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I personally hate this guy. I think he is the biggest douche to play the game. The dive at the knees is and always will be uncalled for. I played D line, I hate O lineman. I mean I hate them to this day. I hated the O lineman that would block after the whistle or come diving on the pile. I never saw a place in the game for that crap. What SUH did was complete bullshit and I think he should have been given at least a two game suspension. How many does this guy have to do something stupid???



What are your thoughts? What if he pulls this crap against the Bears and hurts someone? Ill freak

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I agree.


Saying he's a douche is an insult to the actual use of douches...


I personally hate this guy. I think he is the biggest douche to play the game. The dive at the knees is and always will be uncalled for. I played D line, I hate O lineman. I mean I hate them to this day. I hated the O lineman that would block after the whistle or come diving on the pile. I never saw a place in the game for that crap. What SUH did was complete bullshit and I think he should have been given at least a two game suspension. How many does this guy have to do something stupid???



What are your thoughts? What if he pulls this crap against the Bears and hurts someone? Ill freak


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I agree.


Saying he's a douche is an insult to the actual use of douches...



hahahaha... great line



the funny thing about him is when he was a senior and doing the Heisman ceremony I thought he was a stand up guy, the story they put together for him was a pretty good story. He seemed like a smart guy and down to earth. I do not remember him having these issues at Nebraska.

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hahahaha... great line



the funny thing about him is when he was a senior and doing the Heisman ceremony I thought he was a stand up guy, the story they put together for him was a pretty good story. He seemed like a smart guy and down to earth. I do not remember him having these issues at Nebraska.


He's a scumbag. If $100k fine doesn't wake him up then he'll need to be suspended for a substantial portion of the season. I'd say 3 games minimum with the next offense and then indefinitely thereafter. If I were a lineman I'd dive at his knees every play. Take him out before he could do it to me. And potentially save the careers of countless others by remove him from the game, hopefully permanently.

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GB always gets away with murder...


Always protected by the shield...


I didn't see the hit but it sure sounds bad....not the first time for him eh? I am surprised he is not getting hit harder via suspension.


How about Matthew's hit in the 49ers game on their QB? That was dirty, reminded me of the Forrest Gregg days in Green Bay!


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I didn't see the hit but it sure sounds bad....not the first time for him eh? I am surprised he is not getting hit harder via suspension.


How about Matthew's hit in the 49ers game on their QB? That was dirty, reminded me of the Forrest Gregg days in Green Bay!



He dove at the linemans knee, the play was already 15 yards ahead of this lineman. There was no reason to even hit him.



Matthews was not as bad as the SUH in my eyes. They were heading out of bounds and Matthews tackled him, did Clay know he was out or not, who knows. Matthews is also is not a repeat offender.

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If I heard correctly the $100,000 fine is the largest to date. If hitting him in the pocket book doesn't wake him up, will a suspension make any deeper dent into getting him to comprehend? At the end of the day I love hard hits as much as the next guy, but Suh is just plain dirty. I'd think in the old days his crap would have been handled by an opponent. Maybe Long will get a chance.

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I didn't see the hit but it sure sounds bad....not the first time for him eh? I am surprised he is not getting hit harder via suspension.


How about Matthew's hit in the 49ers game on their QB? That was dirty, reminded me of the Forrest Gregg days in Green Bay!


That hit was on top of the comments he'd made prior to the game saying they were going to hit Cap as in intentionally go out of their way to do so. I think the fact that Matthew's made those comments before the game then took a cheep shot at cap during the game should warrant something because that to me is premeditation on his part.


Suh should have been suspended for that hit, he's a repeat offender the guy has made a name for himself for his dirty hits, it's not an accident, or just a lapse it is a freaking pattern. Suh is a dirty player an you can guarantee he will do something like this again.


If the league is serious about player safety they need to stop coddling stars who play dirty with slaps on the wrist while they come down hard on other players for legal hits or unintentional hemet to helmet hits etc.

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If the league is serious about player safety they need to stop coddling stars who play dirty with slaps on the wrist while they come down hard on other players for legal hits or unintentional hemet to helmet hits etc.


Absolutely right! I mean, sure, Suh is being charged $100k which is a big number but how big is it in comparison to Bostic's who makes so much less and which took place during a preseason game which he gets paid almost nothing for. The punishment needs to fit the crime! Bostic's hit was borderline legal (if not totally legal) and in the motion of an actual tackle, while Suh is a repeat offender and his hit was clearly unnecessary! I don't know anymore. Goodell needs to get his head out of his ass.


As to the Packer's hit this weekend. It was flagged and is probably fine-worthy as well. Because of the premeditation, for certain. But Harbaugh is a whiney bitch about his QB's getting hit too. I mean, if you want to expose your QB's to those hits and you're OK with the rewards, be prepared to pay the price and quit your crying.

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If the league is serious about player safety they need to stop coddling stars who play dirty with slaps on the wrist while they come down hard on other players for legal hits or unintentional hemet to helmet hits etc.


I follow Nebraska a lot because we have many alumni in our family from there. He was not like this before, at least not nearly. He's since become a pretty disgraceful player. Oddly enough, when on camera he puts on an air that he doesn't understand what everyone is upset about. Says things like "I'm just playing as best I can" and I like playing football. So to him, he got it in his mind that stupid hits are what playing in the NFL is all about.


What's worse is how the NFL is almost encouraging this type of play. Where they can summarily penalize a guy for a very questionable hit during preseason (Bostic against that SD receiver) but little or nothing about a hit like Suh's? And, like others have mentioned, this is not his first time in doing it. All things being equal, he should seriously be a candidate for a suspension.

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If the league is serious about player safety they need to stop coddling stars who play dirty with slaps on the wrist while they come down hard on other players for legal hits or unintentional hemet to helmet hits etc.



This 1000%. He should have been suspended for 3 games. He is a POS and he is going to end up hurting someone.


Peace :dabears

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On NFL AM some reporter from Detroit said Suh will not change his ways and summed up Suh's fines this way: He's made $51 million since entering the league. His total fines since he entered the league equate to a fine of $55 for a person earning the average annual salary here in the US.


That's not even a speeding ticket, so yes he does not care.

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