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Bostic fined 21k for hit


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CHICAGO – Chicago Bears rookie middle linebacker Jon Bostic is apparently lighter in the wallet after the crushing preseason hit he put on San Diego Chargers wide receiver Mike Willie last week at Soldier Field.


Bears' starting weakside linebacker Lance Briggs tweeted on Wednesday morning from his Twitter account (@LanceBriggs), “Shaking my head moment. NFL fines Jon Bostic 21K for his clean hit against the Chargers.”


Briggs went on to Tweet, “Bostic's s hit illegal. Hit on Dustin Keller. Legal.”


Keller, a tight end for the Miami Dolphins, suffered a season-ending knee injury in the preseason on a low tackle by Houston Texans safety D.J. Swearinger. The hit is legal by NFL standards.


Bostic’s targeted Willie’s chest region on a short pass to the right on the third play of the third quarter that was ruled incomplete last week in the Bears’ 33-28 victory over the Chargers. Bostic was not flagged on the play.


The rookie out of Florida is scheduled to earn a $405,000 base salary in 2013 in addition to a $1,246,036 signing bonus. He can appeal the fine.


Bostic has been working as the Bears’ No. 1 middle linebacker since veteran D.J. Williams suffered a calf injury at the beginning of training camp.

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CHICAGO – Chicago Bears rookie middle linebacker Jon Bostic is apparently lighter in the wallet after the crushing preseason hit he put on San Diego Chargers wide receiver Mike Willie last week at Soldier Field.


Bears' starting weakside linebacker Lance Briggs tweeted on Wednesday morning from his Twitter account (@LanceBriggs), “Shaking my head moment. NFL fines Jon Bostic 21K for his clean hit against the Chargers.”


Briggs went on to Tweet, “Bostic's s hit illegal. Hit on Dustin Keller. Legal.”


Keller, a tight end for the Miami Dolphins, suffered a season-ending knee injury in the preseason on a low tackle by Houston Texans safety D.J. Swearinger. The hit is legal by NFL standards.


Bostic’s targeted Willie’s chest region on a short pass to the right on the third play of the third quarter that was ruled incomplete last week in the Bears’ 33-28 victory over the Chargers. Bostic was not flagged on the play.


The rookie out of Florida is scheduled to earn a $405,000 base salary in 2013 in addition to a $1,246,036 signing bonus. He can appeal the fine.


Bostic has been working as the Bears’ No. 1 middle linebacker since veteran D.J. Williams suffered a calf injury at the beginning of training camp.


Briggs would make for a decent defense attorney. Comparing Bostic's hit to how Keller was injured was a good illustration of how the guys are having to think about their tackles more. To avoid the 'fine induced' upper body hits, instead they target for the legs/feet. Thus risking injuries similar to what Keller suffered.


Bostic's hit was about as legal as they come. Way to stick up for him Lance.


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Briggs would make for a decent defense attorney. Comparing Bostic's hit to how Keller was injured was a good illustration of how the guys are having to think about their tackles more. To avoid the 'fine induced' upper body hits, instead they target for the legs/feet. Thus risking injuries similar to what Keller suffered.


Bostic's hit was about as legal as they come. Way to stick up for him Lance.


I may have to sell my season tickets before roger Goodell turns this game into flag football and my PSL is worth nothing.



I don't get it. All these players know what the risks are to playing football. I played, career was ended by an injury. Even tho I have problems now and know its going to get worse as I get older I wouldn't trade it for the world. Playing football in college and highschool is one of the best parts of my life.,if I could have made the NFL I would have played knowing the risk of injury.


I blame the older players filing all these lawsuits. They see how big the money is now and feel they are entitled to a cut.

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Funny how the NFL's website calls it a "tremendous" hit while then turning around and fining him. I'm so sick of this commish


Couldn't agree with you more and the rest of the responses here. I posted in the thread about Bostic's hit that I was worried they'd fine him. It's not clear if the two helmets hit together to me but I think the rule is that since he led with his shoulder the hit was legal, regardless.


I hope he appeals it and wins. This is bullshit.

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Couldn't agree with you more and the rest of the responses here. I posted in the thread about Bostic's hit that I was worried they'd fine him. It's not clear if the two helmets hit together to me but I think the rule is that since he led with his shoulder the hit was legal, regardless.


