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The Bears offered him a contract. He turned it down because he thought he could get more. He did not.

Do me a favor and stop saying this. You know it's not true. Urlacher has said it plainly and this conversation has been had on here before where it was ponited out. You can be glad he's gone all you want, but at least don't be dishonest.

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Do me a favor and stop saying this. You know it's not true. Urlacher has said it plainly and this conversation has been had on here before where it was ponited out. You can be glad he's gone all you want, but at least don't be dishonest.

He is correct, not sure where you coming from with the (dishonest) thing.

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He is correct, not sure where you coming from with the (dishonest) thing.

I'm not going to repeat what's been made obvious. If you don't know, then it's only because you don't want to or you haven't been on these forums much lately, in which case...ok then. But I'm still not going to play that game!


I can't help it if knowingly spreading lies is a pet-peeve of mine. Seems like it's a good one to have.

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I'm not going to repeat what's been made obvious. If you don't know, then it's only because you don't want to or you haven't been on these forums much lately, in which case...ok then. But I'm still not going to play that game!


I can't help it if knowingly spreading lies is a pet-peeve of mine. Seems like it's a good one to have.

You need to stay off the drugs, it causes irrational thought, your way out in left field, you need to reign it in.It is kind of confusing at what point your talking about.

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Everything I read and heard in the media is Urlacher was offered a contract from the Bears around 2 million a year. Please show me where I am wrong on this.


Peace :dabears

You're right. I have no idea what the hell he's talking about. The Bears were the only NFL team to offer him a contract. That says a lot, doesn't it? He couldn't play anymore.

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Do me a favor and stop saying this. You know it's not true. Urlacher has said it plainly and this conversation has been had on here before where it was ponited out. You can be glad he's gone all you want, but at least don't be dishonest.


It is true in Urlacher's own words. I am not being dishonest.




Peace :dabears

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But everyone brining up Url is mising the point. He is no longer on the team... We need to discuss how we can fix what is in front of us. Emery will probably get something out of how he handled the situation. We didn't hire a seasoned veteran. He will make a few mistakes. Maybe those were. It would certainly be interested to see how things would be...but the move strike me as one of a team that want to go forward instead of clutching to the past. If you look at our D...we are old. Adding a very old Url probably does not solve that issue. Having Izzy probably lessens the pain, but Izzy was not spectacular. We are oigng youth movement. And we will see more of it next year. I peresonally like his take charge attitude. It should be his way or the highway. Url got boat-tons of loot from this franchise. He also went with the same attitude of my way or the highway. Why is that attitude good for Url and bad for Phil?


Agreed on Tucker. I prefer a guy on the sidelines. But, then again, maybe that's just semantics. He has his work cut out for him...



As Keyshawn would say; "c'mon man!". You're comparing apples to oranges. Singletary retired the better part of 20 years ago and Urlacher just last year. He could've been playing this year for the team. As I stated in another post, I feel that Emery's dealing with Urlacher and Izzy this last year is coming back to bite the team. Williams is not what everyone claimed him to be, a decent replacement to Url. I cannot let it go because the way Emery dealt with this situation could paint a bigger picture for future deals. Half the team will need new contracts next year and I'm still interested to see how that will play out. But if he keeps going forward with this 'my way or highway' mentality, it could only damage our team in the long run.




One thing that Tucker could do is bring his ass out of the skybox. I have always hated seeing a coach, especially a primary coordinator, that sits in the sky booth calling plays. Martz did it and it bugged me then too. Those guys need to be down with the playres so they are getting instant feedback from them. What he's doing equates to me sitting at home playing Madden 25 on the XBox. Thankless or not he needs to coach not advise.


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One of the biggest problems with this defense is the money Peppers is making. If you then stack is up with what Briggs, Melton, Tillman and possibly Jennings are making then how can Emery improve in the short term. Would both Izzey and Brian have come back to the Bears and accepted 1 million and 2 million respectively, I don't think so and it would have been probably 3-5 million for Izzy and 5-8 for Brian. They replaced them and Roach for 3 players for about 3 million. Who would have guessed Peppers would look this bad and is it down to an injury that can improve after the break, lack of effort or old age. He must be seeing what the media are commenting about him looking old and there as been a history in Carolina of him playing games with no effort. Can Emery make the decision to cut or are with stuck with the contract that was made to bring him here and I can state that I was ecstatic that day. Does he retire this year and if so does that tHe US out of the cap hole. If he was cut now can do they save any money this year to be able to bring in a decent D tackle via trade. If not this is the defense we have this year and hopefully the Offense can carry us to the playoffs.


Regarding Forte up the middle why don't they try Bush and Forte with TE Bennett and Marshall and Jeffrey WR on first down. This would give the option of Forte off tackle or a pitch play, Bush up the middle and if it was a play overloaded to the run then audible to a pass play with Bush pass protecting and Forte out in the flat with a linebacker covering. With Bush up the middle couldn't Bennett lead block?


