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Thoughts on Michael Sam


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He just came out of the closet....Wondering how you old school guys feel about this.


Some quotes from anonymous NFL front office people think this hurts his draft status.




There WILL be meathead fans that will get on him if he struggles, and the media is sure to be all over him for awhile....As long as he has thick skin I think he'll be just fine.



I think he can hang at DE but would be more of an ideal fit as a rush LB....If the Bears run some sort ofhybrid, I really wouldn't mind drafting him if he ends up falling to the 4th round. He can back up his teammate Kony Ealy as the hybrid DE/OLB lol.



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I prefer to work with people who want to judged based solely on their performance, not on what they are. My concern is why he feels he must seek out the public spotlight for something so trivial. I think the same about guys like Chris Johnson who is so flamboyant with all his women. He didn't impress me at the draft the day he was chosen and I think despite his talent that focus has hindered him. Maybe it has maybe it hasn't, just giving my opinion.


It's a point where the individual is making it more about them than about football and the team. Now if this guys falls in the draft it will be all about how he was discriminated against instead of people evaluating his abilities against other players. If he gets cut it will be discrimination. If he wants to bring this into the locker room with the media I don't want the distraction.

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I prefer to work with people who want to judged based solely on their performance, not on what they are. My concern is why he feels he must seek out the public spotlight for something so trivial. I think the same about guys like Chris Johnson who is so flamboyant with all his women. He didn't impress me at the draft the day he was chosen and I think despite his talent that focus has hindered him. Maybe it has maybe it hasn't, just giving my opinion.


It's a point where the individual is making it more about them than about football and the team. Now if this guys falls in the draft it will be all about how he was discriminated against instead of people evaluating his abilities against other players. If he gets cut it will be discrimination. If he wants to bring this into the locker room with the media I don't want the distraction.

I agree where ever he lands he will be a sideshow. People are who there are and what ever makes them happy so be it. Im sure the NFL will accept him. Hell we accept SCS everyday.

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I agree where ever he lands he will be a sideshow. People are who there are and what ever makes them happy so be it. Im sure the NFL will accept him. Hell we accept SCS everyday.


Uhh, the hells the bold comment supposed to mean lol.....You went from saying I'm smarter than Mel Kiper, I don't think I am, but thanks, to bashing me lol.


Interesting take AZ. People over on soxtalk are calling it a courageous move. I don't think it's necessarily a "Look at me" I'm selfish type of move, esp since chances are it's a move that's gonna hurt him in the long run.


I also don't buy into the whole sideshow derailing the chance of a teams success angle. Hell, look at the sideshow Sherman created with his comments after the NFC Championship game. Did that derail Seattle?


At the end of the day if the guys good, the guys good. The media should have no bearings in how a team performs.

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Uhh, the hells the bold comment supposed to mean lol.....You went from saying I'm smarter than Mel Kiper, I don't think I am, but thanks, to bashing me lol.


Interesting take AZ. People over on soxtalk are calling it a courageous move. I don't think it's necessarily a "Look at me" I'm selfish type of move, esp since chances are it's a move that's gonna hurt him in the long run.


I also don't buy into the whole sideshow derailing the chance of a teams success angle. Hell, look at the sideshow Sherman created with his comments after the NFC Championship game. Did that derail Seattle?


At the end of the day if the guys good, the guys good. The media should have no bearings in how a team performs.

I have a sarcastic sense of humor,I think Kiper is all fluff. He has interesting things to say sometimes, but is rarely right on predictions.

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I question why now? Why come out now? He already came out to his teammates. So he decides to come out before any pro days or the combine. I can see it coming up in the interview. But to come out now just brings too much pressure on himself and the crazy media circus that will follow him to Indy. Then when he gets drafted lower than he thinks he should we will be introduced to the "gay card." I am sure there are quite a few gay men in the nfl. Their team mates know it and life continues.

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I think it is ridiculous. Someone liking penis does not warrant the top story on a national news outlet. If it did, I know some girls that would be on the front page of my local paper daily.


