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Trestman has screwed the pooch


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He made some horrible decisions today. This loss is on him completely.


Peace :dabears

This is now the 3rd loss that can be put on him. As much as he is good for the offense, he is literally an idiot when it comes to in game management. Then he seals it by making his kicker kick a 47 yarder when it is 2nd and 9? It is not like it was a pitch shot. Why not try for another 1st down or a couple of extra yards to make it easier?

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This is now the 3rd loss than be put on him. As much as he is good for the offense, he is literally an idiot when it comes to in game management. Then he seals it by making his kicker kick a 47 yarder when it is 2nd and 9? It is not like it was a pitch shot. Why not try for another 1st down or a couple of extra yards to make it easier?


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He made some horrible decisions today. This loss is on him completely.


Peace :dabears


Not sure I agree completely. Although not sure why. Sure I've been a bit skeptical on Trestman but to solely blame him for this loss? McCown made a few errors of his own (this coming from one of his biggest fans). The attempted shovel pass that became a turnover resembled Cutler like choices, but that was momentum swinging. And the near interceptions early on were dodged bullets in their own right.


The officiating was pretty sketchy at the latter half.


The defense started out great then fell back to being very porous again. What would Lovie have done to the heavily depleted defense to keep them legit? I'll say it again, losing Urlacher is bigger than most here will admit. Pair that with the injuries and Lovie gone, the defense has fallen back a few years.


So to blame all of this on Trestman might be a stretch, if only slight.



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Not sure I agree completely. Although not sure why. Sure I've been a bit skeptical on Trestman but to solely blame him for this loss? McCown made a few errors of his own (this coming from one of his biggest fans). The attempted shovel pass that became a turnover resembled Cutler like choices, but that was momentum swinging. And the near interceptions early on were dodged bullets in their own right.


The officiating was pretty sketchy at the latter half.


The defense started out great then fell back to being very porous again. What would Lovie have done to the heavily depleted defense to keep them legit? I'll say it again, losing Urlacher is bigger than most here will admit. Pair that with the injuries and Lovie gone, the defense has fallen back a few years.


So to blame all of this on Trestman might be a stretch, if only slight.

Url was done last year.


I'll stick to my guns on this. Trestman made some horrible decisions and cost the team this game.



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Games like these make me question as to whether or not he's more of an OC than a HC. He will get the benefit of the doubt because it's his first year, but he has already cost his team 2 games this year because of his decision making. That's the difference between making the playoffs and missing the playoffs.



Peace :dabears

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100% with you...


Games like these make me question as to whether or not he's more of an OC than a HC. He will get the benefit of the doubt because it's his first year, but he has already cost his team 2 games this year because of his decision making. That's the difference between making the playoffs and missing the playoffs.


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Games like these make me question as to whether or not he's more of an OC than a HC. He will get the benefit of the doubt because it's his first year, but he has already cost his team 2 games this year because of his decision making. That's the difference between making the playoffs and missing the playoffs.

I am hoping this is just a 1st year NFL coach issue and not something that goes on beyond this year. His FG management alone has been odd.

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Agree with all of you. Trestman has made some really bone headed mistakes in regards to game management. Don't get me wrong, he turned this offense into what looks to be a potential year by year juggernaut. However, he had several opportunities to stick it to Minny today and failed to do it. He played it wayyyy to conservatively today. For instance, why did we run the ball on three straight plays up the middle after the interception? At that point we only up by three and there was MORE than enough time on the clock. That was our chance to put them away.


Should-a-Would-a-Could-a. Trestman better improve his game management skills if we are eventually going to make our way to the top of the NFC north.

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Trestman is guilty of putting too much faith in his players. At times it has worked out such as the 4th and 1 against the Packers or today with back-to-back deep passes to a covered Alshon Jeffrey - one missed, one was a great TD catch. Other times his faith does not pan out as it has on a 4th-and-goal plays, or today's 2nd down FG attempt by Gould.


I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, it's his rookie season and mistakes will be made. He seems like a guy who can reflect and study things in retrospect so I will hope that happens in the offseason and next year some of these gambles are less frequent or at better situations in the game.


For now he's still my guy because we have an offense. I believe Emery will get the defense righted this offseason, at least back to a respectable level. Now I want to head over to an old thread to see how full the Josh McCown bandwagon is.

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Perhaps he over thought it after seeing what happened to the Vikings the drive before.


Gould was 5 for 5 between 40-49 so it wasn't that bad of an idea.

Agree with all that we are saying here in the thread. This is an opportunity for Trestman to learn from his GLARING MISTAKES. And let's face it, the D ain't playoff caliber anyway.

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All the talking heads on ESPN seem to agree with the decision. They spent first down to get it centered up and gave it to the guy that nearly hit a 66 yarder..


