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2013-2014 Playoff Open Thread


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Agreed on Carroll....


I'm just barely hoping for the Broncos.


I really don't care... Just hoping for a good game.


I have to admit the older I get the less tolerant I get for the extra curricular activity. I try to tell myself that today's athlete is different; but damn act like a professional once in awhile. Plus I have never liked Pete Carroll, always felt like he was a snake oil salesman.


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What I find amazing is that this behavior has worked its way all the way down through the ranks. My kids are in high school so I watch their teams play. You see teams down by 21 points, late in games, where their ass has absolutely been handed to them and guys get a meaningless first down. The receiver jumps up and dances, signaling 1st down. I fear at times the lessons that are supposed to be coming out of team sports are being lost.


I agree with you more on the kids than on Sherman. Best article I've seen so far on Sherman is:




With that said, I wish more athletes were like Sweetness. No showboating, no trash talking, just class. And Sherman didn't show any of that. However, the play happened a few seconds before the "interview" and he and Crabtree were clearly talking smack all game long. WHAT THE F*CK DID THEY EXPECT?!?!!!


No excuse for Sherman, like SCS said though, he's just a product of his generation. I'm a parent and I work pretty hard at making sure my son knows that that shit ain't acceptable. If everyone did that, perhaps there'd be a little less of this BS out there in the NBA, NFL, etc.

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I agree with you more on the kids than on Sherman. Best article I've seen so far on Sherman is:




With that said, I wish more athletes were like Sweetness. No showboating, no trash talking, just class. And Sherman didn't show any of that. However, the play happened a few seconds before the "interview" and he and Crabtree were clearly talking smack all game long. WHAT THE F*CK DID THEY EXPECT?!?!!!


No excuse for Sherman, like SCS said though, he's just a product of his generation. I'm a parent and I work pretty hard at making sure my son knows that that shit ain't acceptable. If everyone did that, perhaps there'd be a little less of this BS out there in the NBA, NFL, etc.



Interesting read. I am one of those fans who prefers the boring interviews. I prefer the athlete who is confident enough in his own skills that he just walks away after a spectacular play. So for me, much of what the author wrote, does not apply. I like the athlete and team that is talented enough it just wins convincingly and moves on to the next task at hand. I personally think it sticks in the opponents craw longer when you beat them and just move on. No prancing and taunting to divert their attention that you just beat them. Oh well, such is the state of things. But you are right about teaching your own child, that philosophy applies to so much when raising children. If parents or guardians just took the extra step, taught the extra lesson.

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Manning did the Pats D dirty. 8.9 yards per play was the 3rd most by any team this season. Bears worst game against Philly they gave up 8.2 yards per play.....But injuries don't matter when you have Bill Belichek right? =p (semi sarcastic)



Did you just use a single game statistic as a point of reference to attempt to prove something? First and for most, the Denver Broncos are the BEST OFFENSE in the NFL and had the greatest passing yardagewise season in NFL history. The Pats lost their top shutdown corner halfway thru the game and therefore had no way of addressing it any better then they did. You are just throwing crap out there to "stir the pot". This and the using of a Jerry Jones owned team to try to validate your arguement, just shows how truly weak your arguement is. You are showing the same delusions you had in regards to J'Marcus Webb.


knock knock reality calling....

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Relax, I was being sarcastic. My other arguments are far from weak but everyone here sticks to their guns so while you may think my arguments are weak, I may find your arguments weak as well. I back everything I say up.



what nonsense. You asked for things that could have been done differently, and you ignore the responses you get. When people give you fact backed information you just throw little one liners out there and continue to take little jabs while not saying anything. If you can't think of anything to refute it, you just ignore it and continue in your narrow minded thought process. But you really BACK IT UP. what a joke.

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what nonsense. You asked for things that could have been done differently, and you ignore the responses you get. When people give you fact backed information you just throw little one liners out there and continue to take little jabs while not saying anything. If you can't think of anything to refute it, you just ignore it and continue in your narrow minded thought process. But you really BACK IT UP. what a joke. Oh and news flash, the Saints (one of the worst defenses in the NFL last year) didn't get an entire new defense, that magically became probowlers, they got a completely new defensive scheme, with a coach that could adjust the gameplan to fit his players, even with injuries, not continue too, (used in an earlier attempt to take jabs while not saying anything), "beat a dead horse", or try to fit square shapes in a circular hole.


Lol I've responded to everything you've said with my opinions.


You talked about moving Briggs to MLB, I responded with the fact that Bostic only played in 1 game before Briggs got hurt so it was my opinion that move would have made no sense. It's also my opinion that veteran players should have a say in where they wanna play. Briggs doesn't wanna move inside, and Tillman who was also hurt for half the season and wouldn't make a difference doesn't wanna move to Safety.


Peppers at DT over Wootton does make a little sense but you're still gonna be forced to play SMC more than he should be playing and defenses will continue to attack him.