I hope he appeals it and wins. This is bullshit.

He should appeal it and bring up what's on NFL website but problem is he appeals to the person that fined him.

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Funny how the NFL's website calls it a "tremendous" hit while then turning around and fining him. I'm so sick of this commish


Got to make money of their players. Now they it both ways. Sell the savagery and fine the player for it to cover their arses. Wow. Greed has no bounds.


Peace :dabears

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Couldn't agree with you more and the rest of the responses here. I posted in the thread about Bostic's hit that I was worried they'd fine him. It's not clear if the two helmets hit together to me but I think the rule is that since he led with his shoulder the hit was legal, regardless.


I hope he appeals it and wins. This is bullshit.

If there's one problem with Bostic's tackle form, when you check the video you can see that at the last second he ducks his head towards the ground, so that the top of his helmet is facing the target. IMO, that's the problem if there is one. You have to keep your facemask up and pointed at the player if you're going to hit him hard, that way you're not using the crown of the helmet to enhance the impact. If your eyes are on the defender where you're hitting him the whole time, it should be a legal hit, and Bostics facemask lowered to the ground just before impact.

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If there's one problem with Bostic's tackle form, when you check the video you can see that at the last second he ducks his head towards the ground, so that the top of his helmet is facing the target. IMO, that's the problem if there is one. You have to keep your facemask up and pointed at the player if you're going to hit him hard, that way you're not using the crown of the helmet to enhance the impact. If your eyes are on the defender where you're hitting him the whole time, it should be a legal hit, and Bostics facemask lowered to the ground just before impact.



I tend to agree. How could they of fined him if he had gone in with his head up. Hell they are making a whole ad camp. about it. Heads up football.

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I tend to agree. How could they of fined him if he had gone in with his head up. Hell they are making a whole ad camp. about it. Heads up football.


I agree. From the overhead angle it just looked like a really square hit. But that's because the offensive player's body shields Bostic from the camera's view for that split second as he ducked his head.


The side view slow motion clearly shows he led with his head, and that's a fine-able offense.


I still like the toughness it showed, and I am so excited to see Bostic and Long doing well. Mills is just icing, fantastic. Imagine if we can consistently get players and coach them? We'd be like a real football team.

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Here's something from PFT on that...




Just heard on ESPN that he'll appear and at most he'llonly be fined like $6K. Apparently with the CBA, they can only fine players a max of 25% of their weekly salary for this particular fine.
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If there's one problem with Bostic's tackle form, when you check the video you can see that at the last second he ducks his head towards the ground, so that the top of his helmet is facing the target. IMO, that's the problem if there is one. You have to keep your facemask up and pointed at the player if you're going to hit him hard, that way you're not using the crown of the helmet to enhance the impact. If your eyes are on the defender where you're hitting him the whole time, it should be a legal hit, and Bostics facemask lowered to the ground just before impact.


The problem is technology. The 'tradition' of football is slowly being degraded because of miniscule observations by the 'armchair QB's'. As Chitown pointed out there is some blame to the older players too, but not as much IMHO. Ever since the evolution of Instant Replay a play can be determined by a blade of grass being white or green (when determining someone out of bounds or not). And in this case we can sit and look at a play frame by frame and in an instant determine the legitamacy of a hit where the player has less than a heartbeat to make that same choice. Not only do we over evaluate things like this, we find ourselves adding more time (for the game to be played) and more layers of rules into the game. I'm all for safety but like Chitown also added, they know what they are getting into when they join. They are paid handsomely for it...let them play.


Its times like this I miss Art Donovan.



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Classic case of the NFL covering their asses from the lawsuit on a hit that was actually about as picture perfect as it gets. First of all, the guy wasn't defenseless. He had clearly taken 2 steps and made a football move before he was blown up.


Meanwhile, the NFL will continue to trick parents and kids into believing that football is a safe sport, and players will continue to be forced to go low and ruin careers by blowing out knees instead.

