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Being a black bears fan


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I want to be completely honest here. I am a biracial individual born of a black father and white mother. Moms from Chi; pops is from FLA. My mothers brother nurtured my sports alliances while he was still alive. These are the Cubs, Bears, Bulls,, Blackhawks and Sox just cuz they are Chitown. College is the town I live in; Gainesville Fl. so that's Gators all the way. I even root for NW and the Fire. While he's been dead nearly twenty years, I've never had any other allegiances other than the ones he taught me.

That being said, I had found it increasingly difficult to relate to our boards viewpoints on controversial issues. Its quite apparent that the majority of our board is white individuals stuck in the past. The few that are willing to speak up are slammed for not conforming to the otherwise "group think" of the board. Regardless if they have a valid point(that eventually turns out to be gospel) they are put down fore not believing what the majority of our board thinks.

While as I am admitably a homophobe. Yes, I have used the words flamer and faggot. Our Sam's thread reiterates my point that this board is getting impossible to read. The lack of diversity and understanding is troubling.

A person is a person and they are entitled to their own opinion. Tonight I questioned, if while watching the game do some of our posters call our players Nigg** when they missed the tackle. Or if our board would blame Sams orientation as the reason why he missed one.

All in all, as a black bears fan, and in the year 2014 one would hope that our members were more understanding of people that weren't just like themselves. Get your freakin head out of the sand ostriches.



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I want to be completely honest here. I am a biracial individual born of a black father and white mother. Moms from Chi; pops is from FLA. My mothers brother nurtured my sports alliances while he was still alive. These are the Cubs, Bears, Bulls,, Blackhawks and Sox just cuz they are Chitown. College is the town I live in; Gainesville Fl. so that's Gators all the way. I even root for NW and the Fire. While he's been dead nearly twenty years, I've never had any other allegiances other than the ones he taught me.

That being said, I had found it increasingly difficult to relate to our boards viewpoints on controversial issues. Its quite apparent that the majority of our board is white individuals stuck in the past. The few that are willing to speak up are slammed for not conforming to the otherwise "group think" of the board. Regardless if they have a valid point(that eventually turns out to be gospel) they are put down fore not believing what the majority of our board thinks.

While as I am admitably a homophobe. Yes, I have used the words flamer and faggot. Our Sam's thread reiterates my point that this board is getting impossible to read. The lack of diversity and understanding is troubling.

A person is a person and they are entitled to their own opinion. Tonight I questioned, if while watching the game do some of our posters call our players Nigg** when they missed the tackle. Or if our board would blame Sams orientation as the reason why he missed one.

All in all, as a black bears fan, and in the year 2014 one would hope that our members were more understanding of people that weren't just like themselves. Get your freakin head out of the sand ostriches.

I mentioned it in other thread. This needs to stop. This isn't a bears football related topic therefore there's no room for this here. I'm trying to politely bring an end to such discussions as I am fully aware how quickly this can go bad.

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I want to be completely honest here. I am a biracial individual born of a black father and white mother. Moms from Chi; pops is from FLA. My mothers brother nurtured my sports alliances while he was still alive. These are the Cubs, Bears, Bulls,, Blackhawks and Sox just cuz they are Chitown. College is the town I live in; Gainesville Fl. so that's Gators all the way. I even root for NW and the Fire. While he's been dead nearly twenty years, I've never had any other allegiances other than the ones he taught me.

That being said, I had found it increasingly difficult to relate to our boards viewpoints on controversial issues. Its quite apparent that the majority of our board is white individuals stuck in the past. The few that are willing to speak up are slammed for not conforming to the otherwise "group think" of the board. Regardless if they have a valid point(that eventually turns out to be gospel) they are put down fore not believing what the majority of our board thinks.

While as I am admitably a homophobe. Yes, I have used the words flamer and faggot. Our Sam's thread reiterates my point that this board is getting impossible to read. The lack of diversity and understanding is troubling.

A person is a person and they are entitled to their own opinion. Tonight I questioned, if while watching the game do some of our posters call our players Nigg** when they missed the tackle. Or if our board would blame Sams orientation as the reason why he missed one.