I always agreed with the NFL players that Urlacher was overrated. He had a great start to his career but then just lived off the hype he created. He was a very good player and very important to our style of defense but once he lost the fat boys up front, his play suffered greatly because he wasn't free to use his freakish speed. He couldn't blitz or shed blocks and was not a good head-on tackler (remember when Brady juked him? Ugh!!!). All that being said, I prefer him to Williams but not over the potential we have in Bostic. Not saying Bostic will have a career even comparable to Urlacher's but I think it's possible 2013 Bostic could be better than 2013 Urlacher.

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But everyone brining up Url is mising the point. He is no longer on the team... We need to discuss how we can fix what is in front of us. Emery will probably get something out of how he handled the situation. We didn't hire a seasoned veteran. He will make a few mistakes. Maybe those were. It would certainly be interested to see how things would be...but the move strike me as one of a team that want to go forward instead of clutching to the past. If you look at our D...we are old. Adding a very old Url probably does not solve that issue. Having Izzy probably lessens the pain, but Izzy was not spectacular. We are oigng youth movement. And we will see more of it next year. I peresonally like his take charge attitude. It should be his way or the highway. Url got boat-tons of loot from this franchise. He also went with the same attitude of my way or the highway. Why is that attitude good for Url and bad for Phil?


Agreed on Tucker. I prefer a guy on the sidelines. But, then again, maybe that's just semantics. He has his work cut out for him...


Agreed, we can club each other over the head repeatedly arguing who's right, who wronged who in how the Bears and Urlacher parted ways. But at the end of the day what does that really accomplish. Right or wrong it's done, he's not on the team or in the league anymore, let's focus on what we have in our team and how the Bears can move forward and build for the future. Rather than focus on the past why not look for the future star at MLB. Could it be Bostic? Who knows, he's got a golden opportunity to show what he's got this year. Brian got on the field when Minter went down and the rest was history. The NFL is all about making the most of your opportunities. Personally I feel like Bostic can be that type of guy to step in and take over the position for the foreseeable future. Doesn't mean he will, but he's got his chance to show he belongs. Maybe someday he'll make #57 a hot selling Bears jersey and we can lay this Urlacher bickering to rest for good. Either way we need to move on no matter how butt hurt some are over how it went down. Let's keep our eyes on the future. One of the problems we have on D as pointed out is a heavily injury depleted DT position and total lack of production from Peppers. There's only so much we can do this season to address DT, Peppers is an unknown because we don't know what's causing his play to have dropped off this much. I agree with the earlier post that Tackling, and secondary play can improve and that is fixable. I saw in another thread somewhere about the number of missed takles for all of last year being something like 85 which is a little over 5 a game and this year through 6 games is something like 56 which is around 9 per game on average. Missed tackles have been a huge issue, how many times have we had a RB, WR, TE, etc. stopped short of first down yardage or even behind the line to see them pickup a first down and sometimes a lot more. It's maddening when you know the first guy should have made the tackle then to watch him and three other guys miss takles on his way to a highlight reel TD or big play. We can't control injuries, but we can control fundamentals, and that is what I am hoping that we use the bye week to focus on. We may not have the capacity to be a top flight D anymore but we can be a fundamentally sound and effective D.


And going back to a previous response, I may have been a bit harsh on the coaching specifically Trestman and the offense but in general there are some things that need tightened up, there are play calling and time management issues that do make you scratch your head, calling for a long pass on third and short when you just need to get first downs to chew clock. Playing for a field goal at the end of the first half, rather than trying to get 6. I get antsy when my team has a little over a min and a time out in their back pocket and they are just meandering up to the line of scrimmage while the clock ticks down. It goes to that killer instinct that I want the Bears to have. The Giants are a team that you should step on their throats when you have the chance. Those kinda teams you need to force them out of the game emotionally so you can have your way with them in the 3rd/4th Quarter. Let a wounded team like that hang around and stay in it you are in for a fight.


Big picture, I think the offense has the pieces in place, and needs to keep improving. Yes they are better than last year, and I think their ceiling is much higher than in past years. There is a lot of potential here once things start to really click. I'm hoping that will mean more consistency from start to finish in a game, rather than play well for 1 or two quarters then go MIA for the rest of the game. I am excited about the potential of this offense and I myself have to exercise some patience. It is a completely new offense and we are only 6 games into the first year of it. As fans we expect a lot of our teams and sometimes we get too greedy and want to see a perfect product on the field.

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Great points! I truly hope Bostic can be "that" guy. I don't expect a Briggs/Url beast. But a really good solid potential pro bowl level player. Trestman has talked a lot about fundamentals. I hope the players respond...




