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First let me say I do not care if he is gay or not. Nothing against gay or anything related to gay.



Gay or not the guy can play football.



Funny part tho is he has a personal assistant that is a dude, and lives with him.... Who you crappin???






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First let me say I do not care if he is gay or not. Nothing against gay or anything related to gay.


Gay or not the guy can play football.


Funny part tho is he has a personal assistant that is a dude, and lives with him.... Who you crappin???


The mustache gave him away. Has nothing to do with football. If I'm the GM and the Bears could swap him for Jay Cutler, not only would I do it immediately, I'd hire his boyfriend to ease the transition.


Besides, we all knew Farv was gay all those years. How else do you explain the rampant love affair with John Madden?

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The mustache gave him away. Has nothing to do with football. If I'm the GM and the Bears could swap him for Jay Cutler, not only would I do it immediately, I'd hire his boyfriend to ease the transition.


Besides, we all knew Farv was gay all those years. How else do you explain the rampant love affair with John Madden?



I would take Rodgers as our QB in a New York min.... Shit I would hire the entire Chippendale team to be his assistants here in Chicago if that helped get him here.



Farv comment has me rolling!!!!! good one

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The mustache gave him away. Has nothing to do with football. If I'm the GM and the Bears could swap him for Jay Cutler, not only would I do it immediately, I'd hire his boyfriend to ease the transition.


Besides, we all knew Farv was gay all those years. How else do you explain the rampant love affair with John Madden?



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Could care less. I hate the guy only because of the uniform. And the dumb wrestling belt move...







First let me say I do not care if he is gay or not. Nothing against gay or anything related to gay.



Gay or not the guy can play football.



Funny part tho is he has a personal assistant that is a dude, and lives with him.... Who you crappin???


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If he is gay, and he actually came out of the closet, it would be great for sports.



It will make no difference whatsoever to sports because nobody I know gives a d*** one way or the other. Back in the 1970's it was news for those of us old enough to remember. In 2014 it's a little late to the scene unless someone, or some people, just want attention for themselves. Just win football games, eh?

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Gay rights have come a long way in the last 20 years. Gay rights are a no-brainer, and I do think most people would accept a gay player and those that wouldn't would be challenged in their beliefs by having powerful role models.


That said, I still think people have a right to their religious opinions as well. When the Duck Dynasty guy said what he said, I thought he had a right to feel that way. Freedom of speech and religion is really important in any democracy, and that includes people with whom you may disagree.


Still and all, Gay Marriage is a done deal, it's obviously constitutional, and given time, I don't think many people will be any more upset by it than they are by mixed race marriages, or mixed religion marriages, and that % of people diminishes greatly with every generation.


I hope Rodgers IS gay, that'd be great.


Even if no one did laugh at my Xmas message coming out as a Packer fan LOL

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I remember years ago some sports show bit where some female reporter was out on a beach with him interviewing him. One thing she asked him was about eventually finding a soul mate or something like that. He answered the question very comfortably, not like he was trying to hide something...not that that means much.

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When the Duck Dynasty guy said what he said, I thought he had a right to feel that way. Freedom of speech and religion is really important in any democracy, and that includes people with whom you may disagree.


I agree with all of your points but just want to point out that freedom of speech as guaranteed in the constitution is about freedom from governmental reprisal, not individual repercussions. An employer is always free to reprimand an employee if they say something embarrassing to the company. And this Duck guy is a real piece of work. But whatever, I never watched him anyway and don't care now. More power to him. I'm glad he told the world how he feels and wish more people did exactly that. It's how I am here and in the real world. When people know exactly where you stand they can make informed decisions on whether or not they want to continue to support you with their viewership. Too many Hollywood folks are complete fakes. At least this redneck left it all on the field.

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You are 100%.


Freedom of speech is a topic so many folks misinterpret.


Those Duck guys crack me up. I get a chuckle out of them like the Three Stooges. I'm not asking Moe about his thoughts on world politics.


GQ asking a redneck hunter what his thoughts on homosexuality are is fishing with dynamite. Did anyone honestly think he'd resond any differently?


I agree with all of your points but just want to point out that freedom of speech as guaranteed in the constitution is about freedom from governmental reprisal, not individual repercussions. An employer is always free to reprimand an employee if they say something embarrassing to the company. And this Duck guy is a real piece of work. But whatever, I never watched him anyway and don't care now. More power to him. I'm glad he told the world how he feels and wish more people did exactly that. It's how I am here and in the real world. When people know exactly where you stand they can make informed decisions on whether or not they want to continue to support you with their viewership. Too many Hollywood folks are complete fakes. At least this redneck left it all on the field.


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Yeah, you're right "Freedom of Speech" is a legal protection from the government, and not individuals.


However, it also stands for a generally long held cultural tradition of having tolerance for other people's religions.


Also, in some cases being fired from a job for a religious view is illegal in that it's discriminatory.


Now me personally, I lean more Libertarian than anything, so I have no problem with the guy saying it OR the network removing him OR them caving to pressure from the consumers. It's all good as far as I'm concerned.


I'm just saying, I'm 100% for gay rights, and at the same time, I don't think he said anything terribly bad either.

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I basically agree.


We must remember that the right is there not just to protect that which we agree or find logical, but to protect that which what we disagree with and/or find dumb. However, sometime what is said has reprecussions.


I think tolerance and freedom of speech are 2 very different things though. As is discrimination and freedom of speech. One has the right to say virtually anything...and those words need not be tolerant. Those words could lead to both illegal and legal loss of employment. It depends on the contract signed, what is said and particular state and federal laws. For instance, if some dude were to stand up on national tv and proclaim following Charles Manson as his religion and to recommend all people sleep with whales, kill orphans, and like the Packers...I'd think that could very well be a fireable offense. Or at least it should be! The dude has the right to say it, but I woudn't want him on my sales team! He has the right to say it, but I have the right to disassociate myself from that person. At least one would think...


I'm for 100% human rights. Don't care if it's sexual, racial, religious, political, etc... We all have the same rights under the constitution. It's there, it's just sometimes our politicians and lawmakers don't follow it.






Yeah, you're right "Freedom of Speech" is a legal protection from the government, and not individuals.


However, it also stands for a generally long held cultural tradition of having tolerance for other people's religions.


Also, in some cases being fired from a job for a religious view is illegal in that it's discriminatory.


Now me personally, I lean more Libertarian than anything, so I have no problem with the guy saying it OR the network removing him OR them caving to pressure from the consumers. It's all good as far as I'm concerned.


I'm just saying, I'm 100% for gay rights, and at the same time, I don't think he said anything terribly bad either.


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