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will the real Jay Cutler please stand up

Guest TerraTor

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I am a Cutler fan but today he has been pathetic. We were in control at the start of the game and his bonehead plays have cost us the game and it was a big one today. The Oline play has been fine but Cutler has either overthrown or under thrown the receivers. Also he has been looking at his receivers and giving the defensive backs the nod on where he is going.

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He played like shit. Whole team seemed off today.



Either way, it's one freakin game. Entering the second quarter of the season we are 3-1. It's better than I hoped for.



Keep Calm and Bear Down


Agreed. Big picture time. Learn and move on.

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The true test is how we come out next week against a tough Saints team. If we come out, put this game behind us and come out solid and get a win. That will be big. It's not whether or not you will face adversity it's how you respond. Do you get up off the mat and come back swinging or do you wilt. Perhaps a game like this is a wake up call of sorts. This season we have flirted with losing this time it bit us.

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Listening to espn 1000 and Carmen and Jurko stated that to make the playoffs we will probably need to go 11-5. Therefore we can afford only another 4 loses. Hopefully we can learn from this debacle or should I say Cutler. Looking past his play I thought Oline was OK, receivers dropped some balls, run Forte outside of the tackles but the biggest worry is dline needs improvement. I though DT's were poor and I thought Paea and Collins would have been solid.

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He had a terrible game. Looks like the Kyle Orton society can start their phone calls to the local radio stations to get McNown some playing time.

I really didn't like the trade when it happened. I think Orton would thrive in this offense, but that is old news. McCown sucks, I'd never want to see him start. Jay just needs to get his head on straight, or they need to be looking elsewhere when his contract is up.


The team will be in a transition after this year due to all of the contracts that are up anyway. I'm still looking for him to prove me wrong tho. Marshall is one of the top WR's in the league and I'm not so sure how happy he would be if Cutler was gone.

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Listening to espn 1000 and Carmen and Jurko stated that to make the playoffs we will probably need to go 11-5. Therefore we can afford only another 4 loses. Hopefully we can learn from this debacle or should I say Cutler. Looking past his play I thought Oline was OK, receivers dropped some balls, run Forte outside of the tackles but the biggest worry is dline needs improvement. I though DT's were poor and I thought Paea and Collins would have been solid.

Cutler played like shit today,relax and don't panic. He was responsable for our three victories and this loss. I will take 3 out of 4 any season. Our poor tackling and poor ST play bothers me more than a lousey game by Cutler. Im intrested in the full season outlook not one bad game. Some of you guys are drama queens, feast or famine. It's NFL football, good teams lose somrtimes, I like the potential of the offense. If any of you guys were asked if we could pick a 3 and 1 record in our first 4 games at the start of the season you would have been elated. RELAX

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Agreed overall...


Cutler was responsible for the loss. He was also responsible for almost coming back. We have fight. He was also responsible for our 3 wins.


It's best to lose this game now, than in December. Learn from it Bears.


There is no debate on Cutler.


He is ours. He will be through this season. If he plays decently, he will be beyond it.


Ride this season out. It is a journey. We are learning. If we don't learn from this loss, then we have failed. But losing this game is not failing. It's a bump on the road to victory.






Cutler played like shit today,relax and don't panic. He was responsable for our three victories and this loss. I will take 3 out of 4 any season. Our poor tackling and poor ST play bothers me more than a lousey game by Cutler. Im intrested in the full season outlook not one bad game. Some of you guys are drama queens, feast or famine. It's NFL football, good teams lose somrtimes, I like the potential of the offense. If any of you guys were asked if we could pick a 3 and 1 record in our first 4 games at the start of the season you would have been elated. RELAX


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Horrible game by Cutler and he went back to his bad mechanics as the game wore on. He was inconsistent all game long and I have to wonder now if that hit at the end of the Steelers game gave him some soreness that affected his motion, or a hit during the game. Regardless, that has nothing to do with getting rid of the ball on time and protecting the ball when pressure arrives.


We are 4 games into the season. Teams have enough film now to know our offense and Detroit often went 8 and sometimes 9 in the box to take away all the underneath stuff and bet on their pass rush to get their before we could exploit the deep routes. They were right for most of the game and they got into Jay's head because he didn't step up on his throws.

