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Well now the battle is on with the O-line


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  CrackerDog said:
I shot down SCS earlier in this thread so I think it's only fair that I say, IMO, Jason and Bowlingtwig are full of shit on this issue. The actual quote is:


The only way someone beats out Webb is if Webb falls on his face in camp.


To me that means there's a competition but Pompeii believes Webb has them all bested on talent. Nowhere does Pompeii say Webb is being handed the job. I'd say shorthand for what he's saying is "It's his job to lose because nobody else on the team looks to be better."


And that's how I feel Tice and Lovie evaluated the situation too. I don't believe he ever got a job handed to him. I think the former staff looked at the same things Pompeii is seeing and said "He's got what it takes and we need to establish some continuity in the line ASAP so we're going to name him the starter." The failing was not having someone better because Webb sucked donkey balls. But I don't believe for a second that Lovie or Tice thought they had a better answer on the team and ignored it. It isn't logical.


But then again, most of the childish arguments here have little logic in them. Carry on ladies.


Full of shit? I prefer interpretation.


The implication of "falls on his face" is that Webb would have to screw up royally to even have a shot of losing his job. That, plus the fact that it's difficult to screw up royally in practice against your own team, one that is obviously not going to play 100% as if it were a real opponent, pretty much means he's being handed the job without legitimate competition. He'd either have to pee on Trestman's shoes or one of the other players would have to turn into Forrest Gregg or Willie Roaf for Webb not to be the starter.


As for the Lovie & Tice comments, the key word you used was "thought." They "thought" they didn't have anyone better. And those "thoughts" are shaped by perceptions, allegiances, friendships, appreciation, etc. There is no doubt that they, especially Tice, had a connection of some sort to Webb, and it probably had a little bit to do with shaping their opinions on the matter. Before you question whether or not their opinions on the matter are above reproach, check the Bears website to confirm their employment status with the team, and then go check out offensive statistics for the team, specifically plays that involved Webb. Even by the most complimentary of statistics at PFF, which have numerous flaws, Webb is just below average. They "thought" they were starting the best guy for the job, but given that their offense stunk, Webb's best advocate can only really call him average, and both the coaches were fired, and the fact that they trotted out garbage OLines for multiple years, I'd say their "thoughts" on player evaluation are very easy to question.

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  jason said:
There is no doubt that they, especially Tice, had a connection of some sort to Webb, and it probably had a little bit to do with shaping their opinions on the matter.


Pure conjecture on your part. The rest of your post is a giant straw man argument. I never once said Webb was anything but shitty. Unfortunately, the Bears didn't have someone better or he would've started. That's my opinion. Your opinion about other options means less to me than that of Lovie's. Despite the fact that he was fired, you've never even been hired. In fact, if there was a list of guys the Bears were considering for personnel jobs with millions and millions of names on the list, you wouldn't be on the list. Get over yourself.

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  CrackerDog said:
I shot down SCS earlier in this thread so I think it's only fair that I say, IMO, Jason and Bowlingtwig are full of shit on this issue. The actual quote is:


The only way someone beats out Webb is if Webb falls on his face in camp.


To me that means there's a competition but Pompeii believes Webb has them all bested on talent. Nowhere does Pompeii say Webb is being handed the job. I'd say shorthand for what he's saying is "It's his job to lose because nobody else on the team looks to be better."


And that's how I feel Tice and Lovie evaluated the situation too. I don't believe he ever got a job handed to him. I think the former staff looked at the same things Pompeii is seeing and said "He's got what it takes and we need to establish some continuity in the line ASAP so we're going to name him the starter." The failing was not having someone better because Webb sucked donkey balls. But I don't believe for a second that Lovie or Tice thought they had a better answer on the team and ignored it. It isn't logical.


But then again, most of the childish arguments here have little logic in them. Carry on ladies.

So twice and lovie "thought" after 2010 season in which we saw Webb get beat down so bad it made us cringe watching him play at RT. So they "thought" based on that he was the besy man to protect a franchise QBs blindside. If that's there "thought" and your "thought". Then question the intelligence going on here. No way in hell do make that assumption after 2010. Then after what we witnessed in 2011 with Webb there "thought" was he's the best man going forward? Are u an SCS smoking to much or did u not watch those games. I do admit Webb improved lastyear but let's be honest here. When your rated as the worst LT in the game its hard not to go up and even then he still wasn't good. Now I personally think that Webb could be the best guy for the job but if Scott outpermorms Webb in preseason and Webb is still starting I will be extremely upset with this staff

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  CrackerDog said:
Pure conjecture on your part. The rest of your post is a giant straw man argument. I never once said Webb was anything but shitty. Unfortunately, the Bears didn't have someone better or he would've started. That's my opinion. Your opinion about other options means less to me than that of Lovie's. Despite the fact that he was fired, you've never even been hired. In fact, if there was a list of guys the Bears were considering for personnel jobs with millions and millions of names on the list, you wouldn't be on the list. Get over yourself.