Agreed, we can club each other over the head repeatedly arguing who's right, who wronged who in how the Bears and Urlacher parted ways. But at the end of the day what does that really accomplish. Right or wrong it's done, he's not on the team or in the league anymore, let's focus on what we have in our team and how the Bears can move forward and build for the future. Rather than focus on the past why not look for the future star at MLB. Could it be Bostic? Who knows, he's got a golden opportunity to show what he's got this year. Brian got on the field when Minter went down and the rest was history. The NFL is all about making the most of your opportunities. Personally I feel like Bostic can be that type of guy to step in and take over the position for the foreseeable future. Doesn't mean he will, but he's got his chance to show he belongs. Maybe someday he'll make #57 a hot selling Bears jersey and we can lay this Urlacher bickering to rest for good. Either way we need to move on no matter how butt hurt some are over how it went down. Let's keep our eyes on the future. One of the problems we have on D as pointed out is a heavily injury depleted DT position and total lack of production from Peppers. There's only so much we can do this season to address DT, Peppers is an unknown because we don't know what's causing his play to have dropped off this much. I agree with the earlier post that Tackling, and secondary play can improve and that is fixable. I saw in another thread somewhere about the number of missed takles for all of last year being something like 85 which is a little over 5 a game and this year through 6 games is something like 56 which is around 9 per game on average. Missed tackles have been a huge issue, how many times have we had a RB, WR, TE, etc. stopped short of first down yardage or even behind the line to see them pickup a first down and sometimes a lot more. It's maddening when you know the first guy should have made the tackle then to watch him and three other guys miss takles on his way to a highlight reel TD or big play. We can't control injuries, but we can control fundamentals, and that is what I am hoping that we use the bye week to focus on. We may not have the capacity to be a top flight D anymore but we can be a fundamentally sound and effective D.


And going back to a previous response, I may have been a bit harsh on the coaching specifically Trestman and the offense but in general there are some things that need tightened up, there are play calling and time management issues that do make you scratch your head, calling for a long pass on third and short when you just need to get first downs to chew clock. Playing for a field goal at the end of the first half, rather than trying to get 6. I get antsy when my team has a little over a min and a time out in their back pocket and they are just meandering up to the line of scrimmage while the clock ticks down. It goes to that killer instinct that I want the Bears to have. The Giants are a team that you should step on their throats when you have the chance. Those kinda teams you need to force them out of the game emotionally so you can have your way with them in the 3rd/4th Quarter. Let a wounded team like that hang around and stay in it you are in for a fight.


Big picture, I think the offense has the pieces in place, and needs to keep improving. Yes they are better than last year, and I think their ceiling is much higher than in past years. There is a lot of potential here once things start to really click. I'm hoping that will mean more consistency from start to finish in a game, rather than play well for 1 or two quarters then go MIA for the rest of the game. I am excited about the potential of this offense and I myself have to exercise some patience. It is a completely new offense and we are only 6 games into the first year of it. As fans we expect a lot of our teams and sometimes we get too greedy and want to see a perfect product on the field.


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Great points! I truly hope Bostic can be "that" guy. I don't expect a Briggs/Url beast. But a really good solid potential pro bowl level player. Trestman has talked a lot about fundamentals. I hope the players respond...

Why don't you expect him to be a beast? He has the size and speed to thrive in this defense, and he hits like a Mack Truck. I would like to see more of this:



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Agreed, we can club each other over the head repeatedly arguing who's right, who wronged who in how the Bears and Urlacher parted ways. But at the end of the day what does that really accomplish. Right or wrong it's done, he's not on the team or in the league anymore, let's focus on what we have in our team and how the Bears can move forward and build for the future. Rather than focus on the past why not look for the future star at MLB. Could it be Bostic? Who knows, he's got a golden opportunity to show what he's got this year. Brian got on the field when Minter went down and the rest was history. The NFL is all about making the most of your opportunities. Personally I feel like Bostic can be that type of guy to step in and take over the position for the foreseeable future. Doesn't mean he will, but he's got his chance to show he belongs. Maybe someday he'll make #57 a hot selling Bears jersey and we can lay this Urlacher bickering to rest for good. Either way we need to move on no matter how butt hurt some are over how it went down. Let's keep our eyes on the future. One of the problems we have on D as pointed out is a heavily injury depleted DT position and total lack of production from Peppers. There's only so much we can do this season to address DT, Peppers is an unknown because we don't know what's causing his play to have dropped off this much. I agree with the earlier post that Tackling, and secondary play can improve and that is fixable. I saw in another thread somewhere about the number of missed takles for all of last year being something like 85 which is a little over 5 a game and this year through 6 games is something like 56 which is around 9 per game on average. Missed tackles have been a huge issue, how many times have we had a RB, WR, TE, etc. stopped short of first down yardage or even behind the line to see them pickup a first down and sometimes a lot more. It's maddening when you know the first guy should have made the tackle then to watch him and three other guys miss takles on his way to a highlight reel TD or big play. We can't control injuries, but we can control fundamentals, and that is what I am hoping that we use the bye week to focus on. We may not have the capacity to be a top flight D anymore but we can be a fundamentally sound and effective D.


