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Payback Time


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I have not forgotten the whooping the Giants put on us a couple years ago. I doubt Jay Cutler has forgotten either. Now is the prime time game to go out and get revenge. Hit these guys hard early and let them know it's going to be a long flight home and never let off the throttle.


I like this from Kromer. We know he is a man of high expectations for execution of assignments. Our players come in to work the day after a big loss and get right back to work even giving themselves homework. We all know the offense has not put together a complete but from my vantage point I believe we have the talent and character in the locker room to reach that goal.




"This team came in the day after the game and the entire offense was in lifting, working out together, watching the tape together, because it was a short week," Kromer said Wednesday as the Bears continued to prepare for Thursday night's game against the New York Giants.


"We weren't able to show the entire tape like we normally do to them. They watched it all on their own, gave us the reports of this is what should have happened, this is what we should have done, we see this here, this is what we did well.




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Good to see the initiative on the Offensive players part. I'm sure they are well aware of the lack of production at times and I'm sure they are just as dissatisfied with it as we are. I think we have the right people in place both players, and coaching to get the offense on track. It's going to be a work in progress, and we do have to be patient with them. It's easy to get frustrated watching the game and wanting them perform at a high level.


I think the Giants game represents and opportunity to get on track and in rhythm. The Giants are an awful team right now. If we come out and blow the doors off, we'll need to temper the excitement a bit because of the opponent, but if we still look bad and either start fast,or slow then bog down till the end, I think that would be cause for concern. But if they go out there and perform well to great it can give us a glimpse of what the offense is capable when they are able to execute.


I think the revenge factor is there but I'm sure it's not the main focus. The team's had two losses where they have looked bad on offense, and want to bounce back.

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