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My argument as told by Phil Emery.


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Shortest GBCW ever.


Lol I knew you'd guys still be talking after I left so I thought I'd check in...I found the irony in stingers post and wanted to point it out....I just find the whole thing rather ironic, sad and petty....Yes, I've contributed to this in large part due to my "pride", I'll admit it, I probably should have just let that article and tweet be. The reason I didn't was not to rub it in your guys faces, not to say I'm better than you, not in hopes of an apology, and not as a cocky arrogant douche bag. As I've said in multiple posts in this thread I posted this in hopes that you guys would better understand my views on the subject at hand and put all the frustrations we had this past offseason to rest. Instead I was once again casted as annoying, childish, retarded, douchey, a know it all, and all that jazz. All because I have a different opinion.


The only thing I fault myself for is being too opinionated. If I would have laid down a long time ago we would have never reached this point. If that makes me childish, annoying, or whatever then all you had to do was do what was told to me and just ignore the posts I don't like.


And to reiterate about me calling cracker a name after calling for the name calling to end. I did exactly what he said he did and I lowered myself to his level, which was petty but he brought me to that point.


I don't think I'm better than anyone, and if I come off that way, I apologize. It's actually quite the opposite, I'm at a very low part in my life, and I would probably trade lives with any of you. All I have in life is sports, I guess in a way getting bashed like I did even made sports frustrating. I feel like a little bitch for saying all that but oh well


I just want all this shit to go away and see the Bear whoop some ass on Sunday.

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To SCS: Never mind, you are asking for it. You and Stinger deserve each other. And to Stinger's credit, he actually tried to be civil in his last respone to me.


To Chitown: Amen to the season starting...Sunday can't get here fast enough.



Yeah what it the GBCW????



I cant believe this guy posted again. He cracks me up. Just when I thought it was over I get sucked right back in.



Keep Calm and Chive On!!!

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Lol I knew you'd guys still be talking after I left so I thought I'd check in...I found the irony in stingers post and wanted to point it out....I just find the whole thing rather ironic, sad and petty....Yes, I've contributed to this in large part due to my "pride", I'll admit it, I probably should have just let that article and tweet be. The reason I didn't was not to rub it in your guys faces, not to say I'm better than you, not in hopes of an apology, and not as a cocky arrogant douche bag. As I've said in multiple posts in this thread I posted this in hopes that you guys would better understand my views on the subject at hand and put all the frustrations we had this past offseason to rest. Instead I was once again casted as annoying, childish, retarded, douchey, a know it all, and all that jazz. All because I have a different opinion.


The only thing I fault myself for is being too opinionated. If I would have laid down a long time ago we would have never reached this point. If that makes me childish, annoying, or whatever then all you had to do was do what was told to me and just ignore the posts I don't like.


And to reiterate about me calling cracker a name after calling for the name calling to end. I did exactly what he said he did and I lowered myself to his level, which was petty but he brought me to that point.


I don't think I'm better than anyone, and if I come off that way, I apologize. It's actually quite the opposite, I'm at a very low part in my life, and I would probably trade lives with any of you. All I have in life is sports, I guess in a way getting bashed like I did even made sports frustrating. I feel like a little bitch for saying all that but oh well


I just want all this shit to go away and see the Bear whoop some ass on Sunday.






And it gets even stranger.......



dude hope you get through the rough stuff that is going on in your life.



Keep Calm and Chive On

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And it gets even stranger.......



dude hope you get through the rough stuff that is going on in your life.



Keep Calm and Chive On


Much appreciated. As you can tell from my arguments all I've really got is my pride right now. I'll get by on that alone. I'm a fighter. I didn't wanna have to go there and bring my personal life into this shit but I'm over it and want all this shit to end.

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Much appreciated. As you can tell from my arguments all I've really got is my pride right now. I'll get by on that alone. I'm a fighter. I didn't wanna have to go there and bring my personal life into this shit but I'm over it and want all this shit to end.


