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Webb trying to stay sober? This guy is a moron.


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Like I said in the other thread the bears have plenty of competition for him at RT. Scott, who some have said looked good at RT. Mills, who was projected to be a 3rd round pick and already thinks he's the starting RT. Carimi, who with Long being drafted should get the opportunity to compete outside unless the staff continues to believe he's strictly a OG. Long is well, a Long shot but if someone like Brown, Britton, or Carimi steps it up at OG with Slausson then he could get a look at RT. James Brown also played OT in college so he could get a look there as well.


There will be no handing out of any job I suspect. Webb in this article said something about the best 5 guys will get the starting spots and there's a ton of guys competing for those 5 spots.


Also to touch base on your other post....I defended his play after watching film, and I defended his choice to better himself...How is that defending everything he does. If I report comes out about him skipping the Special Olympics I will scold him for that....I already called him dumb for speeding with pot on him. I just don't think in today's society that pot use by athletes is that big a deal. If he was smoking right before the game then ya that's moronic but I HIGHLY doubt that's the case.


I'm sorry I have to agree with Jason not sorry for agreeing with Jason but sorry that your views are all screwed towards the use of pot in the NFL. Players are making millions to play this game have a internal responsibility to maintain a high level of control and discipline. As an ex-football player i didn't use the stuff or drink while I was playing therefor eliminating the process of get caught having it. How can you get a DUI, speeding ticket, murder charge and any other violation of the law when you are in the biggest spotlight in the world? How lack of judgement. My friend asked me if you had all the millions some of these players have what would you do? I told him i would buy a house with everything i needed in it. And if I went out i

clubbing I would be driven around and trying my best to protect my way of living!!!! No carrying guns, making it rain at the strip clubs, driving drunk, beating up women or men for that matter....just staying at home bring the party to my house.


These guys are products of their environments and once they leave from broke college students to making thousand to millions of dollars they to leave those old ways and habits alone......they are young and will have to learn the lesson the hard way

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And my point is that it does happen, players do smoke. If Webb was the only one ever to do it then yes I'll call him a moron. But since this isn't any kind of new development I won't hold it against him. He was a moron for speeding with that shit on him yes.


Here's a great Forbes article on athletes who smoke.




Notable names like Micheal Phelps, Kareem Abdul Jabaar, Charles Oakley, Rasheed Wallace, and2x super bowl winner Mark Stepnowski. Other names like Randy Moss and Warren Sapp, both HoFers, Percy Harvin, and Desean Jackson have all been linked to marijuana use


I know this doesn't matter with you old school cats but it is absolutely prevalent in todays game.


Here's another nice article about how yes, it's still illegal in the NFL but how it shouldn't be...Here's a good point in the article


In reality, weed wouldn’t turn NFL players into extras from Half-Baked. Players will use marijuana either to wind down after a game, as a healthier, less addictive alternative to alcohol, or as a way to manage their pain. This last point is particularly explosive for the NFL. Amidst lawsuits, suicides and documentaries, there is unprecedented attention being paid to the physical toll players have to endure, particularly concussion and brain injury. Medical marijuana is recommended by doctors for headaches, light-sensitivity, sleeplessness and loss of appetite—all of which happen to be symptoms associated with concussions. The idea that the league would deny a player their legal pain relief of choice seems barbaric. It’s their pain and their right to treat it however they see fit.





I'm done talking though cause there is no point in arguing this since this isn't stating fact or fiction but it's rather opinion so this could go on forever and it's not worth it.

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And my point is that it does happen, players do smoke. If Webb was the only one ever to do it then yes I'll call him a moron. But since this isn't any kind of new development I won't hold it against him. He was a moron for speeding with that shit on him yes.


Here's a great Forbes article on athletes who smoke.




Notable names like Micheal Phelps, Kareem Abdul Jabaar, Charles Oakley, Rasheed Wallace, and2x super bowl winner Mark Stepnowski. Other names like Randy Moss and Warren Sapp, both HoFers, Percy Harvin, and Desean Jackson have all been linked to marijuana use


I know this doesn't matter with you old school cats but it is absolutely prevalent in todays game.