What the Saints DID do is add a 1st round safety, Kenny Vacarro, and a corner Keenan Lewis who the previous year was either 1 or 2 in pass deflections. Adding a #1 corner and a 1st round safety will go a long way in helping the pass defense(which gave up a gaudy 440 ypg).....I won't deny that Rob Ryan and the scheme change didn't help them a bunch though.



Again, we all have opinions here. I was actually on the fence with my opinion of Tucker, and have gone on record in other threads that I would be cool with firing him, but of course that gets lost in the shuffle. All I've been doing is trying to add some rationale to the decision, but of course it's all getting taken out of context just like last years big argument.

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Lol I've responded to everything you've said with my opinions.


You talked about moving Briggs to MLB, I responded with the fact that Bostic only played in 1 game before Briggs got hurt so it was my opinion that move would have made no sense. It's also my opinion that veteran players should have a say in where they wanna play. Briggs doesn't wanna move inside, and Tillman who was also hurt for half the season and wouldn't make a difference doesn't wanna move to Safety.


Peppers at DT over Wootton does make a little sense but you're still gonna be forced to play SMC more than he should be playing and defenses will continue to attack him.


What the Saints DID do is add a 1st round safety, Kenny Vacarro, and a corner Keenan Lewis who the previous year was either 1 or 2 in pass deflections. Adding a #1 corner and a 1st round safety will go a long way in helping the pass defense.....I won't deny that Rob Ryan and the scheme change didn't help them a bunch though.



Again, we all have opinions here. I was actually on the fence with my opinion of Tucker, and have gone on record in other threads that I would be cool with firing him, but of course that gets lost in the shuffle. All I've been doing is trying to add some rationale to the decision, but of course it's all getting taken out of context just like last years big argument.


Actually I never said move Briggs to middle linebacker, someone else did and I suggested that maybe he didn't get hurt due to the move after you said, does that mean Briggs doesn't get hurt before realizing how soon after DJ went down that Briggs went down. I then offered an alterative, in moving Anderson inside and other such things which I am not going to repeat again as you just have to actually read my previous responses.



"Peppers at DT over Wootton does make a little sense but you're still gonna be forced to play SMC more than he should be playing and defenses will continue to attack him. "


I never stated anything like that either but it makes sense. Don't think I mentioned moving Peanut to safety either, but whatever. Think you are confusing me with someone else. Which can happen on here. The Bears had a top ten D last year and New Orleans had a bottem 5 D last year. Both teams added defensive players via the draft Bears 1st rounder last year, 2nd and 3rd rounder this year. Difference is that Ryan and his coaching staff were able to put their rookies in position to succeed, even with injures to the D. They also showed improvement as the year went on. The Bears kept doing the SAME THING OVER AND OVER AND OVER... starting to sound like a broken record. Also not one player showed any improvement in Chicago, defensively as the season went on. At least you now see that maybe Tucker should have been fired. I am just not going to take a stance and argue a point even though it doesn't make sense just for the sake of argument. The fact that Wade Phillips is available and we decided to take this route instead, is just beyond frusterating as a fan.


I am also hoping Tucker surprises us all and gets a clue, but it is funny how all the interviews for position coaches all have previous DC experience for some reason, like if Tucker continues to fail, he gets bounced and replaced with a cheap alternative in house.

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Actually I never said move Briggs to middle linebacker, someone else did and I suggested that maybe he didn't get hurt due to the move after you said, does that mean Briggs doesn't get hurt before realizing how soon after DJ went down that Briggs went down. I then offered an alterative, in moving Anderson inside and other such things which I am not going to repeat again as you just have to actually read my previous responses.



"Peppers at DT over Wootton does make a little sense but you're still gonna be forced to play SMC more than he should be playing and defenses will continue to attack him. "


I never stated anything like that either but it makes sense. Don't think I mentioned moving Peanut to safety either, but whatever. Think you are confusing me with someone else. Which can happen on here. The Bears had a top ten D last year and New Orleans had a bottem 5 D last year. Both teams added defensive players via the draft Bears 1st rounder last year, 2nd and 3rd rounder this year. Difference is that Ryan and his coaching staff were able to put their rookies in position to succeed, even with injures to the D. They also showed improvement as the year went on. The Bears kept doing the SAME THING OVER AND OVER AND OVER... starting to sound like a broken record. Also not one player showed any improvement in Chicago, defensively as the season went on. At least you now see that maybe Tucker should have been fired. I am just not going to take a stance and argue a point even though it doesn't make sense just for the sake of argument. The fact that Wade Phillips is available and we decided to take this route instead, is just beyond frusterating as a fan.


I am also hoping Tucker surprises us all and gets a clue, but it is funny how all the interviews for position coaches all have previous DC experience for some reason, like if Tucker continues to fail, he gets bounced and replaced with a cheap alternative in house.


Perhaps I am indeed confusing you with someone else, so I'll have to go back and see what you actually suggested that I apparently skipped over.


In the end though it's all very pointless though, and I acknowledge that I am partaking in the pointlessness. He's here to stay for at least another year so while we all may have some gripe with the situation I put my trust in the guys with NFL jobs. It was just a year ago that he interviewed for the job and the people in charge liked what they heard, perhaps it's wise they give him a fair shot to do what it is he set out to do with, hopefully, a healthy squad.