Today's media is so liberal and PC. Today's America isn't exactly the south in the 60's. Sam's name would rarely be brought up in such media outlets if not for his sexuality. There is an environment of support and instant celebrity for athletes that do come out. It's far from courageous. To be clear, I'm not criticizing Sam for coming out. I'm criticizing the media for the pedestal that they place on athletes that do.


Being a homosexual has no relevance on Sam's ability to play football, and therefore irrelevant. It's not like it's a disease could possibly effect his play, like Cutler with diabetes. The only effect this will have on his team is that players will be put in awkward situation of having to comment on it when asked. It has the potential of ruining his teammates careers, if they say something the media deems homophobic.

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To those who think he shouldnt have said anything, and kept his mouth shut, I wonder if you would have passed on Jackie Robinson too?


The fact is that this is an important time for gay rights, and these kind of stories are important, not to football, but to society.


I think it's great that he cqme out, and right now, after his college career and before the draft seems to be the most transparent, and least selfish time to do it. Good for him :)

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To those who think he shouldnt have said anything, and kept his mouth shut, I wonder if you would have passed on Jackie Robinson too?


The fact is that this is an important time for gay rights, and these kind of stories are important, not to football, but to society.


I think it's great that he cqme out, and right now, after his college career and before the draft seems to be the most transparent, and least selfish time to do it. Good for him :)


This board is not for political discussions but I have to say it is absolutely ridiculous, and really an ignorant statement, to associate the racial bias blacks fought through to how gays are treated today.

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This board is not for political discussions but I have to say it is absolutely ridiculous, and really an ignorant statement, to associate the racial bias blacks fought through to how gays are treated today.

You always seem to say the right thing. I agree with on your comments. I guess someone may not know (when is the right time) but maybe he thinks transparency is a good thing before entering the next step in his life. He will get attention from this and maybe his agent suggested this to create a buzz with him. I think if he does well at the combine, he will be drafted at about the same spot he would have anyways. Its hard to put yourself in someone elses shoes, so I wont try. The NFL is just a meat market anyways, it takes on a different light in his case.

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The fact he had already come out means the scouts and every team already knew he was gay. Yet here we go with the media circus despite the fact it was no big deal for his teammates and coaches. For some reason simply being accepted as a good teammate and for how well he played the game, which was pretty good, was not enough for him. Just like T.O.'s annual circus act at the end of his career I'm done with it.




12:01 AM): Top prospect comes out … If the 2014 draft wasn’t already interesting enough, former Missouri DE/OLB Michael Sam has announced that he is gay. Sam reportedly informed his Missouri teammates prior to the start of the season and played the year without incident. Sam had been considered either a late second or early third day prospect for the upcoming draft so it will be interesting to see what impact if any his announcement will have on his ultimate grade. At the same time, expect the league to encourage somebody - anybody - to select Sam in that range to avoid the embarrassment of having the first openly gay draft prospect to be either not selected or to have his grade fall because of his orientation.

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This board is not for political discussions but I have to say it is absolutely ridiculous, and really an ignorant statement, to associate the racial bias blacks fought through to how gays are treated today.


Well the entire TOPIC is political. And Im sorry you find my statement ignorant, but I must say, right back at you.


Given that gays still cannot legally marry in many states, I think it's fair to say that there is still a political issue, despite how open minded people like you want to make it so no one should talk about it.

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Wow, AZ has been one of the most level headed posters on here in my time posting here....Surprised this is whats ticking him off.....


I think he did the right thing. He didn't want to be outed. He didn't want rumors to affect his draft stock or standing in the locker room. He didn't want to be what is essentially a ticking time bomb in the locker room, where he'd risk calamity after letting it out in the middle of his career.



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I prefer to work with people who want to judged based solely on their performance, not on what they are. My concern is why he feels he must seek out the public spotlight for something so trivial. I think the same about guys like Chris Johnson who is so flamboyant with all his women. He didn't impress me at the draft the day he was chosen and I think despite his talent that focus has hindered him. Maybe it has maybe it hasn't, just giving my opinion.


It's a point where the individual is making it more about them than about football and the team. Now if this guys falls in the draft it will be all about how he was discriminated against instead of people evaluating his abilities against other players. If he gets cut it will be discrimination. If he wants to bring this into the locker room with the media I don't want the distraction.