Here's another nice article about how yes, it's still illegal in the NFL but how it shouldn't be...Here's a good point in the article







I'm done talking though cause there is no point in arguing this since this isn't stating fact or fiction but it's rather opinion so this could go on forever and it's not worth it.

Its illegal. There are consequences for it that are laid out very clearly to every body in the league. If every body smoked it in the league does that make it any better or lessen the consequences? Nope. Fact is it clouds your judgement and slows down your motor skills. That outs everyone else on that field at risk for your choice. I refuse to hang out with anyone unless they dump that crap. Ive seen what does. I don't want that around or my family. Maybe u think everyone in this world should all smoke it up. That thinking is extremely dangerous

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And my point is that it does happen, players do smoke. If Webb was the only one ever to do it then yes I'll call him a moron. But since this isn't any kind of new development I won't hold it against him. He was a moron for speeding with that shit on him yes.


Here's a great Forbes article on athletes who smoke.




Notable names like Micheal Phelps, Kareem Abdul Jabaar, Charles Oakley, Rasheed Wallace, and2x super bowl winner Mark Stepnowski. Other names like Randy Moss and Warren Sapp, both HoFers, Percy Harvin, and Desean Jackson have all been linked to marijuana use


I know this doesn't matter with you old school cats but it is absolutely prevalent in todays game.


Here's another nice article about how yes, it's still illegal in the NFL but how it shouldn't be...Here's a good point in the article







I'm done talking though cause there is no point in arguing this since this isn't stating fact or fiction but it's rather opinion so this could go on forever and it's not worth it.

Just because others do it and have bad judgement does not mean its ok. I look at teams differently then you, that is obvious. Players are role models, There is no argueing that. As role models they are held to a higher standard then others. It seems to me that this generation of fools are smoking themselves out of jobs. Example... IBM, seimens, Peoplesoft, Any of the truly high paying jobs all piss test for any drug use. It staying in your system for 30 days or more can create problems for employment. Seimens does a hair follicle test which can detect THC for 5 years. It not a matter of weather it should be legal or not, Its what it represents and companies as well a the NFL will not adhere to laws, because it shows non discipline attitudes of the individual.

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Just because others do it and have bad judgement does not mean its ok. I look at teams differently then you, that is obvious. Players are role models, There is no argueing that. As role models they are held to a higher standard then others. It seems to me that this generation of fools are smoking themselves out of jobs. Example... IBM, seimens, Peoplesoft, Any of the truly high paying jobs all piss test for any drug use. It staying in your system for 30 days or more can create problems for employment. Seimens does a hair follicle test which can detect THC for 5 years. It not a matter of weather it should be legal or not, Its what it represents and companies as well a the NFL will not adhere to laws, because it shows non discipline attitudes of the individual.


Some players do it because it helps them deal with pain in a more natural way then pain killers. Whether or not this is the case with Webb we don't know. If an athlete wants to smoke for those reasons behind closed doors then that's fine by me. Marijuana being illegal while booze isn't is ridiculous. I'm sorry, I'm a supporter for legalization. You can burn me all you want for that statement but nothing is gonna change that. I'm gonna try to restrain from commenting on this because I can go on forever.

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Some players do it because it helps them deal with pain in a more natural way then pain killers. Whether or not this is the case with Webb we don't know. If an athlete wants to smoke for those reasons behind closed doors then that's fine by me. Marijuana being illegal while booze isn't is ridiculous. I'm sorry, I'm a supporter for legalization. You can burn me all you want for that statement but nothing is gonna change that. I'm gonna try to restrain from commenting on this because I can go on forever.


It's like politics, minds won't be changed. Right now, however, marijuana is illegal. You and Webb don't like it? Go through legal channels to fight it. Until then, you shouldn't do it, particularly if you have a job where your physical and mental preparedness is directly related to the health of another person, not to mention the potential millions (billions?) your organization stands to gain should you perform well enough to actually help the team win a Super Bowl.

