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Signs point to Cutler starting


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Other than thinking the article is utter bs, it make me think of a possible conspiracy.


Josh McCown just darn near pitched a perfect game. It's possible that Emery and Trestman have seen enough to make a decision to proceed with McCown. Cutler is coming off of weeks of injury. Letting Cutler finish the season let's the Bears build up trade value by showing he is healthy and inserting him into an offense that was clicking on the highest level in the last game.


I'm not saying a tag and trade is happening, but if it does Emery could be an evil genius by this move. More than likely, they just see Jay as their QB this year and the decision on Jay will be made in the off season.

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Other than thinking the article is utter bs, it make me think of a possible conspiracy.


Josh McCown just darn near pitched a perfect game. It's possible that Emery and Trestman have seen enough to make a decision to proceed with McCown. Cutler is coming off of weeks of injury. Letting Cutler finish the season let's the Bears build up trade value by showing he is healthy and inserting him into an offense that was clicking on the highest level in the last game.


I'm not saying a tag and trade is happening, but if it does Emery could be an evil genius by this move. More than likely, they just see Jay as their QB this year and the decision on Jay will be made in the off season.


Oh, you want sinister? I thought of that one, but there's an evil more insidious concept:


The brass feels confident enough to move forward with McCown, and they figure Cutler, coming off of injury, will be rusty. They figure he won't put up McCown's stats and will make the off-season decision easier. They're putting him on the field purposely because they think he'll do worse than McCown.


Do I think that's happening? No. But it's mad scientist stuff that could potentially happen. Particularly for a guy who's known as a QB guru, and didn't get to choose his own QB. Much like a new GM coming in and being handed a head coach, the supervisor doesn't typically like being told whom to hire.

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This is exactly how I feel. Cutler is a better athlete, but who knows if he is actually better in this system. Cutler should perform at or above the level of McCown regardless of the situation. I just feel that numbers are numbers, you can't try to take them out of context or manipulate them to suit your position. McCown, based on his stats alone is clearly outperforming Cutler in this offense.


So for the Cleveland game, Cutler should perform somewhere between Rodgers and Stafford, that seems to be a fair assessment. So somewhere between: 25/36, 260 Yds, 3 TD, 0 INT and 25/43, 248 Yds, 4 TD, 1 INT =


25-40, 254 Yds, 3 TD, 1 INT


To me that would be a decent game and something comparable with his skill level. The attempts are a little high, but the yardage and TD/INT should be close to those numbers.

I think your stars are right on with what to expect. Cleveland D is really good but they have struggled on 3rd down EFF I believe I saw and they have struggled when there opponents get into the red zone.

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Oh, you want sinister? I thought of that one, but there's an evil more insidious concept:


The brass feels confident enough to move forward with McCown, and they figure Cutler, coming off of injury, will be rusty. They figure he won't put up McCown's stats and will make the off-season decision easier. They're putting him on the field purposely because they think he'll do worse than McCown.


Do I think that's happening? No. But it's mad scientist stuff that could potentially happen. Particularly for a guy who's known as a QB guru, and didn't get to choose his own QB. Much like a new GM coming in and being handed a head coach, the supervisor doesn't typically like being told whom to hire.

Yeah no way can I wrap my head around the coach basically tanking the rest of the yr with us sitting right there on the door step of Detroit for the division. If that were true I would be screaming for Marc to be fired immediately

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here is how this works for me...


jay cutler: we traded a lot to get this guy. he only performed 2 seasons in the NFL with shanny, who i consider a good to very good qb coach. someone who can develop young raw talent into a pretty good qb and cutlers abilities were starting to take shape of him being a very good + quarterback. his career was on the RISE.


comes the trade - we had an imbecile for a GM. he mortgaged our franchise to get cutler and then completely ignored him the entire time he was in chicago. they had no clue what to do with a qb who was in his 'learning the game' prime. our offensive system was a joke from the coaches to the players. there was nobody home when it came time for cutler to learn from his *coaches how to play in the NFL.


