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Please release Shae McClellin

Guest TerraTor

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I'll chime in to say: WHAT THE HELL was he looking and thinking about on the Tavon Austin score? The Bears had strong pursuit, some push up the middle, and the edge all but sealed on the direction of the play. McClellin is either stupid (because he doesn't understand the defensive strategy), a bad teammate (because he doesn't trust that his teammates have their responsibilities covered), or selfish (because he doesn't care about the previous two and he's just trying to get a star on his helmet).


If you look at the play, it's the entire reason why the TD happened. His poor play allowed for an extra blocker to come free. That forced Jennings into ensuring outside leverage (which he did well) and allowed for Conte to get isolated (where Austin was allowed to set up the block). He basically hung those dudes out to dry.


I'm all for rushing the QB and getting in their fast, but when there is a handoff to the fastest guy on the other team, you maintain your edge.


Oh, and BTW, the long Zac Stacy run just a little while later went the other way. Guess who bit inside from the DE position?

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I'll chime in to say: WHAT THE HELL was he looking and thinking about on the Tavon Austin score? The Bears had strong pursuit, some push up the middle, and the edge all but sealed on the direction of the play. McClellin is either stupid (because he doesn't understand the defensive strategy), a bad teammate (because he doesn't trust that his teammates have their responsibilities covered), or selfish (because he doesn't care about the previous two and he's just trying to get a star on his helmet).


If you look at the play, it's the entire reason why the TD happened. His poor play allowed for an extra blocker to come free. That forced Jennings into ensuring outside leverage (which he did well) and allowed for Conte to get isolated (where Austin was allowed to set up the block). He basically hung those dudes out to dry.


I'm all for rushing the QB and getting in their fast, but when there is a handoff to the fastest guy on the other team, you maintain your edge.


Oh, and BTW, the long Zac Stacy run just a little while later went the other way. Guess who bit inside from the DE position?



Jason, I get that the play made you mad and Shea over pursued. At the end of the day the play was designed as a misdirection. It was designed to get Shea moving in the wrong direction. With Tavon's speed Im not sure if Shea had stayed home he would have came up with a stop.


I don't think he is stupid or a bad teammate, just a DE that took one or two steps in the wrong direction. There are not many players in the NFL that have the type of speed to make that play work.




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Jason, I get that the play made you mad and Shea over pursued. At the end of the day the play was designed as a misdirection. It was designed to get Shea moving in the wrong direction. With Tavon's speed Im not sure if Shea had stayed home he would have came up with a stop.


I don't think he is stupid or a bad teammate, just a DE that took one or two steps in the wrong direction. There are not many players in the NFL that have the type of speed to make that play work.


Agreed. It was just a really well designed play that was executed magnificently by one of the fastest players in the league. Can't really blame Shae for pursuing him that direction.


Don't get me wrong with this post and the last one in this thread, I'm far from a Shae fan. Like I said in another thread, he's a 3rd down pass rusher that is being forced to play every down due to injuries. He could have a place on the team but he cant be expected to play everydown.

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I don't think he is stupid or a bad teammate, just a DE that took one or two steps in the wrong direction. There are not many players in the NFL that have the type of speed to make that play work.


He's cast in the wrong position. I think it safe to say that after this season the defense will definitely need to re-evaluate its direction and seriously entertain the idea of a 3-4 base. With McC I as an OLB he'll be much better suited to his skills.


Despite Terra Tor's opinion of SMC's obselence, he will work out fine. SMC not Terra Tor. :cheers

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Jason, I get that the play made you mad and Shea over pursued. At the end of the day the play was designed as a misdirection. It was designed to get Shea moving in the wrong direction. With Tavon's speed Im not sure if Shea had stayed home he would have came up with a stop.


I don't think he is stupid or a bad teammate, just a DE that took one or two steps in the wrong direction. There are not many players in the NFL that have the type of speed to make that play work.


It's not just that he bit on the inside, it's that he literally jumped towards the inside. With his speed, though not nearly as fast as Tavon Austin's, he could have stretched the play towards the sideline. That lateral movement allows the other players time to pursue, to condense the area in which Austin can maneuver. And it limits the blocking angles. Not to mention the number of blockers, which is really the key. Once he screwed the pooch inside, it took the numbers out of the Bears hands and gave the numerical advantage to the Rams. With him not being a bonehead, there are three tacklers for two blockers. Without it's two on two.

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It's not just that he bit on the inside, it's that he literally jumped towards the inside. With his speed, though not nearly as fast as Tavon Austin's, he could have stretched the play towards the sideline. That lateral movement allows the other players time to pursue, to condense the area in which Austin can maneuver. And it limits the blocking angles. Not to mention the number of blockers, which is really the key. Once he screwed the pooch inside, it took the numbers out of the Bears hands and gave the numerical advantage to the Rams. With him not being a bonehead, there are three tacklers for two blockers. Without it's two on two.


I think everyone is agreed he messed up on the play. We just aren't willing to hang him for it like you and Terra. He made a mistake, hopefully he'll learn from it. Mind you, I'm no fan of SMC's. Just don't think most vets wouldn't have bit there, either.

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The Bears are literally a worse defense with him on the field. He can't set an edge. He physically and mentally can't do it, which is why you saw so many misdirections ran in his direction.


David Bass deserves more snaps.


Agreed. I honestly think the Bears should consider moving him to LB.

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If they don't try some version of the 3-4, agreed. He is completely useless as an every down 4-3 end. Never understood the pick. The guy I wanted has 10+ sacks for NE this year.


I think most here agreed with you at the time of the pick. THe only defense at the time was he was making this pick for the post-Lovie era. And here we are. So now what does this mean? Emery's biggest f-up to date?

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I think most here agreed with you at the time of the pick. THe only defense at the time was he was making this pick for the post-Lovie era. And here we are. So now what does this mean? Emery's biggest f-up to date?



I think Evan Rodriguez or Brian Harden hold that title...or share it :)

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I think most here agreed with you at the time of the pick. THe only defense at the time was he was making this pick for the post-Lovie era. And here we are. So now what does this mean? Emery's biggest f-up to date?
As much as I hate to go against my mantra of "the buck stops with the GM"; Drafting McClellin and Hardin had Lovie written all over it. I won't; so Emery gets full blame. He hit homers with Long and Mills though.
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Poor Terra. You kind of walked into that one dude. I don't get the sense there's much love for you around here.


My take: while you post some knee jerk crap often your a bears fan so regardless your on my side bro.


I've actually always been a fan of Terra's. He takes the jabs pretty well....despite his inflmmatory remarks. This place would be too boring if it wasn't for adversity. There is no doubt he is one that provides it. To be honest, I think he thrives in it. In fact, when I think of Terra I envision....





And in response to Mongo: I still think SMC has something to prove. He's not a 'wasted pick' despite Terra's insistence.

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I've actually always been a fan of Terra's. He takes the jabs pretty well....despite his inflmmatory remarks. This place would be too boring if it wasn't for adversity. There is no doubt he is one that provides it. To be honest, I think he thrives in it. In fact, when I think of Terra I envision....





And in response to Mongo: I still think SMC has something to prove. He's not a 'wasted pick' despite Terra's insistence.


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