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The only difference between this game and the other three was the number of Cutler brain-farts. He hasn't played well until the 4th quarter all season. He dug the hole too deep yesterday.


The D also didn't come up with many big plays. We're spoiled by a D we're used to seeing score. And Hester had another shit game.


Game was close in the end only because Lions turned it down a notch and coasted home. Our D gets little to no QB pressure, we don't cover particularly well and in this game, Bush was running up the middle like our linebackers were sleeping.


So yeah, Cutler lost the game for us by being an idiot but the rest of the team sucked pretty badly too. Now we'll see what kind of leader Trestman is. You don't know what someone's got in that regard until they face a little adversity.

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Well put C-dog...


The only difference between this game and the other three was the number of Cutler brain-farts. He hasn't played well until the 4th quarter all season. He dug the hole too deep yesterday.


The D also didn't come up with many big plays. We're spoiled by a D we're used to seeing score. And Hester had another shit game.


Game was close in the end only because Lions turned it down a notch and coasted home. Our D gets little to no QB pressure, we don't cover particularly well and in this game, Bush was running up the middle like our linebackers were sleeping.


So yeah, Cutler lost the game for us by being an idiot but the rest of the team sucked pretty badly too. Now we'll see what kind of leader Trestman is. You don't know what someone's got in that regard until they face a little adversity.


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I think Trestman will use this game as a learning tool. I think the team as a whole lost it's focus when things started going crazy. I do feel like the team got back under control in the second half but were in too deep of a hole to climb out (at least at this point in the season). We are a work in progress, If you take away that stretch in the 2nd quarter we're looking at a much different game. I think we have to keep that in perspective and not let it skew the whole game. Trestman can use this as a coaching tool to teach the team how to better deal with adversity because it will happen, and if you don't handle it well and stop the bleeding quick enough you may lose the patient. Jay's mechanics I felt changed three times in this game, he started out fine, then regressed/reverted as things got out of hand, and then got better in the second half and in particular the 4th quarter. I think there is a positive in that after the 4 turnovers Jay was able turn things around offensively and play better. There will be times when things don't go our way, but learning how to overcome adversity within a game is something that takes time, and practice.

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Well put BF2K.


Honestly, I felt as though if we would have got the on-sides, we would have scored again. As you said, the hole dug was too deep and time was our enemy.


I think Trestman will use this game as a learning tool. I think the team as a whole lost it's focus when things started going crazy. I do feel like the team got back under control in the second half but were in too deep of a hole to climb out (at least at this point in the season). We are a work in progress, If you take away that stretch in the 2nd quarter we're looking at a much different game. I think we have to keep that in perspective and not let it skew the whole game. Trestman can use this as a coaching tool to teach the team how to better deal with adversity because it will happen, and if you don't handle it well and stop the bleeding quick enough you may lose the patient. Jay's mechanics I felt changed three times in this game, he started out fine, then regressed/reverted as things got out of hand, and then got better in the second half and in particular the 4th quarter. I think there is a positive in that after the 4 turnovers Jay was able turn things around offensively and play better. There will be times when things don't go our way, but learning how to overcome adversity within a game is something that takes time, and practice.


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Well put BF2K.


Honestly, I felt as though if we would have got the on-sides, we would have scored again. As you said, the hole dug was too deep and time was our enemy.

Hell, if we just sped up on those last 2 drives and played with a little more urgency, we would've been kicking off with a lot more time on the clock and 2x timeouts. We at least would've had the chance to force one last 4th down punt, a possible return, and maybe 1 or 2 shots at the end zone.

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The only difference between this game and the other three was the number of Cutler brain-farts. He hasn't played well until the 4th quarter all season. He dug the hole too deep yesterday.


The D also didn't come up with many big plays. We're spoiled by a D we're used to seeing score. And Hester had another shit game.


Game was close in the end only because Lions turned it down a notch and coasted home. Our D gets little to no QB pressure, we don't cover particularly well and in this game, Bush was running up the middle like our linebackers were sleeping.


So yeah, Cutler lost the game for us by being an idiot but the rest of the team sucked pretty badly too. Now we'll see what kind of leader Trestman is. You don't know what someone's got in that regard until they face a little adversity.




Well said.


For me personally, I have alot less patience with Cutler because we have seen this crap the whole time he has been here.


Here's hoping he can come back strong next week.

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