All in all, as a black bears fan, and in the year 2014 one would hope that our members were more understanding of people that weren't just like themselves. Get your freakin head out of the sand ostriches.

I not sure where you pulled this from. We get in some heated discussions on here but they are football oriented not dwelling on social issues. I think it would be best to keep social issues on some political blogs and keep this one related to Bears football. I dont come on here to discuss politics, religion, and social issues, so as Bowling stated it , if you wish to discuss those issues go some where else and leave this to the mindless topics of football. If Sam gets drafted by the Bears, lets discuss how he plays football and leave the rest of the story for a different place.

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I want to be completely honest here. I am a biracial individual born of a black father and white mother. Moms from Chi; pops is from FLA. My mothers brother nurtured my sports alliances while he was still alive. These are the Cubs, Bears, Bulls,, Blackhawks and Sox just cuz they are Chitown. College is the town I live in; Gainesville Fl. so that's Gators all the way. I even root for NW and the Fire. While he's been dead nearly twenty years, I've never had any other allegiances other than the ones he taught me.

That being said, I had found it increasingly difficult to relate to our boards viewpoints on controversial issues. Its quite apparent that the majority of our board is white individuals stuck in the past. The few that are willing to speak up are slammed for not conforming to the otherwise "group think" of the board. Regardless if they have a valid point(that eventually turns out to be gospel) they are put down fore not believing what the majority of our board thinks.

While as I am admitably a homophobe. Yes, I have used the words flamer and faggot. Our Sam's thread reiterates my point that this board is getting impossible to read. The lack of diversity and understanding is troubling.

A person is a person and they are entitled to their own opinion. Tonight I questioned, if while watching the game do some of our posters call our players Nigg** when they missed the tackle. Or if our board would blame Sams orientation as the reason why he missed one.

All in all, as a black bears fan, and in the year 2014 one would hope that our members were more understanding of people that weren't just like themselves. Get your freakin head out of the sand ostriches.


I purposely didn't post in the other thread because of not how others posted, but because of how someone like you posts. It's the typical "if you're not with me and my line of thinking, then you're a racist, bigot, homophobe." Well, frankly sir, that's BS. I'm virtually agnostic, so it's sort of odd that a religious saying sums up how I feel: it's entirely possible to hate the sin and love the sinner. I challenge you to expand your mind and see how someone can be completely enlightened, yet still disagree with your stance on various political/social/economic/religious topics.

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I think we need to take a step back and think about one thing, and that's be grateful we are in this moment, able to hug loved ones, breathe, and feel. Tomorrow may not come, yesterday will never be back, and today is what we make of it.


My post's are in black and white, like everyone else's. We all have one big thing in common in sharing a passion for the beloved Bears. If topics get off base on touchy topics, just keep in mind that your views, no matter how they are worded can affect the next guy. That's why dad said do not talk religion and politics in the bar.


I know it's a slow time, but lets get back to discussing Bear football. Plenty of draft talk left with the combine coming up. Plenty of FA prospects to look at. :cheers



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I posted more than anyone in that thread. I strongly feel that my posts or anyone elses posts were meant to give you the impression you walked away with. I will not take a step back from what I said or apologize, as it would be dishonest and unwarranted as I stand by my opinions.


Instead, I will say this. This forum is a small knit family. You're apart of that. I am sure myself and others here never want someone to walk away feeling like you do. We may fight, disagree, and such on many issues. Honestly, i don't know anyone that agrees with every issue on here. This board in my experience, has one thing that most the internet lacks and that is heart.


I don't think you'll find a more family knit environment out there in your experiences discussing the Bears online. It definitely isn't a place that has boarders that exclude race or sexuality. About the only thing this board excludes is trolling and unwarranted disrespect for other posters.

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Yes, I have used the words flamer and faggot.


Tonight I questioned, if while watching the game do some of our posters call our players Nigg** when


Based on your first comment I don't think you have the right to judge anyone about the second. But whatever, the point of the other thread was to let the man be who he is without having to hide it. He wasn't asking for any special treatment, just saying that if he wins a honor at some point in his football career, he won't be bringing the date everyone expects him to bring.


As to racial bias, I've never seen any direct evidence of it here although I questioned one member's motives when discussing the Rooney Rule.