so we finally have a staff to make him a better qb after wasting 4 years of his career and some want to go into the draft and roll the dice on a mid to low 1st round or BELOW qb to groom behind a qb that will turn 35 years old in july?


what are the odds of hitting a very good NFL qb in this situation? do you realize how many YEARS this would put us back if this high draft pick doesn’t pan out? probably FOUR years at the very least. because we will then end up with no mccown for a backup cause his career is about done in 2 years and we will have to either draft another qb high OR trade for another one again. all this when we HAVE a good + qb with the potential under good coaching to be very, very good.


you HAVE to look at this stuff in the long term. the cause and effect it has to win multiple superbowls is huge. you don’t look at it to win an immediate battle but how it best serves you to win the war. this franchise has done it this way since finks left chicago and it shows.


finally… this system in chicago is still in it’s infancy. anyone saying that our coach at this point in time can work miracles with any qb that comes along is possibly setting themselves and this franchise up for failure and disappointment.


we are only through ¾ of a season and we don’t even know how his system will hold up. does it look good? yes it looks very good but time is the deciding factor on whether it will hold up or collapse like a house of cards. there is way to little data in this of body of evidence that we want to jettison a qb that is good + already to gamble for pie-in-the-sky.




*offensive coaching:

1. 2009 year one we had ron turner a guy unable to cut it as a head coach in college ball. was he going to teach cutler anything? doubtful. left bears to be a position coach in the NFL and finally out of the NFL to coach florida international college?


cutlers mighty offensive weapons - LT pace, LG frank ohmy, RT chris williams. receivers - johnny knox, aromashadu and devin hester along with an often injured bennet. cutlers qb rating this year was 76.8. hmmm i wonder why?


2. 2010 year two for culters 3rd OC in 3 seasons we hire mike martz because no other sane offensive minded coach in the NFL was going to come here because of a lame duck head coach in lovie and the lack of any offensive talent except at qb. it was another lovie cronie joke who was virtually an idiot and was fired from detroit AND san francisco. like lovie he was living in the past while while the real NFL past him by years ago.


who were his receiving weapons beside our RB forte? deja vu - johnny knox, aromashadu and devin hester along with an injured bennet. this year cutlers QB rating was 86.3.


what did cutler learn from martz? how to take punishment and still get up.


3. 2011 year three again we have martz an OC who couldn't adjust his offense to the NFL or the players he was forced to play if he had a gun to his head. and he is doing what now? whatever it is it’s not in the NFL.


our tackles were frank ohmy protecting cutlers blind side and the great jmarcus web on the right which left virtually nothing between cutler and the defensive line. yet we continue to run 5-7 step drops in our scheme while cutler literally is running for his life every snap of the ball.


who are our receivers you ask? deja vu all over again - johnny knox, aromashadu and devin hester along with an injured bennet. this year cutlers qb rating was 85.7.


what did cutler learn this season? how to pass the ball to nothing receivers and live with pain.


4. 2012 year four (emery shows up). since martz was a complete failure as a coach we can't find anyone with any credentials as an OC because lovie the lame duck. so what do we do? we hire a bad offensive line coach from our own ranks. a guy that didn't even make our OL any better at all in mike tice (OC #4). mike tice the what again? oh yea, not in football this year.


our OL starters? LT j'marcus webb, LG chileo rachel, C garza (a first), RG lance louis, RT carimi and a bunch of nobody's in rotation.


finally a little help at wr - b. marshal, jeffries (rookie), bennett and hester, just no time to throw to them. cutlers qb rating was 81.3.


5. 2013 year five. a complete revamp in our coaching finally. trestman is hired as HC with an offensive mindset. hires a good line coach as OC and we finally appear to have a professional offense instead of semi-pro.


our OL starters – bushrod a good + LT, slauson a good LG, garza C average, and 2 rookies including a 5th round draft pick.


very good receiving core. maybe the best duo in the NFL in marshal and jeffries.


this is a complete new system with coaches (OC #5 for cutler). the OL has never played together before and is going to take time to gel. even so after 8 games starting to rookies on the same side cutlers qb rating is 88.4 is the best since he has been in chicago. in fact it is better than when he was in denver at 88.1 and 86.


so here is a qb who has been beaten to a pulp in the previous 4 years because of amateurs and finally with some coaching talent and player talent has a BETTER qb rating than when we traded TWO first round picks to get him and we are content to let him leave in free agency? wow!!






