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After #89, Bears to retire retiring numbers...


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You almost have to eventually, but then the quesiton is, what do you do to honor the guys like Urlacher who gave their careers to the team?

I don't think you need to retire numbers unless the guy was the best at his position in a certain era. If they are a HoFer like Urlacher, we just need a ring or hall of honor and maybe a statue.

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I think we discussed this a long time ago once before. The idea I heard and subsequently posted about was having rookies wear the "retired" numbers. Whatever # these college kids had before, they know that upon joining the NFL, its bigger than just them. And they'll also know that upon hitting their 2nd season (or maybe 3rd, however you want to do it), they'll have to give that number up. The end effect is that those numbers get paraded around every season rather than just hung on a wall and forgotten, and with the exception of the rare high first-round draft pick, there's no worry of the rooks overshadowing the history behind the numbers. It'll give the new guys something more tangible to relate to in terms of respecting the teams' history too.


But even if they don't implement something radical like that, I'm fine with ending the # retirement thing.

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