What the folks here saying "Let's all get along and only talk football" miss is that life, all aspects of it, eventually impact our sport. And when that happens, it's a topic for dicussion. And that's GREAT! Sport, in so many places in the world has been an avenue for advancement. Imagine Obama as President today if Jackie Robinson never existed. NOT POSSIBLE. There's no place for race or bigotry on this board and I think this board is generally a pretty classy place for Bears fans to let it all hang out. There's no danger in free open discussion! Problems come up when people don't talk it out, IMO.

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Based on your first comment I don't think you have the right to judge anyone about the second. But whatever, the point of the other thread was to let the man be who he is without having to hide it. He wasn't asking for any special treatment, just saying that if he wins a honor at some point in his football career, he won't be bringing the date everyone expects him to bring.


As to racial bias, I've never seen any direct evidence of it here although I questioned one member's motives when discussing the Rooney Rule.


What the folks here saying "Let's all get along and only talk football" miss is that life, all aspects of it, eventually impact our sport. And when that happens, it's a topic for dicussion. And that's GREAT! Sport, in so many places in the world has been an avenue for advancement. Imagine Obama as President today if Jackie Robinson never existed. NOT POSSIBLE. There's no place for race or bigotry on this board and I think this board is generally a pretty classy place for Bears fans to let it all hang out. There's no danger in free open discussion! Problems come up when people don't talk it out, IMO.



When Chris Conte misses a tackle, I scream YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!!! When Major Wright misses a tackle I scream YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!! just not as loud because I think Conte is a bigger piece of shit!! lol




Im sure there may be a few members of this board who are racist, I have never seen any form of racism here on this board so Im not sure where this thread is coming from.



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I posted more than anyone in that thread. I strongly feel that my posts or anyone elses posts were meant to give you the impression you walked away with. I will not take a step back from what I said or apologize, as it would be dishonest and unwarranted as I stand by my opinions.


Instead, I will say this. This forum is a small knit family. You're apart of that. I am sure myself and others here never want someone to walk away feeling like you do. We may fight, disagree, and such on many issues. Honestly, i don't know anyone that agrees with every issue on here. This board in my experience, has one thing that most the internet lacks and that is heart.


I don't think you'll find a more family knit environment out there in your experiences discussing the Bears online. It definitely isn't a place that has boarders that exclude race or sexuality. About the only thing this board excludes is trolling and unwarranted disrespect for other posters.



Thank you!!!!!!!

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I want to be completely honest here. I am a biracial individual born of a black father and white mother. Moms from Chi; pops is from FLA. My mothers brother nurtured my sports alliances while he was still alive. These are the Cubs, Bears, Bulls,, Blackhawks and Sox just cuz they are Chitown. College is the town I live in; Gainesville Fl. so that's Gators all the way. I even root for NW and the Fire. While he's been dead nearly twenty years, I've never had any other allegiances other than the ones he taught me.

That being said, I had found it increasingly difficult to relate to our boards viewpoints on controversial issues. Its quite apparent that the majority of our board is white individuals stuck in the past. The few that are willing to speak up are slammed for not conforming to the otherwise "group think" of the board. Regardless if they have a valid point(that eventually turns out to be gospel) they are put down fore not believing what the majority of our board thinks.

While as I am admitably a homophobe. Yes, I have used the words flamer and faggot. Our Sam's thread reiterates my point that this board is getting impossible to read. The lack of diversity and understanding is troubling.

A person is a person and they are entitled to their own opinion. Tonight I questioned, if while watching the game do some of our posters call our players Nigg** when they missed the tackle. Or if our board would blame Sams orientation as the reason why he missed one.

All in all, as a black bears fan, and in the year 2014 one would hope that our members were more understanding of people that weren't just like themselves. Get your freakin head out of the sand ostriches.



I really cant understand your point. Im a black man and a die hard bears fan born and raised in Chitown. I love the Cubs, Whitesox, Blackhawks,The bears, The Bulls and any teams that comes from the Chi. I am a retired military man so i have been through all kinds of opinions, different attitudes and viewpoints from many different races. I have posted on this board many times with the guys here making my views look silly with their counterpoints to what i post......Jason on this board really kills me but I enjoy him and his views and the views of others. At no time have I been made to feel unwanted. You must remember this is a board of free speech from whoever is here.....i think you just need to get thicker skin or maybe select your posts more carefully. These guys were sending me things when I was in the Iraq war so my love is with the family here of Bear fans.