And going back to a previous response, I may have been a bit harsh on the coaching specifically Trestman and the offense but in general there are some things that need tightened up, there are play calling and time management issues that do make you scratch your head, calling for a long pass on third and short when you just need to get first downs to chew clock. Playing for a field goal at the end of the first half, rather than trying to get 6. I get antsy when my team has a little over a min and a time out in their back pocket and they are just meandering up to the line of scrimmage while the clock ticks down. It goes to that killer instinct that I want the Bears to have. The Giants are a team that you should step on their throats when you have the chance. Those kinda teams you need to force them out of the game emotionally so you can have your way with them in the 3rd/4th Quarter. Let a wounded team like that hang around and stay in it you are in for a fight.


Big picture, I think the offense has the pieces in place, and needs to keep improving. Yes they are better than last year, and I think their ceiling is much higher than in past years. There is a lot of potential here once things start to really click. I'm hoping that will mean more consistency from start to finish in a game, rather than play well for 1 or two quarters then go MIA for the rest of the game. I am excited about the potential of this offense and I myself have to exercise some patience. It is a completely new offense and we are only 6 games into the first year of it. As fans we expect a lot of our teams and sometimes we get too greedy and want to see a perfect product on the field.



Regarding the tackling, and it is league wide, but players are too focused on the ball punch. They are more interested in trying to separate the ball than bringing down the man. First guy needs to wrap up, others after can ball punch



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Great points! I truly hope Bostic can be "that" guy. I don't expect a Briggs/Url beast. But a really good solid potential pro bowl level player. Trestman has talked a lot about fundamentals. I hope the players respond...


I agree on the fundamentals part a lot of our issues really can be traced back to fundamentals whether it's tackling, coverage, gap integrity, containment, footwork, etc. I do also agree with Uncle Buck on the tackling that there may be too much emphasis on stripping the ball rather than tackling and it should be the first guys responsibility to secure the tackle or at least slow the player down to allow teammates to clean it up. But first priority should be to stop progress the secondary objective should be to strip the ball. Now it is different if you are beat on the play and can't possibly make the tackle, then yes punch at the ball. But if your in position to make the tackle secure that first. It's about damage control, I'd rather give up the chance at a fumble if it means we tackle the guy short on 3rd down and get off the field. Then try for the strip and in failing the guy breaks a big one. it's like jumping a route with no help behind you and giving up a TD


As for Bostic, I think he has the size and tools to be more physical than Briggs/Url He's got the speed and brings a load when he hits. He's got a good nose for the ball. If he does become the next great one at that position I want him to be his own kind of star and bring his own style to it. Just like the different MLB's who've played they were all unique and played the game their way. With our D-Line we'll get to see how good he is at shedding blockers and weeding his way through the wash. He's got an edge to his game that I like.

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Because of the law of averages...


Then again, we somehow find these legendary LB's somehow...


Why don't you expect him to be a beast? He has the size and speed to thrive in this defense, and he hits like a Mack Truck. I would like to see more of this:




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I completely agree on your take on tacking fundamentals. The players may be trying so hard for the strip, that they are not wrapping up correctly... Interesting point.


I love the potential of what Bostic brings to the table. I'd like to see him get his reps. I fully expect some big mistakes. But I also expect to see some big hits. If he can come away smarter from his mistakes and build on them, we could be treated to something special down the road for sure.


I agree on the fundamentals part a lot of our issues really can be traced back to fundamentals whether it's tackling, coverage, gap integrity, containment, footwork, etc. I do also agree with Uncle Buck on the tackling that there may be too much emphasis on stripping the ball rather than tackling and it should be the first guys responsibility to secure the tackle or at least slow the player down to allow teammates to clean it up. But first priority should be to stop progress the secondary objective should be to strip the ball. Now it is different if you are beat on the play and can't possibly make the tackle, then yes punch at the ball. But if your in position to make the tackle secure that first. It's about damage control, I'd rather give up the chance at a fumble if it means we tackle the guy short on 3rd down and get off the field. Then try for the strip and in failing the guy breaks a big one. it's like jumping a route with no help behind you and giving up a TD


As for Bostic, I think he has the size and tools to be more physical than Briggs/Url He's got the speed and brings a load when he hits. He's got a good nose for the ball. If he does become the next great one at that position I want him to be his own kind of star and bring his own style to it. Just like the different MLB's who've played they were all unique and played the game their way. With our D-Line we'll get to see how good he is at shedding blockers and weeding his way through the wash. He's got an edge to his game that I like.


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