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Jim Harbaugh on Trestman


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I've seen all the quotes from Steve Young, Gannon, and others about how great a role Trestman played in their development. Those were all good to hear in terms of QB development. But this quote from Jim Harbaugh really gives me a good feeling we have the right coach.




San Francisco 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh said Friday that new Chicago Bears coach Marc Trestman "taught me everything" when they were on the Oakland Raiders coaching staff, and he still uses many of Trestman's techniques.


"Everything wouldn't be an overstatement," Harbaugh said Friday on "The Waddle & Silvy Show" on ESPN Chicago 1000. "We use his system still of calling plays and the way he taught us those concepts and techniques. I've used (those) since I coached with the Raiders, the University of San Diego, Stanford and the 49ers.



Those who've been here on the board for years might recall that I was very high on Jim Harbaugh early in his career at Stanford. I actually wanted him as our next coach when Lovie was fired (we waited too long). I saw a coach who managed to take a bad team with less talent and athletic ability and get them competitive in the Pac 12 very quickly. From there it just got better.

Looking at how much success he has had turning around the 49ers and keeping them at the top last year just backs it up.


To hear Harbaugh give that much credit on his coaching ability to Trestman, and that to this day most of what he does is based off what learned from him gives me reason to be very optimistic that our offense will finally turn the corner. As far as the defense, I like what I hear from Mel Tucker so far, but I think we'll always need a defensive guru as our DC. Hopefully Trestman got this hire right the first time. How many OCs did Lovie hire/fire?.


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I've seen all the quotes from Steve Young, Gannon, and others about how great a role Trestman played in their development. Those were all good to hear in terms of QB development. But this quote from Jim Harbaugh really gives me a good feeling we have the right coach.




San Francisco 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh said Friday that new Chicago Bears coach Marc Trestman "taught me everything" when they were on the Oakland Raiders coaching staff, and he still uses many of Trestman's techniques.


"Everything wouldn't be an overstatement," Harbaugh said Friday on "The Waddle & Silvy Show" on ESPN Chicago 1000. "We use his system still of calling plays and the way he taught us those concepts and techniques. I've used (those) since I coached with the Raiders, the University of San Diego, Stanford and the 49ers.



Those who've been here on the board for years might recall that I was very high on Jim Harbaugh early in his career at Stanford. I actually wanted him as our next coach when Lovie was fired (we waited too long). I saw a coach who managed to take a bad team with less talent and athletic ability and get them competitive in the Pac 12 very quickly. From there it just got better.

Looking at how much success he has had turning around the 49ers and keeping them at the top last year just backs it up.


To hear Harbaugh give that much credit on his coaching ability to Trestman, and that to this day most of what he does is based off what learned from him gives me reason to be very optimistic that our offense will finally turn the corner. As far as the defense, I like what I hear from Mel Tucker so far, but I think we'll always need a defensive guru as our DC. Hopefully Trestman got this hire right the first time. How many OCs did Lovie hire/fire?.


You sure had it right on Harbaugh, he has really turned out to be an excellent coach.


His words bode well for us, how I would love to see the Bears come out this year with an up to date Offence with the nasty Defence along to make for a great team!

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"Everything wouldn't be an overstatement,"


Wow. That is an amazingly complimentary statement from probably the best young coach in the pros. How can that not make Bear fans feel good? :D


I loved the Trestman pick from the get go. He was who i wanted as soon as I read up on him. I do wonder if it has been to long and the NFL passed him by now. Cutler has been a starting QB so long I wonder if he will be too head strong and conflict. There are questions at the receiving options and he has a passing system. Then, was the line improved enough to be adequate. When Bablich and Lovie respectively, tried to call plays on the defense it was horrible. They were also bad when Urlacher didn't play. The big changes there I hope they can overcome. Trestman has a full plate.


If he fails this year, I will give him time because the cards re stacked against him. The schedule isn't too lenient either. I expect a drastic upgrade from last year but not a world beater his first year. It shouldn't be too hard to accomplish.

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I dont' have many concerns with Cutler, the guy wants to win and will do whatever he needs to do to make that happen, there's been no indication whatsoever that there's been friction between Jay and Trestman. Quite the opposite actually they seem to be getting along well, and working together well. One of the bright sides of Jay having so much change in his OC's over the years I think it's made him more adaptable and it also allows Trestman and Jay to use a wider variety of things that worked in the various different systems. I don't think Jay is stubborn and set in his ways... he's not played in any one system long enough to be set in his ways. He's in the last year of his contract and a good season earns him a new one.

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