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Excellent post Lucky...


here is how this works for me...


jay cutler: we traded a lot to get this guy. he only performed 2 seasons in the NFL with shanny, who i consider a good to very good qb coach. someone who can develop young raw talent into a pretty good qb and cutlers abilities were starting to take shape of him being a very good + quarterback. his career was on the RISE.


comes the trade - we had an imbecile for a GM. he mortgaged our franchise to get cutler and then completely ignored him the entire time he was in chicago. they had no clue what to do with a qb who was in his 'learning the game' prime. our offensive system was a joke from the coaches to the players. there was nobody home when it came time for cutler to learn from his *coaches how to play in the NFL.


so we finally have a staff to make him a better qb after wasting 4 years of his career and some want to go into the draft and roll the dice on a mid to low 1st round or BELOW qb to groom behind a qb that will turn 35 years old in july?


what are the odds of hitting a very good NFL qb in this situation? do you realize how many YEARS this would put us back if this high draft pick doesn’t pan out? probably FOUR years at the very least. because we will then end up with no mccown for a backup cause his career is about done in 2 years and we will have to either draft another qb high OR trade for another one again. all this when we HAVE a good + qb with the potential under good coaching to be very, very good.


you HAVE to look at this stuff in the long term. the cause and effect it has to win multiple superbowls is huge. you don’t look at it to win an immediate battle but how it best serves you to win the war. this franchise has done it this way since finks left chicago and it shows.


finally… this system in chicago is still in it’s infancy. anyone saying that our coach at this point in time can work miracles with any qb that comes along is possibly setting themselves and this franchise up for failure and disappointment.


we are only through ¾ of a season and we don’t even know how his system will hold up. does it look good? yes it looks very good but time is the deciding factor on whether it will hold up or collapse like a house of cards. there is way to little data in this of body of evidence that we want to jettison a qb that is good + already to gamble for pie-in-the-sky.




*offensive coaching:

1. 2009 year one we had ron turner a guy unable to cut it as a head coach in college ball. was he going to teach cutler anything? doubtful. left bears to be a position coach in the NFL and finally out of the NFL to coach florida international college?


cutlers mighty offensive weapons - LT pace, LG frank ohmy, RT chris williams. receivers - johnny knox, aromashadu and devin hester along with an often injured bennet. cutlers qb rating this year was 76.8. hmmm i wonder why?


2. 2010 year two for culters 3rd OC in 3 seasons we hire mike martz because no other sane offensive minded coach in the NFL was going to come here because of a lame duck head coach in lovie and the lack of any offensive talent except at qb. it was another lovie cronie joke who was virtually an idiot and was fired from detroit AND san francisco. like lovie he was living in the past while while the real NFL past him by years ago.


who were his receiving weapons beside our RB forte? deja vu - johnny knox, aromashadu and devin hester along with an injured bennet. this year cutlers QB rating was 86.3.


what did cutler learn from martz? how to take punishment and still get up.


3. 2011 year three again we have martz an OC who couldn't adjust his offense to the NFL or the players he was forced to play if he had a gun to his head. and he is doing what now? whatever it is it’s not in the NFL.


our tackles were frank ohmy protecting cutlers blind side and the great jmarcus web on the right which left virtually nothing between cutler and the defensive line. yet we continue to run 5-7 step drops in our scheme while cutler literally is running for his life every snap of the ball.


who are our receivers you ask? deja vu all over again - johnny knox, aromashadu and devin hester along with an injured bennet. this year cutlers qb rating was 85.7.


what did cutler learn this season? how to pass the ball to nothing receivers and live with pain.