I agree with AZ on this way of thinking but I do understand why he came out now. While at the Senior bowl or some NFl draft function he became aware of how many people actually knew already and instead of it coming without his consent he took control of it and let it be know how he wanted to or on his own terms. I give him props for having the balls that so do. From what it sounds like there are a couple of high profile NFL stars that have not came out....Rodger and Newton. They prolly have their own reasons for not coming out and that is all fine.


Im looking fwd to a day when this will not make news. I for one do not care what your sexual orientation is. If the Bears think this guy is good enough to help them out, draft him. If not not draft who ever they think can.





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Well the entire TOPIC is political. And Im sorry you find my statement ignorant, but I must say, right back at you.


Given that gays still cannot legally marry in many states, I think it's fair to say that there is still a political issue, despite how open minded people like you want to make it so no one should talk about it.



Sorry but I cant figure out how you can relate the fight gays are going through to what the African Americans went through. First there was a civil war to get rid of slavery and then the entire Civil Rights Movement. Apples and oranges.



I will say it is a Political Issue but not in the same ball park as the Civil Rights movement. Last time i checked Gays can vote, sit anywhere on a bus they want, drink from any water fountain they want and have access to the same level of education as everyone else. Is it perfect, no but far what people dealt with during the the Civil Rights movement.

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I don't care, but there are many that will. There are several reasons that people are homophobic, whether it be religious, social upbringing or they are just creeped out by it. To me, they are a football player. I had a couple gay guys on my football team. I didn't know until a few years after and it had no effect whatsoever.

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Right there is how someone "coming out" should be done. WWE and wrestling in general had many stereotyped gay gimmicks in the past, but there has never been an openly gay person in the WWE.


Darren Young is getting off his flight to the second biggest WWE event of the year, and he get's stopped by a reporter. He was asked a generalized question about gays in the WWE. He just owned his sexuality, talked about it nonchalantly, while going about his business.


That has more impact in my opinion, than making a media circus and national announcement. The way Darren Young went about it has more class, and lends being gay as normal instead of a spectacle.


I really don't think it will effect May's draft position any. A majority of teams, the owners have little say on who will be drafted in his projected area. GM's are there to be successful and can't afford any kind of biased. Phil Emery could have the opinions of Phil Robertson, but he's going to get the guys that give the Bears the best chance to win.


Rodger's has already denied being gay BTW. He got confronted with the rumors and said he liked the laidies a lot, or something like that. I remember the SCORE giving him the business because of how he responded.

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Right there is how someone "coming out" should be done. WWE and wrestling in general had many stereotyped gay gimmicks in the past, but there has never been an openly gay person in the WWE.


Darren Young is getting off his flight to the second biggest WWE event of the year, and he get's stopped by a reporter. He was asked a generalized question about gays in the WWE. He just owned his sexuality, talked about it nonchalantly, while going about his business.


That has more impact in my opinion, than making a media circus and national announcement. The way Darren Young went about it has more class, and lends being gay as normal instead of a spectacle.


I really don't think it will effect May's draft position any. A majority of teams, the owners have little say on who will be drafted in his projected area. GM's are there to be successful and can't afford any kind of biased. Phil Emery could have the opinions of Phil Robertson, but he's going to get the guys that give the Bears the best chance to win.


Rodger's has already denied being gay BTW. He got confronted with the rumors and said he liked the laidies a lot, or something like that. I remember the SCORE giving him the business because of how he responded.

I dont know if Rodgers is gay or not but fact it has been questioned tickles me to death with some of the bonehead Packers fans I know. It kills them to think that is possible.

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I dont think I did say that what gays go thru is the same as what Blacks went thru. What I DID say was that Jackie Robinson also came with "distractions" that weren't related to baseball or his team, but instead to a national discussion about civil rights. I dont even attempt to make a parallel in degree, simply that the argument that there might be a distraction to the team should cause someone to have to keep their mouth shut about their sexual orientation is ridiculous.


