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Interesting Draft Stats


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For the draftniks out there I thought this might be worth reading. The article breaks down performance trends versus draft position. For example, OTs drafted in slots 1-13 have the highest success rate of being a 5yr starter at 94%, and a bit surprising to me LB is right behind them at 90%. .



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For the draftniks out there I thought this might be worth reading. The article breaks down performance trends versus draft position. For example, OTs drafted in slots 1-13 have the highest success rate of being a 5yr starter at 94%, and a bit surprising to me LB is right behind them at 90%. .



Nice find. We've been talking about the low risk of going OL go for years. Good to see it confirmed with some solid metrics.

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Guest TerraTor
For the draftniks out there I thought this might be worth reading. The article breaks down performance trends versus draft position. For example, OTs drafted in slots 1-13 have the highest success rate of being a 5yr starter at 94%, and a bit surprising to me LB is right behind them at 90%. .




Funny Chris Williams was 14... Ha!!

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For the draftniks out there I thought this might be worth reading. The article breaks down performance trends versus draft position. For example, OTs drafted in slots 1-13 have the highest success rate of being a 5yr starter at 94%, and a bit surprising to me LB is right behind them at 90%. .




We've seen this on the board before. It just reaffirms the simple concept that draft OL after the first two rounds is a relatively risky proposition, and doing so in the first/second round is a relatively safe bet. I'd take the first round OL odds to Vegas any day.


But, no, let's keep picking up 7th rounders and UDFAs to protect Cutler and open holes for Forte. :shakehead

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