I get the pride thing, just not being right about Webb. Pride can sometimes make things worse.



Good luck dude



Keep Calm and Chive on




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Much appreciated. As you can tell from my arguments all I've really got is my pride right now. I'll get by on that alone. I'm a fighter. I didn't wanna have to go there and bring my personal life into this shit but I'm over it and want all this shit to end.


SCS: There is no doubt you have passion for not just the Bears but sports in general. And with that you have knowledge. Believe it or not, it sounds like you have some keen knowledge about the team that even I'm not aware of. For this I am gratefu. I know you are/freelancing for PPF(?) so that is something I've never accomplished.


If you speak out of turn or come across as 'childish' ... oh well. As I've said before and is witnessed in some of my posts (especially when Jason is concerned <_ i too come off as a it happens. beating dead horse is where things start to get bit old.>


As far as the personal life, I think it safe to say that you find some "friends" in the group here or you wouldn't have posted what you did. That takes guts. Good for you and thank you. Without being too mushy about it all, we all have to experience "life" in order to get a better appreciation of what's to come. Most times its all good, sometimse not. As the old proverb goes: "This too shall pass".


Sounds like you'll have an opportunity to vent this Sunday and I, similar to you, look forward to our Bears putting the hurt on the kittys. :headbang

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I get the pride thing, just not being right about Webb. Pride can sometimes make things worse.



Good luck dude



Keep Calm and Chive on



Thanks man, I still think I'm just misunderstood on the whole subject and all I wanted to do was be understood. But it's whatever...Mods you can go ahead and delete this thread before it gets any more sappy.....We're 3 days from kickoff! No need to let this go any further.

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Thanks man, I still think I'm just misunderstood on the whole subject and all I wanted to do was be understood. But it's whatever...Mods you can go ahead and delete this thread before it gets any more sappy.....We're 3 days from kickoff! No need to let this go any further.


Bump! I've followed this whole thread and got your stance. You just took the bait too easily. Advice from a long time dweller like me, people like to stir the pot for a reaction. Don't take it seriously, we are all human and are 6'7"" behind a computer.


My two cents on Webb was he would be the one that killed the most drives. Letting him go is a blessing and should give the Bears at least another W or two. But that's my opinion... We all hoped he would have progressed more; which he didnt accompish enough. Why wouldn't anyone want to see a draft pick develop?


So moving on, I hope he one day gets AP and Ponder crushed, and we win a Superbowl!!!


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Thanks man, I still think I'm just misunderstood on the whole subject and all I wanted to do was be understood.

Here's the deal brother. Everyone understood exactly what you were saying and what your point was. Some people on this board will never let you off the hook, whether you are right or wrong. That's just the nature of some men. (thus your constant beefs) Just know when to let go and you'll be fine.


That all being said you are a decent poster. So hang out with us if you choose. Someone will always blow you shit and have your back. To me, that's a good balance.

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I really found it funny how he was defending Briggs article this time because it fit his stance but when pointed out an article and a tweet that Briggs sent me it was stupid and idiotic and I was reading to much in to it. But hey who cares. I'm to old to give a damn anymore. I'll just continue to work hard and laugh my rear offoff

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Thanks man, I still think I'm just misunderstood on the whole subject and all I wanted to do was be understood. But it's whatever...Mods you can go ahead and delete this thread before it gets any more sappy.....We're 3 days from kickoff! No need to let this go any further.



Hey buddy, for what it is worth, just drop it and move on...this coming from a guy who was banned from the forum as I dared to say Url should be cut due to money issues and I suspected Cutler quit in the playoffs a couple years ago (please don't anyone dare bring that issue forward again, haha).


The guys here are good guys, very knowledgeable for the most part, and some very opinionated, but they will leave it in time and I am sure recognise your knowledge.


I would prefer you stay as I can see you are a true fan and bring knowledge...hang out a bit if you are able IMO.

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