Just please Emery, give me some damn horses on the DL! Defense will never do a damn thing without the guys up front getting pressure.

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OMG yeah, not a humble one in the bunch. Hopefully Sherman busts his knee like Bowman in the SB.


On another note, that had to be one of the worst officiating playoff games I can remember. So many non-calls or wrong calls on Seattle. When Bowman got hurt, he was on the ground for at least 1-2 seconds before some Seattle player dives at him and rips the ball out of his hands. Then the running into the punter call, that was a clear hit and should've been roughing. That was at least a 10 pt swing and was the difference in the game.


As an official I usually say most complaints are baseless because the average fan has no clue. But it was definitely shocking to see that nobody saw Bowman with the ball on the ground. That should have been SF's ball for sure. I also agree that it should have been roughing instead of running into the punter.


But to say it was a ten point swing on those two plays is ridiculous. I'm pretty sure Seattle fumbled on the very next play after that the Bowman play. Net loss was about ten yards. And the difference in a 15 yard penalty and a 5 yard penalty for roughing did not make that big of a difference. The Niners were on their own 20, so the possibility of them scoring was still very much in question. Additionally, the Seahawks started the next drive on their 38. The 62 yards and TD the Niners gave up are much more responsible than a single, ten-yard penalty.

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My god, your hate for him is unreal. He's right on at least 7 of those points. Seattle didn't score after the fumble botch.....Don't remember what happened after the rouging the kicker botch.


Not disputing the points he made but rather the ignorant manner in which he did so. Once again. He's constantly telling others how stupid they are by using words like ridiculous. It wasn't ridiculous to suggest those calls could've changed the momentum of the game and potentially the outcome. It's just that the poster above dared not be 100% clear in the way he phrased his post so Jason jumped on it. If he weren't such a tool 99% of the time, I wouldn't have responded to his post at all.


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I both expect and am ever so slightly rooting for Denver.


I just don't like Seattle other than Wilson. Living in So Cal, I'm so sick of Pete Caroll.


Bottom line, I just want a good close game. It is just an excuse to hang with friends and family. One last hurrah of the season.


So who you got in the Super Bowl? I guess I really don't care who wins but I assume it'll be the Broncos. I don't really like Manning but there are any number of reasons not to like that Seattle team.


I do think it'll be a good game and getting together with friends for this event is always a lot of fun.


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So who you got in the Super Bowl? I guess I really don't care who wins but I assume it'll be the Broncos. I don't really like Manning but there are any number of reasons not to like that Seattle team.


I do think it'll be a good game and getting together with friends for this event is always a lot of fun.


Sister is a huge Denver fan so I'll be supporting her team. That and she recently moved there. Not sure how you can't like Manning. But then again you are Cracker so I shouldn't be all that surprised.


I agree about Seattle. There are suddenly Seahawks fans everywhere you turn up here. I just returned from Florida yesterday and there were people all over sporting gear and talking Seahawks. Sickening.


Whodda thunk that Kellen Davis could be a Super Bowl champion before the rest of his former team? That is enough to dislike Seattle.

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I like Defense, so i will go with Seattle. I live in Colorado and the Bronco fans are fanatic morons. Same fans that wanted a statue of Tebow out front of Mile High because of the payoff win...only to call for his head the next year. I suspect they will do the same thing to Manning if he does not deliver.

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I like Defense, so i will go with Seattle. I live in Colorado and the Bronco fans are fanatic morons. Same fans that wanted a statue of Tebow out front of Mile High because of the payoff win...only to call for his head the next year. I suspect they will do the same thing to Manning if he does not deliver.


Since you indirectly called my sister a "fanatic(al) moron" I have to ask how those same fans felt about John Elway since he only won two of the five Super Bowls he played in? Seems he's still pretty popular there.


My question about your choice to back Seattle and since many consider them (Seahawks) to be a bunch of classless thugs, so too would their fans be?

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I lived in denver in fall/winter of '99. That fan base takes fanatic to another level. I've been to Seattle on many occasions and they are much closer to being fair weather fans. Ive delv a load to a neighbor of the stadiums there (sea chickens and mariners share sane area). All that said I've got no problem with Denver and I've always loved Peyton. Hard to cheer against him

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Since you indirectly called my sister a "fanatic(al) moron" I have to ask how those same fans felt about John Elway since he only won two of the five Super Bowls he played in? Seems he's still pretty popular there.


My question about your choice to back Seattle and since many consider them (Seahawks) to be a bunch of classless thugs, so too would their fans be?


before you get all bent out of shape, i'm obviously painting with a very large brush and have many friends, co-workers and son in law that are Bronco fans...and i have never met your sister so i cant really say.


I dont know about the Seattle fans since I have never lived in that state.


So, the main reason I picked Seattle is because of the D and I think we would take a few of those "classless thugs" on the Bears in a heart beat

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