U wouldn't be on that last either so what makes your "opinion" right and our "opinion" completely false. Just because lovie and tice thought that? If so u have way to much trust for ppl u don't know

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  bowlingtwig said:
So twice and lovie "thought" after 2010 season in which we saw Webb get beat down so bad it made us cringe watching him play at RT. So they "thought" based on that he was the besy man to protect a franchise QBs blindside. If that's there "thought" and your "thought". Then question the intelligence going on here. No way in hell do make that assumption after 2010. Then after what we witnessed in 2011 with Webb there "thought" was he's the best man going forward? Are u an SCS smoking to much or did u not watch those games. I do admit Webb improved lastyear but let's be honest here. When your rated as the worst LT in the game its hard not to go up and even then he still wasn't good. Now I personally think that Webb could be the best guy for the job but if Scott outpermorms Webb in preseason and Webb is still starting I will be extremely upset with this staff


Easy killer, I never once said Webb was good. And now even you're saying Webb could be the best guy for the job this year which I certainly hope isn't the case unless his maturity and "finding Jesus" or whatever makes that big of a difference.


Yes, they absolutely thought (no repetitive quotes are necessary) he was the best option or he wouldn't have been out there. Period. Lovie was protecting his job so there's no reason to say "Webb sucks and Player X is better but I really like Webb's ass so I'm going to put him out there despite his lack of talent so I can watch him run around in tight pants." No, the problem was that the Bears GM's didn't draft better players for the O Line who could beat Webb out. The real tragedy is we're still digging out of that hole because even after three years of poor to average performance, he might end up being our best option again THIS SEASON. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. If Webb plays this year, he beat out all other options. We're in agreement that we hope that isn't the case unless Webb steps up significantly.

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  bowlingtwig said:
U wouldn't be on that last either so what makes your "opinion" right and our "opinion" completely false. Just because lovie and tice thought that? If so u have way to much trust for ppl u don't know


Fact is I never said my name belongs on the list whereas Jason honestly believes he could do better than at least 80% of the personnel guys and coaches out there today. So you're bringing me into this portion of the argument is moot.

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  CrackerDog said:
Fact is I never said my name belongs on the list whereas Jason honestly believes he could do better than at least 80% of the personnel guys and coaches out there today. So you're bringing me into this portion of the argument is moot.

But Jason is absolutely right about that article which u just want to overlook. Its based on your interpretation of what the guy said. I haven't seen a true competition that Webb has had to battle yet so how do we know for a fact Webb was best man for the job. Dude was a complete joke and overmatched a RT and lovie smd tice reward him by giving him LT job before preseason games even started

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  bowlingtwig said:
But Jason is absolutely right about that article which u just want to overlook. Its based on your interpretation of what the guy said. I haven't seen a true competition that Webb has had to battle yet so how do we know for a fact Webb was best man for the job. Dude was a complete joke and overmatched a RT and lovie smd tice reward him by giving him LT job before preseason games even started


Your understanding of the Pompeii article is nothing more than that, your interpretation. In fact, you're reading into it based on your own bias. All I'm doing is looking at what the man said literally. He never says Webb is being handed the job, that's you and Jason.


And stop talking about Webb like I'm defending the guy. He's sucked. Maybe if you actually read my comments before hitting the reply button this would be a better discussion.


PS. If you honestly think TWO coaching staffs in a row are giving Webb the starting job despite their observations, you're both delusional.

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  jason said:
Full of shit? I prefer interpretation.


The implication of "falls on his face" is that Webb would have to screw up royally to even have a shot of losing his job. That, plus the fact that it's difficult to screw up royally in practice against your own team, one that is obviously not going to play 100% as if it were a real opponent, pretty much means he's being handed the job without legitimate competition. He'd either have to pee on Trestman's shoes or one of the other players would have to turn into Forrest Gregg or Willie Roaf for Webb not to be the starter.


