of argument so there's a little heat behind it. I'm a very opinionated, and passionate person in case you haven't noticed lol.


He's said every thing I've tried to to get across only they didn't come out, as you said, as eloquent as mine came out.


"Others are reading way too much into your words too acting as if you say he'll be a Pro Bowl player, I don't read that in your words. "


This is the key and it's why these arguments begin. When written in a civilized or eloquent manner the points I was trying to make are more inviting to others. His points are my points for the most part and you see how that came across with you.


I was a pro wrestler for 2 years and I feel like I'm the biggest "heel" on the board lol.

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All my points are made in some sort of argument so there's a little heat behind it. I'm a very opinionated, and passionate person in case you haven't noticed lol.


He's said every thing I've tried to to get across only they didn't come out, as you said, as eloquent as mine came out.




This is the key and it's why these arguments begin. When written in a civilized or eloquent manner the points I was trying to make are more inviting to others. His points are my points for the most part and you see how that came across with you.


I was a pro wrestler for 2 years and I feel like I'm the biggest "heel" on the board lol.

Your opinions create chatter as well as mine, it wouldnt be as interesting posting here if you werent here.

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All my points are made in some sort of argument so there's a little heat behind it. I'm a very opinionated, and passionate person in case you haven't noticed lol.


He's said every thing I've tried to to get across only they didn't come out, as you said, as eloquent as mine came out.




This is the key and it's why these arguments begin. When written in a civilized or eloquent manner the points I was trying to make are more inviting to others. His points are my points for the most part and you see how that came across with you.


I was a pro wrestler for 2 years and I feel like I'm the biggest "heel" on the board lol.



Don't get me wrong, I like reading all the posts even the heated debates. Your passion for your thoughts is no different than BTs. Where would we be without Jason? I just wanted to add my thoughts.


I'm not against upgrading LT I just look at our financial position and all the needs we have. I view the most cost effective way to improve things short term is to go after the inside first. That is based on both FA options, cap space, and how the draft is likely to play out. If you go back a few weeks I was hopeful that Lane Johnson would fall to us and that was my 1st Rd pick. I don't see that happening now.


If we have a talent like Cooper available when we pick we should take him as best available fits need in a big way. In reading draft profiles, Fluker has a few concerns about his ability to pass protect at RT in NFL. His run blocking is not in doubt but IMO for that we have Carimi. Now if the staff views Fluker as an OG, as some teams might, then maybe. I like Fluker more if we can drop back a few spots and pick him up but if we went there at 20 it wouldn't be all bad just a bit early IMO. He is only a Junior so plenty of reason to think with good coaching he'll only get better.



02/23/2013 - If there is a concern with Fluker's athleticism it is that he has limited initial quickness and flexibility. Speed rushers will give him problems off the edge. In the running game, however, he is a brutal assignment for defenders as he consistently is able to control the edge with his extraordinary reach (36 3/8") and functional strength, including an explosive initial pop that simply doesn't translate well in the bench press, the only strength drill currently used at the combine.

As such, the relatively low 21 repetitions Fluker posted yesterday in the bench press won't harm his stock, either. Assuming teams are satisfied with his medical (he missed the Senior Bowl with a groin pull), Fluker is a rock-solid first round prospect. - Rob Rang, NFLDraftScout.com


WEAKNESSES: At his size, Fluker is strictly a right tackle or perhaps even a guard prospect as he hasn't demonstrated the agility or balance necessary to handle NFL speed rushers on a consistent basis.

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Totally agree, accepting Webb will improve dramatically is a big question mark. I think we have several question marks with Louis being healthy, Carmi taking a giant step forward after a terrible season.Also can Garza still play good enough as he is getting older. We all have opinions on this blog, many different looks at our problems, but the interesting thing is what do the new coaching staff think of all the incumbents we had play last year. I think if they want to get a LT in free agency they will find the money to do that, then that means they did not think much of Webb development. Maybe they see him at RT, if they bring back Scott, I read where they want him as the swing tackle. So the chances of getting a LT in the draft is slim, so I think what they do in FAgency will tell us everything. If they make an offer to a OT and fail to get him, it still tells us what they think of Webb and might have to settle for him due to money. If we go after a G in FAgency then that means they can live with Webb and will draft the BPA in the draft. If they draft Fluker, then he is our RT and Carmi is destined to play RG. If we resign Louis, means they think he will be healthy enough to play, and maybe Carmi moves to LG. A lot of different scenarios exist. It all starts in 9 days and everything will clear up.