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I get your point, but it's not entirely true. I work int he entertainment industry. I have for both music and film. They do not drug test executives, and they make bank. I think the only potential drug tests would involve only those who use heavy machinery in production or on tour.


More and more companies do test, but not all. It's probably the exception that makes the rule.


Also having worked in property management, publishing, and electronics...never was there a test. Only when I temped at a utilities company did they test. My wife, for teaching, does get tested. I tend to think many govt. jobs do test from my understanding.


Any of the truly high paying jobs all piss test for any drug use.


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It's like politics, minds won't be changed. Right now, however, marijuana is illegal. You and Webb don't like it? Go through legal channels to fight it. Until then, you shouldn't do it, particularly if you have a job where your physical and mental preparedness is directly related to the health of another person, not to mention the potential millions (billions?) your organization stands to gain should you perform well enough to actually help the team win a Super Bowl.


There are plenty of people already fighting for it. Indiana was 1 vote away from legalizing it last year and there's a good chance it gets passed this year. Chicago has already made it less of a crime. Yes, it's illegal now and the estimated 1.4 million people that do it in the US shouldn't be doing it, I get that..But we do...Within the next couple years I can totally see it legal everywhere. It's already legal in 18 states and pending legislation in 10 more.


I don't wanna make this a filibuster thread or anything because this is a strictly football message board so I don't wanna bring politics into it. I'm gonna once again TRY to stay out of this thread so it doesn't go on forever.

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In my line of work we test and can be tested at anytime someone so chooses. I was once tested 3 times in 6 weeks. In my line of work 1 failed test and your done and more likely have an extremely difficult time getting a job in this industry. Same goes for alcohol. They can make it legal in all 50 States and I guarantee the NFL won't change there policy. It will always be up to the discretion of companies weather or not they allow it. Nothing political about it

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Here's something that's sure to give you guys a laugh...


Bears RT J'Marcus Webb has sobered up since his February arrest for marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

Webb has "taken the time to get sober and to remain sober," and expects sobriety to "definitely help me on the field and off." Still only 24 years old -- he turns 25 in August -- Webb is entering a contract year. The Bears anticipate Webb's top-end tools translating to strong pass protection at right tackle.

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Here's something that's sure to give you guys a laugh...


Bears RT J'Marcus Webb has sobered up since his February arrest for marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

Webb has "taken the time to get sober and to remain sober," and expects sobriety to "definitely help me on the field and off." Still only 24 years old -- he turns 25 in August -- Webb is entering a contract year. The Bears anticipate Webb's top-end tools translating to strong pass protection at right tackle.


In other news, professional sports teams piss on fans and put out reports of rain. This is nothing new. What are they supposed to say?


The Chicago Bears officially report that they think Jamarcus Webb will suck, just like the rest of the time he's been in a Chicago Bears uniform. They hope to use him as a swing tackle at best, and hope he doesn't have a drug relapse that costs them Jay Cutler for the year.

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Indiana was 1 vote away from legalizing it last year and there's a good chance it gets passed this year..


I think this may be a false statement. Indiana has legislature to decriminalize pot, but it still would be against the law. Please provide link to the referendum you are referring to, as I am interested due to living in Indiana.

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I could have sworn I read something about it in the past but I look to be wrong...There are articles out there like the following...


http://www.whas11.com/news/local/Indiana-s...-178517661.html (Senator supports it)




http://wfpl.org/post/indiana-state-police-...ize-and-tax-pot (Police chief supports it)


make me believe it will be legal in a year or 2...(yes until then it will still be illegal, I understand that)



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I'm sorry, your last line, regardless of what one thinks of this whole topic, is comedy!


In other news, professional sports teams piss on fans and put out reports of rain. This is nothing new. What are they supposed to say?


The Chicago Bears officially report that they think Jamarcus Webb will suck, just like the rest of the time he's been in a Chicago Bears uniform. They hope to use him as a swing tackle at best, and hope he doesn't have a drug relapse that costs them Jay Cutler for the year.


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