4. 2012 year four (emery shows up). since martz was a complete failure as a coach we can't find anyone with any credentials as an OC because lovie the lame duck. so what do we do? we hire a bad offensive line coach from our own ranks. a guy that didn't even make our OL any better at all in mike tice (OC #4). mike tice the what again? oh yea, not in football this year.


our OL starters? LT j'marcus webb, LG chileo rachel, C garza (a first), RG lance louis, RT carimi and a bunch of nobody's in rotation.


finally a little help at wr - b. marshal, jeffries (rookie), bennett and hester, just no time to throw to them. cutlers qb rating was 81.3.


5. 2013 year five. a complete revamp in our coaching finally. trestman is hired as HC with an offensive mindset. hires a good line coach as OC and we finally appear to have a professional offense instead of semi-pro.


our OL starters – bushrod a good + LT, slauson a good LG, garza C average, and 2 rookies including a 5th round draft pick.


very good receiving core. maybe the best duo in the NFL in marshal and jeffries.


this is a complete new system with coaches (OC #5 for cutler). the OL has never played together before and is going to take time to gel. even so after 8 games starting to rookies on the same side cutlers qb rating is 88.4 is the best since he has been in chicago. in fact it is better than when he was in denver at 88.1 and 86.


so here is a qb who has been beaten to a pulp in the previous 4 years because of amateurs and finally with some coaching talent and player talent has a BETTER qb rating than when we traded TWO first round picks to get him and we are content to let him leave in free agency? wow!!


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jay cutler: we traded a lot to get this guy. he only performed 2 seasons in the NFL with shanny, who i consider a good to very good qb coach. someone who can develop young raw talent into a pretty good qb and cutlers abilities were starting to take shape of him being a very good + quarterback. his career was on the RISE.


I would wonder aloud how does one explain the chaos in Washington? Is it because RGIII isn't really a good QB or because Shanny mismanaged him?




I know you never explained your earlier response where you quoted me as saying Cutler is a mobile QB and thusly could be culbable for his mounting injuries because of it. Why don't you explain that so I can come up with some sort of response?


Anyhow and in the meantime, I'll offer you this. When watching the game this weekend count how many times Cutler "truly steps up into the pocket" or does he bail or scramble? Look to see how many times he chooses to go mobile instead of surveying the field in the cover of the pocket. Ask yourself what would Josh have done? How many turnovers does Jay commit or near commit?


My "guess" is that he is going to do one of two things; he's going to revert to his 'old habits' and scramble when he feels pressure....not that there is necessarily pressure. Or....he will stand in the pocket and be as effective...or better...than McCown has. Which means he's learning.


Before you offer the excuse of his having to be mobile because of the previous admins/lines (of which you painfuly outlined) Cutler was hurt this year while this line was playing.

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here is how this works for me...


jay cutler: we traded a lot to get this guy. he only performed 2 seasons in the NFL with shanny, who i consider a good to very good qb coach. someone who can develop young raw talent into a pretty good qb and cutlers abilities were starting to take shape of him being a very good + quarterback. his career was on the RISE.


comes the trade - we had an imbecile for a GM. he mortgaged our franchise to get cutler and then completely ignored him the entire time he was in chicago. they had no clue what to do with a qb who was in his 'learning the game' prime. our offensive system was a joke from the coaches to the players. there was nobody home when it came time for cutler to learn from his *coaches how to play in the NFL.


so we finally have a staff to make him a better qb after wasting 4 years of his career and some want to go into the draft and roll the dice on a mid to low 1st round or BELOW qb to groom behind a qb that will turn 35 years old in july?


what are the odds of hitting a very good NFL qb in this situation? do you realize how many YEARS this would put us back if this high draft pick doesn’t pan out? probably FOUR years at the very least. because we will then end up with no mccown for a backup cause his career is about done in 2 years and we will have to either draft another qb high OR trade for another one again. all this when we HAVE a good + qb with the potential under good coaching to be very, very good.


you HAVE to look at this stuff in the long term. the cause and effect it has to win multiple superbowls is huge. you don’t look at it to win an immediate battle but how it best serves you to win the war. this franchise has done it this way since finks left chicago and it shows.


finally… this system in chicago is still in it’s infancy. anyone saying that our coach at this point in time can work miracles with any qb that comes along is possibly setting themselves and this franchise up for failure and disappointment.


we are only through ¾ of a season and we don’t even know how his system will hold up. does it look good? yes it looks very good but time is the deciding factor on whether it will hold up or collapse like a house of cards. there is way to little data in this of body of evidence that we want to jettison a qb that is good + already to gamble for pie-in-the-sky.