As for the Lovie & Tice comments, the key word you used was "thought." They "thought" they didn't have anyone better. And those "thoughts" are shaped by perceptions, allegiances, friendships, appreciation, etc. There is no doubt that they, especially Tice, had a connection of some sort to Webb, and it probably had a little bit to do with shaping their opinions on the matter. Before you question whether or not their opinions on the matter are above reproach, check the Bears website to confirm their employment status with the team, and then go check out offensive statistics for the team, specifically plays that involved Webb. Even by the most complimentary of statistics at PFF, which have numerous flaws, Webb is just below average. They "thought" they were starting the best guy for the job, but given that their offense stunk, Webb's best advocate can only really call him average, and both the coaches were fired, and the fact that they trotted out garbage OLines for multiple years, I'd say their "thoughts" on player evaluation are very easy to question.



Ok even if the whole Tice/Webb connection is true....What theory do you have now?


There is just no valid argument anymore.....The only thing you can throw out there is "well this staff must suck too" or "our player evaluation is still highly questionable" .....is that where we're going already? Months before the season has even started?


Damn this staff for being liars


"There's going to be competition," Trestman said. "I don't think we bring in anyone who doesn't expect to have to compete on a daily basis, not only for a position on our offensive line but a place on our football team. Nobody's going to be entitled to anything. Everybody's got to earn the right to play, and that starts from Day 1."


"Isn't competition wonderful?" Emery said. "Competition makes you better, and that's what we're excited about. We feel very good about the people that we've added and we feel very good about the kind of responses we'll get from the veteran players and, man, are we excited about the competition that that's going to create."

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  scs787 said:
Ok even if the whole Tice/Webb connection is true....What theory do you have now?


There is just no valid argument anymore.....The only thing you can throw out there is "well this staff must suck too" or "our player evaluation is still highly questionable" .....is that where we're going already? Months before the season has even started?


Damn this staff for being liars

Only 1 thing is gonna stop this conversation and u know it. Showing us that there is indeed a true competition going on instead of what some coaches have said. Coaching staffs have lied to media before and we all know it. Nobody here knows how this staff will be when it comes to answering questions. A ton of coaches always tell us what we want to hear instead of what the actual truth is

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  CrackerDog said:
Your understanding of the Pompeii article is nothing more than that, your interpretation. In fact, you're reading into it based on your own bias. All I'm doing is looking at what the man said literally. He never says Webb is being handed the job, that's you and Jason.


And stop talking about Webb like I'm defending the guy. He's sucked. Maybe if you actually read my comments before hitting the reply button this would be a better discussion.


PS. If you honestly think TWO coaching staffs in a row are giving Webb the starting job despite their observations, you're both delusional.

Even your using your interpretation but your to blind to see it. If you want to go solely off what he said without reading anything into then that would mean that Webb would literally have to fall flat on his face in order to lose job. So I guess that's what we should look for during camp. And if that truly happens I vote to kick him off team completely. I'm taking your advice and only going by exactly what dude said.

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  bowlingtwig said:
Only 1 thing is gonna stop this conversation and u know it. Showing us that there is indeed a true competition going on instead of what some coaches have said. Coaching staffs have lied to media before and we all know it. Nobody here knows how this staff will be when it comes to answering questions. A ton of coaches always tell us what we want to hear instead of what the actual truth is


So what more do you want as proof? If the staff lied about there being competition and they are just giving Webb the job then this staff is already awful. We all know I'm a Webb fan but I want him to earn it just as much as you guys do.


Like Cracker said, you're delusional if you think they're showing Webb any kind of favoritism. There is no plausible reason for them to do so.

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  scs787 said:
So what more do you want as proof? If the staff lied about there being competition and they are just giving Webb the job then this staff is already awful. We all know I'm a Webb fan but I want him to earn it just as much as you guys do.


Like Cracker said, you're delusional if you think they're showing Webb any kind of favoritism. There is no plausible reason for them to do so.

Dude did I not flipping read before commenting. I said I want the staff to show us that there is a competition instead of just telling us there is.

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  bowlingtwig said:
Dude did I not flipping read before commenting. I said I want the staff to show us that there is a competition instead of just telling us there is.



Yup I read it and thats what I meant by what more do you want as proof? How are they gonna show you other than theyre own words???? Why don't you go to camp to see for yourself

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  scs787 said:
Yup I read it and thats what I meant by what more do you want as proof? How are they gonna show you other than theyre own words???? Why don't you go to camp to see for yourself

I swear I gotta spell shit for u. For starters don't name a starter at RT before at least 1 per season game has been played. 2. Let's see more than just Webb getting 1st team reps. 3. I'll go to camp when u pay my bills and u can convince my boss to hive me days off. Good luck telling my boss I need time off when I can barely get time off for the birth of my upcoming child lol. Hell I spend my time on east coast than I do in IL

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  bowlingtwig said:
I swear I gotta spell shit for u. For starters don't name a starter at RT before at least 1 per season game has been played. 2. Let's see more than just Webb getting 1st team reps. 3. I'll go to camp when u pay my bills and u can convince my boss to hive me days off. Good luck telling my boss I need time off when I can barely get time off for the birth of my upcoming child lol. Hell I spend my time on east coast than I do in IL

Who on the team has named a starter?

