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Offensive/Defensive Statistics through 8 games


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Total Yards: 10th

PPG: 2nd

Yards/Play: 5th

1st downs/Game: 12th

3rd down %: 21st

Penalties: 3rd least penalized

Sacks: 3rd (only 12 allowed)

QB Hits: 10th (allowed 38 hits)






Total Yards: 26th

PPG: 29th

Yards/Play: 31st

1st downs/game: 19th

3rd down%: 26th

Sacks: 28th

Takeaways: 4th

Defensive TD's: 5th


All I have to say is: Can you imagine this team if LAST YEAR's defense was playing for them with the offense they have now? A year too late it seems, which goes back to the day Phil Emery was hired. He came in under the condition that he had to keep Lovie for a year. I said it was stupid when it happened, and I stand by that. If you are hiring a GM, don't hamstring/delay him from making the moves he feels is necessary to make your team better. All that did was set us back a year from ultimately hiring a better, more knowledgeable coach to bring us in to the modern era of offensive football.

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Total Yards: 10th

PPG: 2nd

Yards/Play: 5th

1st downs/Game: 12th

3rd down %: 21st

Penalties: 3rd least penalized

Sacks: 3rd (only 12 allowed)

QB Hits: 10th (allowed 38 hits)






Total Yards: 26th

PPG: 29th

Yards/Play: 31st

1st downs/game: 19th

3rd down%: 26th

Sacks: 28th

Takeaways: 4th

Defensive TD's: 5th


All I have to say is: Can you imagine this team if LAST YEAR's defense was playing for them with the offense they have now? A year too late it seems, which goes back to the day Phil Emery was hired. He came in under the condition that he had to keep Lovie for a year. I said it was stupid when it happened, and I stand by that. If you are hiring a GM, don't hamstring/delay him from making the moves he feels is necessary to make your team better. All that did was set us back a year from ultimately hiring a better, more knowledgeable coach to bring us in to the modern era of offensive football.



I am really hoping Cutler plays his ass off the rest of the season. If the Bears have the O locked in for a couple of years Emery can add to the D. Looking at the D its clear the injuries have something to do with it, but that does not change the fact they need to get younger on D quick. Sucks the Conte and Wright seem to have gotten worse. It would help a lot if they didn't need to upgrade both those spots as well.


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Love that we are one of the least penalized teams in the league on offense. How many pre-snap penalties have we had this year? I don't remember many, and I can't remember the last time one was called. Speaks to the discipline Trestman is teaching these guys. I also like how the play calling has evolved over the course of the season. We are now seeing more read option/packaged plays and pistol formations to mix it up a bit. I love that. I love the ghost action too with Jeffery. He's running that same play out of different formations and nobody seems to know how to stop it.


Defensively, we are getting worse. The safeties are terrible, the LB'ers can't stay in their gaps, the D-Line isn't getting the consistent pressure that we need in order to shore up those other deficiencies.


The special teams have also been equally as brutal as the defense. Amazing how much of a flip it's been since last year when you had to rely on defense/special teams to win you games on most days.. Not so anymore.

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