Frankly, I disagree with lining it up with a first down run in that situation. I'd have continued the offense until I ran out of options and then kicked it, even if it were from one hash or another. Robby doesn't miss kicks so I get what Trestman was trying to do there but we weren't having problems moving the damn ball, keep going! Settling for close to a 50 yarder isn't the best bet.


As many know, I wasn't for Lovie being fired. But we're beyond that now. Trestman is our guy and I'll take the good with the bad as long as he learns from his mistakes. He can't do this shit next year. Let's build up the D through FA and the draft, give Cutler another season to continue to grow in the O and let's make the damn playoffs next season. Otherwise, then, and only then, will I judge Trestman a failure. At this point, I disagree with a lot of what he's done but still have high hopes for him.

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Frankly, I disagree with lining it up with a first down run in that situation. I'd have continued the offense until I ran out of options and then kicked it, even if it were from one hash or another. Robby doesn't miss kicks so I get what Trestman was trying to do there but we weren't having problems moving the damn ball, keep going! Settling for close to a 50 yarder isn't the best bet.


As many know, I wasn't for Lovie being fired. But we're beyond that now. Trestman is our guy and I'll take the good with the bad as long as he learns from his mistakes. He can't do this shit next year. Let's build up the D through FA and the draft, give Cutler another season to continue to grow in the O and let's make the damn playoffs next season. Otherwise, then, and only then, will I judge Trestman a failure. At this point, I disagree with a lot of what he's done but still have high hopes for him.


Agreed. Especially when I see your stance on Lovie. That aside, Trestman made a good case for his choice. Looking at all the variables the 'safest' was to go with Gould, no matter the down. As Trestman pointed out the Vikings had just negated their own FG attempt with a penalty. With the way the Bears have been as of late, it was riskier to not try for the FG when he did. If anything I'll blame Trestman for the lack of discipline that has caused all the penalties these last few weeks. Not the missed FG.

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Agreed. Especially when I see your stance on Lovie. That aside, Trestman made a good case for his choice. Looking at all the variables the 'safest' was to go with Gould, no matter the down. As Trestman pointed out the Vikings had just negated their own FG attempt with a penalty. With the way the Bears have been as of late, it was riskier to not try for the FG when he did. If anything I'll blame Trestman for the lack of discipline that has caused all the penalties these last few weeks. Not the missed FG.


Here's what we did on that drive:


1-10-CHI 47 (7:17) 22-M.Forte up the middle to MIN 46 for 7 yards (69-J.Allen).

2-3-MIN 46 (6:44) 22-M.Forte left end to MIN 42 for 4 yards (34-A.Sendejo; 52-C.Greenway).

1-10-MIN 42 (6:11) 22-M.Forte up the middle to MIN 33 for 9 yards (34-A.Sendejo).

2-1-MIN 33 (5:30) 22-M.Forte up the middle to MIN 32 for 1 yard (90-F.Evans).

1-10-MIN 32 (4:45) 22-M.Forte up the middle to MIN 29 for 3 yards (69-J.Allen).


Pretty hard to say we "had to" kick on 2nd down when we'd averaged over 4 YPC on that drive up until that point. Both D's were dragging ass. I do see the angle about the Vikings negating their own try with a penalty but you can't coach your team based on what the other team did. I say just line it up, smash mouth it until it's time to kick and then do it. Don't run a lot of cute plays that typically draw holding calls, just straight ahead kick ass football. End of story.


And I agree with you, the team has made too many mental errors recently and that's somewhat on Trestman and somewhat on the inexperience of the players out there. Somewhat on the refs too, as there've been enough bullshit calls recently to our detriment. But the Bears had this one in the bag and let it go. I feel a Denny Green rant coming on!

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Frankly, I disagree with lining it up with a first down run in that situation. I'd have continued the offense until I ran out of options and then kicked it, even if it were from one hash or another. Robby doesn't miss kicks so I get what Trestman was trying to do there but we weren't having problems moving the damn ball, keep going! Settling for close to a 50 yarder isn't the best bet.


As many know, I wasn't for Lovie being fired. But we're beyond that now. Trestman is our guy and I'll take the good with the bad as long as he learns from his mistakes. He can't do this shit next year. Let's build up the D through FA and the draft, give Cutler another season to continue to grow in the O and let's make the damn playoffs next season. Otherwise, then, and only then, will I judge Trestman a failure. At this point, I disagree with a lot of what he's done but still have high hopes for him.



I completely agree, run the freakin ball until they stop you and you have no more downs left. As far as worrying about a fumble or penalty, isnt that what a coach is suppose to do, tell them to not freak up and get more yards. I would like to see the stats on Robby at 30-40 compared to 45+..

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