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Who should be the two back up QB's?


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With Blanchard release it will be interesting to see if Edwards or Palmer can be out McCown for roster spots.


I am not really comfortable as McCown as the number two.



Of the three McCown is the only one with experience 'on the team' and Trestmans offense. And FWIW I think fundementally he's more consistent than even Cutler. Of Palmer and Edwards though, I'm intrigued by both. Youth is on Palmers side where experience is on Edwards'. Game 4 will be their determining factor.

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I will reserve judgment until I see game 4 and I don't expect to see anything good from either of the two. I won't be surprised at all if we only keep 2 QBs. If something happens we'll likely be able to bring in at least one of the three and may have our choice of which one we want: Blanchard, Palmer, or Edwards. Blanchard hasn't show that much IMO although Trestman had some nice words to say about him.






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I will reserve judgment until I see game 4 and I don't expect to see anything good from either of the two. I won't be surprised at all if we only keep 2 QBs. If something happens we'll likely be able to bring in at least one of the three and may have our choice of which one we want: Blanchard, Palmer, or Edwards. Blanchard hasn't show that much IMO although Trestman had some nice words to say about him.

I like what I saw from Blanchard. Obviously don't think he will ever be a starter. If we keep 3 I'm guessing palmer. None of us may like mccown as the #2 but he will be that guy.

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Palmer has never showed anything in the NFL so I'm gonna go with Edwards, because "he's a west coast offense type of quarterback". It also wouldn't surprise me if he took over the backup job.

Considering that mccown isn't playing this week I think its safe to say that he's gonna be backup regardless of what happens Thursday. Whoever wins the job will be #3. We may not like it but that's just the way it is. I've heard the staff really likes what mccown brings to the table. And honestly speaking I have no confidence in anyone of the 3 or anyone else that's available if cutler goes down for extended time. Let's just pray we never even get to the point of the #2 unless its in mop up duty

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Good call, just don't know what you were basing it on. Edwards has shown so much more throughout his career.

Pure guess as Edwards is not very good. And if palmer has any of his brother in him then I think he can be a competent #3. Which is all we are looking for. Gotta say fendi has no business on this team. Another drop which is #4 on preseason. Plus 2 more penalties today. What a shame considering the measurables

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Lol he showed progression(there's that word again) on that one drive....and its gone lol

If it disappears on the very nxt drive I guess we can't really call it progression then can we Lol. BTW did anyone notice the coaches decided not to have brown or britton dress which means they have probably made team. Which then makes 7 gtd spots. Assuming we only carry 8 like has been mentioned I'm thinking Webb will be cut. Dude is still playing in the 4th qtr of the 4th preseason game. That's typically not good. If my thinking is correct that would mean scott makes teams and that Webb basically got beat by someone who couldn't even practice for much this whole time. Which leads me to think coaching staff compared Scott of last yr to what Webb has shown this yr. If all this is true then that's gotta kill that ego/confidence that Webb had. Really sad cuz I think it has more to do with not fully committing himself

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