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I purposely didn't post in the other thread because of not how others posted, but because of how someone like you posts. It's the typical "if you're not with me and my line of thinking, then you're a racist, bigot, homophobe." Well, frankly sir, that's BS. I'm virtually agnostic, so it's sort of odd that a religious saying sums up how I feel: it's entirely possible to hate the sin and love the sinner. I challenge you to expand your mind and see how someone can be completely enlightened, yet still disagree with your stance on various political/social/economic/religious topics.


I stand with you Jason, although I dared to step out and say I disagree with Sam's media blitz approach to something that, in his own words from the Senior Bowl "everybody knew". If everybody knew but nobody cared one way or the other why the problem?


I don't know why we are supposed to welcome diversity yet as soon as you disagree with something someone of one group or another does you have turned into a racist or bigot of some sort. I disagree with my wife everyday on something, sometimes on many things. We're still together after 25 years AND I don't hate women.


If I didn't want to read diverse opinions of topics, Bears related of course, I wouldn't visit this board daily. If I want to hear nothing but my opinion I'd go talk to myself but it's really hard to get an appreciation and respect for other people and their beliefs when you live in an echo chamber.


Unless you are outright harming other people, I can accept those who are different but can't accept those who demand others subscribe only to their way of thinking. If I really don't like what you promote or how you promote it I won't associate with you. That's my freedom of choice and yours as well. Yet it's through the debate over time where an understanding of the other side's views allow one to accept the other, even if they still disagree. Silence the debate through misguided assumptions of motives, harsh rhetoric, and personal attacks and you lose that.

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When Chris Conte misses a tackle, I scream YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!!! When Major Wright misses a tackle I scream YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!! just not as loud because I think Conte is a bigger piece of shit!! lol


Amen. But I'm usually saying, "I bet that piece of shit is going to miss the tackle" before it even happens.

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However, I'm no so sure there are racists here at all. That's a heavy accusation that should not be thrown around lightly. I prefer not to speculate or assume when I do not know for certain.


I personally have not seen anything remote resembling racism on this board. Maybe I missed a comment somewhere, but not a thing comes to mind.


When Chris Conte misses a tackle, I scream YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!!! When Major Wright misses a tackle I scream YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!! just not as loud because I think Conte is a bigger piece of shit!! lol




Im sure there may be a few members of this board who are racist, I have never seen any form of racism here on this board so Im not sure where this thread is coming from.


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However, I'm no so sure there are racists here at all. That's a heavy accusation that should not be thrown around lightly. I prefer not to speculate or assume when I do not know for certain.


I personally have not seen anything remote resembling racism on this board. Maybe I missed a comment somewhere, but not a thing comes to mind.


I'm prejudice against Lithuanians, but only the sane and happy ones.

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Dammit man! I thought this site was having a shutout!


Hey! My grandma was happy!


Try some kuldunai, it'll make you change your mind...




Racine's got 'em in Chicago...




Or in Burbank , IL




I'm prejudice against Lithuanians, but only the sane and happy ones.


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However, I'm no so sure there are racists here at all. That's a heavy accusation that should not be thrown around lightly. I prefer not to speculate or assume when I do not know for certain.


I personally have not seen anything remote resembling racism on this board. Maybe I missed a comment somewhere, but not a thing comes to mind.



Im not accusing anyone, Im just saying that I wouldn't be surprised if someone has different views then me. Everyone has different experiences and reasons for thinking the way they do. I will say again I have never seen anyone on here say anything racist.



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Dammit man! I thought this site was having a shutout!


Hey! My grandma was happy!


Try some kuldunai, it'll make you change your mind...




Racine's got 'em in Chicago...




Or in Burbank , IL




Bless your grandma, she's good in my book, Chitownhustla too. I'll have to try that recipe sometime, but unfortunately I don't live anywhere near Chicago. It looks pretty good in my book.

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