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The problem is technology. The 'tradition' of football is slowly being degraded because of miniscule observations by the 'armchair QB's'. As Chitown pointed out there is some blame to the older players too, but not as much IMHO. Ever since the evolution of Instant Replay a play can be determined by a blade of grass being white or green (when determining someone out of bounds or not). And in this case we can sit and look at a play frame by frame and in an instant determine the legitamacy of a hit where the player has less than a heartbeat to make that same choice. Not only do we over evaluate things like this, we find ourselves adding more time (for the game to be played) and more layers of rules into the game. I'm all for safety but like Chitown also added, they know what they are getting into when they join. They are paid handsomely for it...let them play.


Its times like this I miss Art Donovan.


The part in bold here is the heart of the issue here. Every moment broken down and taken out of context under a microscope. They take a moment, a hit, a tackle, a play, whatever and use that footage how ever it suits them in the moment. One moment they are glorifying it and the next they use it to punish the player. Badell wants to have it both ways, make money off the hits, then fine the players who make the hit in the name of "player safety" Taking something that in reality happens in a split second and analyzing it to death from a distance.

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All most all of the salary is paid each week of the season. I'm

Pretty sure the fine won't be paid until the season starts


Understood. But my point is he's getting fined for a game that doesn't count and he's forced to participate in and then they hit him with a fine of like 20 times what he's paid to play in that game. It's ridiculous. And on a hit that, while violent, sure looked legal to me.

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Understood. But my point is he's getting fined for a game that doesn't count and he's forced to participate in and then they hit him with a fine of like 20 times what he's paid to play in that game. It's ridiculous. And on a hit that, while violent, sure looked legal to me.

Agreed. NFL corporate has become a bunch of hypocritical money whores. Exploit the hit and extort the hitter. I think if you lay a fine out on a marginal play, clear intent needs to be established.(and it can't possibly be done) Who cares if he lowered his head, if he didn't initiate lead contact with it.



Just reviewed the play frame by frame. No way that hit is dirty. He lowers his helmet slightly before contact after he already knows he's NOT leading with the helmet or making helmet to helmet contact. He's literally 2 feet from the receiver at looking right at him when he starts to lower.

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So if a person can only get fined 25% of their weekly salary and it was a preason game where, per numbers given in this thread they are paid $1500, shouldn't the fine be for no more the 25% of that $1500 payment at the most?


That would be my hope. In which case, Briggs should take him out for a steak dinner one night to compensate for his lost earnings.

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Just heard on Mike and Mike that Bostic was fined for the big hit last week. Wtf? that was a legal hit, Goodell is ruining the sport.



I keep watching the replay of that hit, I don't see it. I don't get how this should be a fine. That is perfect tackling form. It is the way I was taught. It didn't look like helmet to helmet to me.



Roger is really screwing this up. I hope the NFLPA starts to fight these fines that are so close. If its clearly a helmet to helmet hit then fine them but when its this close there should not be fines. If players start to duck their heads at the last second to avoid a fine and hurt themselves then what????

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If there's one problem with Bostic's tackle form, when you check the video you can see that at the last second he ducks his head towards the ground, so that the top of his helmet is facing the target. IMO, that's the problem if there is one. You have to keep your facemask up and pointed at the player if you're going to hit him hard, that way you're not using the crown of the helmet to enhance the impact. If your eyes are on the defender where you're hitting him the whole time, it should be a legal hit, and Bostics facemask lowered to the ground just before impact.


There are numerous crown of the helmet impacts from defensive players during games. It is the nature of the sport because the athletes are so quick you can't always anticipate exactly where the offensive player is going to be, or what his posture will be when you hit him. Bostic clearly intended to hit with his shoulder and the helmet to helmet impact was offset or glancing and largely due the the WR's body buckling under the stress of the hit. Alshon Jeffrey got hit by a DB's crown of the helmet last night but in his case the DB lost the battle and bounced off him and he ran for another 5-10yds. Fine coming for that hit?


Goodell has it so that the only hits that get fined are the ones that hurt offensive players. I don't advocate for the James Harrison head hunting style of play but when a player is clearly not trying to head hunt why fine him? Last night I saw two guys hit each other square on the crown of their helmets. Both bounced off each other, the DB looked a bit dazed as he got up. I don't recall if it was the Bears game or a highlight of another game, but is Goodell going to fine both the RB and DB as per the rules? Or neither because both quickly got up and walked away? I bet neither gets a fine.

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