Now that said, I respect anyone's right to feel however they do about politics, sexual preference etc. Personally, i strongly support gay rights, but I DO respect religious people who hold an opposite view. I dont agree with them, but I respect their right to think it.


As for me being ignorant because i am in support of this kid coming out on his own terms, nope.


Frankly, I think those that deride him for free speech, especially while he is not part of any team, and before any team makes an investment in him are out of line. That's my right to say too. But no matter how many of you attack me, no matter how carefully you hide your bias, you are still looking down on a young man who has chosen to make a brave decision to be the first openly gay NFL player. GOOD FOR HIM, and GOOD FOR GAY PEOPLE EVERYWHERE.


That it might mess with some fantasy idea of an insulated football team, that's ridiculous. Football is sold as entertainment. It exists to bring the spotlight.


Your code of silence is indefensible, although again, I respect your right to feel that way.


To attack me for invoking other civil rights pioneers is some backwards PC jujitsu used to try to make me look racist? HA. Jackie Robinson, Martin Luther King, and all the rest would be in this kid's corner in 2014, and so should you.

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Jackie Robinson didn't go on television and tell everyone in America he was black. The hate that was spewed his was during his career from the fans and coworkers is something that May will never close to experiencing in his life. It's really not a parallel. I'm sure that is what was meant by calling it ignorant, not that he was implying you were racist. The 2 just don't relate. Redefining the term marriage just doesn't equate the hurdles that King, Robinson, or women have had to face.


May will be embraced by the media and fans. He's going to open himself up to endorsements he never had, and have a stage to present himself that isn't available to most the other players in this years draft. It is all positive for him.


I don't think anyone is saying the guy should remain silent or hide. It's just that doing a national interview to come out isn't needed either.


Edit: I'd personally liken him to Tim Tebow than Robinson. He's going public with a part of his life that will win him fans and lose him fans due to how they live their lives.

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Jackie Robinson didn't go on television and tell everyone in America he was black. The hate that was spewed his was during his career from the fans and coworkers is something that May will never close to experiencing in his life. It's really not a parallel. I'm sure that is what was meant by calling it ignorant, not that he was implying you were racist. The 2 just don't relate. Redefining the term marriage just doesn't equate the hurdles that King, Robinson, or women have had to face.


May will be embraced by the media and fans. He's going to open himself up to endorsements he never had, and have a stage to present himself that isn't available to most the other players in this years draft. It is all positive for him.


I don't think anyone is saying the guy should remain silent or hide. It's just that doing a national interview to come out isn't needed either.


I disagree, and I respect your right to disagree with me too. But I will also defend my position, since I know it to be right, deep down in my bones.


It's probably best to just move on from this issue, because i respect the board, and I'm not trying to bring politics here, but neither will I hold back if something is said on this or another topic that challenges my sense of morality, becasue at the end of the day what i beleive so strongly in is more important than my membership on an internet board.


That said, I do not diminish how much I enjoy this board, of what a good one it is. So my preffered outcome would be to continue to debate Bears players and coaches, and the rest of the NFL, without acrimony or having to defend my beliefs.


Im not offended, please dont misunderstand, I totally believe in others' right to hold their opinions too. I think Id rather just not have to defend mine, or have them called ignorant. Further, I did not make the comparison that I was called "ignorant" for. To destroy the differenc ein your analogy, that Robinson could not help it be known that he was black, that puts the onus of the decision on to his team owenr then, and would put him in a parallel position to Michael Sam.


The point is I wont split hairs, or be put on the defensive by a PC application of the inference of racism. Im no shrinking violet, I am not afraid to hold an unpopular opinion, especially when I know in my moral code that I am right.


It is precisely for this reason that i can respect other people who disagree with me. I am sure they hold their opinions from equally honest moral conviction.


So again, maybe it's best to move on from this issue.

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I'm glad you are passionate in how you feel on the subject. I may not agree, but America could use more passion in peoples views.


Like I said in my edit above, I really liken May to Tebow more than I do Robinson.


Right on TD, I love the passion here, and we do not have to agree on everything to be friends and boardmates.


Now if you were a PACKERS fan... :)

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