*offensive coaching:

1. 2009 year one we had ron turner a guy unable to cut it as a head coach in college ball. was he going to teach cutler anything? doubtful. left bears to be a position coach in the NFL and finally out of the NFL to coach florida international college?


cutlers mighty offensive weapons - LT pace, LG frank ohmy, RT chris williams. receivers - johnny knox, aromashadu and devin hester along with an often injured bennet. cutlers qb rating this year was 76.8. hmmm i wonder why?


2. 2010 year two for culters 3rd OC in 3 seasons we hire mike martz because no other sane offensive minded coach in the NFL was going to come here because of a lame duck head coach in lovie and the lack of any offensive talent except at qb. it was another lovie cronie joke who was virtually an idiot and was fired from detroit AND san francisco. like lovie he was living in the past while while the real NFL past him by years ago.


who were his receiving weapons beside our RB forte? deja vu - johnny knox, aromashadu and devin hester along with an injured bennet. this year cutlers QB rating was 86.3.


what did cutler learn from martz? how to take punishment and still get up.


3. 2011 year three again we have martz an OC who couldn't adjust his offense to the NFL or the players he was forced to play if he had a gun to his head. and he is doing what now? whatever it is it’s not in the NFL.


our tackles were frank ohmy protecting cutlers blind side and the great jmarcus web on the right which left virtually nothing between cutler and the defensive line. yet we continue to run 5-7 step drops in our scheme while cutler literally is running for his life every snap of the ball.


who are our receivers you ask? deja vu all over again - johnny knox, aromashadu and devin hester along with an injured bennet. this year cutlers qb rating was 85.7.


what did cutler learn this season? how to pass the ball to nothing receivers and live with pain.


4. 2012 year four (emery shows up). since martz was a complete failure as a coach we can't find anyone with any credentials as an OC because lovie the lame duck. so what do we do? we hire a bad offensive line coach from our own ranks. a guy that didn't even make our OL any better at all in mike tice (OC #4). mike tice the what again? oh yea, not in football this year.


our OL starters? LT j'marcus webb, LG chileo rachel, C garza (a first), RG lance louis, RT carimi and a bunch of nobody's in rotation.


finally a little help at wr - b. marshal, jeffries (rookie), bennett and hester, just no time to throw to them. cutlers qb rating was 81.3.


5. 2013 year five. a complete revamp in our coaching finally. trestman is hired as HC with an offensive mindset. hires a good line coach as OC and we finally appear to have a professional offense instead of semi-pro.


our OL starters – bushrod a good + LT, slauson a good LG, garza C average, and 2 rookies including a 5th round draft pick.


very good receiving core. maybe the best duo in the NFL in marshal and jeffries.


this is a complete new system with coaches (OC #5 for cutler). the OL has never played together before and is going to take time to gel. even so after 8 games starting to rookies on the same side cutlers qb rating is 88.4 is the best since he has been in chicago. in fact it is better than when he was in denver at 88.1 and 86.


so here is a qb who has been beaten to a pulp in the previous 4 years because of amateurs and finally with some coaching talent and player talent has a BETTER qb rating than when we traded TWO first round picks to get him and we are content to let him leave in free agency? wow!!


Excellent post but only 1 gripe. our #2 receiver is Alshon JEFFREY. NOT JEFFRIES. its singular not plural. I know all media people are starting to finally come around now that Jeffrey has showed that he is a complete and utter beast. like i said small gripe but excellent post. Nice job putting that all together. I will be posting an article that I just recently read on this debate of McCown and Cutler.

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