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Bears Win


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Great win. Saw some good things tonight from several players and many things we must improve upon.


SMC...great game.. Make the hustle plays that's where you fit in.


Peppers...finally influenced the game throughout. We needed that tonight.


Rookie LBs...lot's to learn here....stay in your gap. I still think the future is bright for these guys but the learning curve will be painful.


DTs....we really need Ratliff to shore this up.


On offense everyone stepped up but game ball goes to McCown. He was really poised throughout the game.


My other game ball goes to Marc Trestman. He had a game plan that worked very well.

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Great win. Saw some good things tonight from several players and many things we must improve upon.


SMC...great game.. Make the hustle plays that's where you fit in.


Peppers...finally influenced the game throughout. We needed that tonight.


Rookie LBs...lot's to learn here....stay in your gap. I still think the future is bright for these guys but the learning curve will be painful.


DTs....we really need Ratliff to shore this up.


On offense everyone stepped up but game ball goes to McCown. He was really poised throughout the game.


My other game ball goes to Marc Trestman. He had a game plan that worked very well.

Yeah, glad to see SMC finally show up. His hustle is finally paying off.


Peppers looked a little rejuvenated, maybe he was injured and the bye week allowed him to heal?


Rookie LBs - they played great Bostic and Greene were in on almost every play it seemed. The missed gaps were not on them. Anderson missed the one on Starks TD and Wright missed it 2 or 3 other times.


DT's - Yeah any help we can get will make a huge difference as we still are getting gashed in the run game.


For the first time in a long time I was not worried about our QB throwing a pick. He looked like he belonged there.


Coaching staff is really putting together a great system, you can see it slowly taking form. There are still some kinks, but you can see the efficiency and improvement even with all the injuries.


How about the O-Line? Another great game vs a 3-4 defense in GB.

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From the media stand point, the packers lost the game. They kept on about packers playing with a backup. So did he bears. They repeatedly talked about Clay Matthews being out. The bears had 2 starting def. tackles and 2 starting linebackers out, one being the defensive captain.


Packers were out-coached and out-GM'd (if that's a word). Emery did a far better job setting up our backup QB position while the Packers were playing musical backups all the way up to the beginning of the season. Trestman had his backup more prepared than McCarthy did. I include McCown filling in for Jay against Washington in that assessment. On the other side our Oline, for the first time shutdown their pass rush schemes. Run blocking was hit or miss but overall was effective.


Now about fixing our special teams, can we get Toub back?

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My other game ball goes to Marc Trestman. He had a game plan that worked very well.


I like the balls he's shown on several occasions.


This D still basically sucks though. Need to give props to the pass rush last night though, it made a huge difference. Not sure if the Packers O Line is poor or what. But we can't be getting gashed for huge yardage on every damn running play. We can't tackle, etc.


And the ST's need help too. Two huge negative plays last night that simply NEVER happened under Lovie Smith. All three phases of the game need to work for a championship caliber team. Under Lovie we almost always had two phases working well. Under Trestman, at least thus far, it's only one.


I don't mean to be negative after a W against the Packers on MNF in Lambeau! That's awesome and I'm so ferkin' happy! I've been in a great mood all day. But when you start thinking about the actual results last night, and analyze everything without bias, this team has a long way to go.


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