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Jon Bostic


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the NFL is more violent because of the speed, its a no brainier.


OK as a casual hockey fan the speed and physicality of this sport is brutal. There is more dental bills in Hockey than the NFL and they are more preemptive when it comes to head trauma than any other sport.

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Not gonna lie, that's actually pretty hilarious....Lol it doesn't help my argument to bring it up but there's a team in my league that every member is gay. There's actually a movie about them that was/is on netflix called Go Dragons Go....They're horrible (In my first 2 years we won 3 games, 2 of those were against the Dragons), but they're some tough sobs I'll give them that.




Uh, this is my forth year in rugby, I've been knocked out once and have seen, that I remember, 2 serious leg injuries and a shoulder injury. Multiple minor injuries that have forced players out of games....It's physical, and while these guys don't hit as hard as these freaks in the NFL, we don't have pads, the hits still hurt and can hurt you.


Look at some of these shots.



I'd much rather take a hit from Jon Bostic or Aldon Smith in full pads than anyone of these hits.

I would say most of the injuries were because you did not have any protective gear on. If the NFL played without helmets and pads, there would be a player hurt on every play. That is not the same case for Rugby. If they threw on some helmet and pads, you would rarely see an injury in Rugby.

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Besides the lovely califlower ear...


I would say most of the injuries were because you did not have any protective gear on. If the NFL played without helmets and pads, there would be a player hurt on every play. That is not the same case for Rugby. If they threw on some helmet and pads, you would rarely see an injury in Rugby.


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You either have the instincts and desire to hit people like that or you don't. It's not something you coach IMO. I prefer having a guy who can and will hit like that and then having to coach him to be a little more cautious than the player who won't tackle like that head on. That's what it takes to prevent the first down on 3rd/4th and short, or TD at the goal line.


Show that clip to Aaron Rodgers, Colin Kaepernick, Russell Wilson etc. and they will remember to look around when they try to run, that means take their eyes off the receivers, especially with that kind of closing speed. In the Seattle game it was clear Wilson wasn't worried about Urlacher catching him.

Yeah I bet those guys are shaking because of that hit by the Bears' rookie 2nd round pick.

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