You summed up things nicely on the FA front and what it means in terms of the coaching staff's priorities. I'm anxiously waiting to see what we do.

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Don't get me wrong, I like reading all the posts even the heated debates. Your passion for your thoughts is no different than BTs. Where would we be without Jason? I just wanted to add my thoughts.


I'm not against upgrading LT I just look at our financial position and all the needs we have. I view the most cost effective way to improve things short term is to go after the inside first. That is based on both FA options, cap space, and how the draft is likely to play out. If you go back a few weeks I was hopeful that Lane Johnson would fall to us and that was my 1st Rd pick. I don't see that happening now.


If we have a talent like Cooper available when we pick we should take him as best available fits need in a big way. In reading draft profiles, Fluker has a few concerns about his ability to pass protect at RT in NFL. His run blocking is not in doubt but IMO for that we have Carimi. Now if the staff views Fluker as an OG, as some teams might, then maybe. I like Fluker more if we can drop back a few spots and pick him up but if we went there at 20 it wouldn't be all bad just a bit early IMO. He is only a Junior so plenty of reason to think with good coaching he'll only get better.



02/23/2013 - If there is a concern with Fluker's athleticism it is that he has limited initial quickness and flexibility. Speed rushers will give him problems off the edge. In the running game, however, he is a brutal assignment for defenders as he consistently is able to control the edge with his extraordinary reach (36 3/8") and functional strength, including an explosive initial pop that simply doesn't translate well in the bench press, the only strength drill currently used at the combine.

As such, the relatively low 21 repetitions Fluker posted yesterday in the bench press won't harm his stock, either. Assuming teams are satisfied with his medical (he missed the Senior Bowl with a groin pull), Fluker is a rock-solid first round prospect. - Rob Rang, NFLDraftScout.com


WEAKNESSES: At his size, Fluker is strictly a right tackle or perhaps even a guard prospect as he hasn't demonstrated the agility or balance necessary to handle NFL speed rushers on a consistent basis.


Please continue to add your thoughts, you're probably one of the most well written posters on the board it seems. The intelligence behind it is a breath of fresh air here.


I agree with your thoughts on Fluker as well.


If he's the last of the top tier guys left you gotta think about taking him but I'd also have to think about going another direction here. If the staff thinks either Gabe or Fluker can improve their pass protection then he can be a good pick as you can slot one at RT and the other at OG.

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Please continue to add your thoughts, you're probably one of the most well written posters on the board it seems. The intelligence behind it is a breath of fresh air here.


I agree with your thoughts on Fluker as well.


If he's the last of the top tier guys left you gotta think about taking him but I'd also have to think about going another direction here. If the staff thinks either Gabe or Fluker can improve their pass protection then he can be a good pick as you can slot one at RT and the other at OG.

I thought you thought I was one of the better posters on here, keep in mind, I am real sensitive

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I thought you thought I was one of the better posters on here, keep in mind, I am real sensitive


I don't recall calling you that but my memory is not great, too many shots to the head. Your posts are fine, and fun sometimes, the grammar, spelling, and sentence structure is sometimes hard to take in though....But its just a message board and those things don't matter so you're all good. AZ is the more well rounded poster in that regard though...And he agrees with me making him 10x better =p


But lets not steer this away from football.

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I don't recall calling you that but my memory is not great, too many shots to the head. Your posts are fine, and fun sometimes, the grammar, spelling, and sentence structure is sometimes hard to take in though....But its just a message board and those things don't matter so you're all good. AZ is the more well rounded poster in that regard though...And he agrees with me making him 10x better =p


But lets not steer this away from football.

I was just kidding

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