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  bowlingtwig said:
I swear I gotta spell shit for u. For starters don't name a starter at RT before at least 1 per season game has been played. 2. Let's see more than just Webb getting 1st team reps. 3. I'll go to camp when u pay my bills and u can convince my boss to hive me days off. Good luck telling my boss I need time off when I can barely get time off for the birth of my upcoming child lol. Hell I spend my time on east coast than I do in IL


So you're gonna take your skewed opinion of what Dan Pompei said as them naming Webb the starter before 1 preseason game? Yet you wont take Trestman or Emerys (and I'm pretty sure Kromer has said the same thing as well) word that they're having competitions along the line? Where have you heard that Scott or mills isn't getting reps with the first team?



I'm sorry but as much as I think Webb can grow as a player in a better situation, I just don't think this staff will hand him anything.

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  bowlingtwig said:
But Jason is absolutely right about that article which u just want to overlook. Its based on your interpretation of what the guy said. I haven't seen a true competition that Webb has had to battle yet so how do we know for a fact Webb was best man for the job. Dude was a complete joke and overmatched a RT and lovie smd tice reward him by giving him LT job before preseason games even started

You are the only one that thinks Jason is right.

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  bowlingtwig said:
I swear I gotta spell shit for u. For starters don't name a starter at RT before at least 1 per season game has been played. 2. Let's see more than just Webb getting 1st team reps. 3. I'll go to camp when u pay my bills and u can convince my boss to hive me days off. Good luck telling my boss I need time off when I can barely get time off for the birth of my upcoming child lol. Hell I spend my time on east coast than I do in IL

No starter has bee named. If anyone takes reps at RT with Cutler under center, there is competition.

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  scs787 said:
So you're gonna take your skewed opinion of what Dan Pompei said as them naming Webb the starter before 1 preseason game? Yet you wont take Trestman or Emerys (and I'm pretty sure Kromer has said the same thing as well) word that they're having competitions along the line? Where have you heard that Scott or mills isn't getting reps with the first team?



I'm sorry but as much as I think Webb can grow as a player in a better situation, I just don't think this staff will hand him anything.

I'm not taking anyone's word. I hope Pompeii is wrong. Simply put I want yo see a competition on the god damn. Is that so damn hard for u to comprehend. I dont want to see so and so says it is therefore it must be true. Let's see actions. I don't fully trust this staff because simply that haven't earned that blind trust yet. I also don't fully trust any media member either.

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  Mongo3451 said:
No starter has bee named. If anyone takes reps at RT with Cutler under center, there is competition.

Which is all I'm f'n asking for. Competition. Not thru stupid words. I've also never once said a starter has been named but y'all can continue to twist words all u want. I want a true on the field competition. Simply put. If y'all can't understand that then get some help

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  bowlingtwig said:
Which is all I'm f'n asking for. Competition. Not thru stupid words. I've also never once said a starter has been named but y'all can continue to twist words all u want. I want a true on the field competition. Simply put. If y'all can't understand that then get some help



And take a page out of your book with the Pompei quote?



Get off your high horse with that last comment dude. We understand that you want competition. Everyone else wants the same thing. The difference here is you are taking skewed words, of an opinion, from the media, and most everyone else is saying it makes literally no sense for there not to be a comp going on.


We all want the same thing lets move on.

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  scs787 said:
And take a page out of your book with the Pompei quote?



Get off your high horse with that last comment dude. We understand that you want competition. Everyone else wants the same thing. The difference here is you are taking skewed words, of an opinion, from the media, and most everyone else is saying it makes literally no sense for there not to be a comp going on.


We all want the same thing lets move on.

I think there always competition for every job, but there is expectations for the RT position to be Webb's. Maybe it is just a way to boost his confidence. If he looks bad, it wont be his job.They set up people behind him to fall back on. There is no competition for Cutlers job,Marshall, ect. But if they fail we just dont have anyone to take there place, but with marginial players they have people in place.They welcomed Carmi back to camp and then traded him, everything can not be taken directly, kinda of have to look at the situation for each player.

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