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Brian needs a reality check


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I think it's kind of a mixed bag. Sure, the money Hester and Urlacher were asking for was more than the Bears wanted to pay. That's understandable. But at the same time, there appears to have been no attempt at signing either player, or even making an effort at negotiation. Who's to say the loyalty Urlacher speaks of wouldn't have been returned if the Bears simply made a lower-middle ground offer? Same goes for Hester. What if Hester would have signed for less than $2M to remain a Bear? We'll never know because the team never even got to that point with him.


Having said all that, loyalty is DEFINITELY not "pay equal to or more than another team is offering just because a player has been with his team his whole career." That's just stupid. At a certain point the value of the player has to be considered.

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Yeah, the whole loyalty comments were just utter stupidity when you consider the fact that the Bears were the ONLY team in the league to offer him a contract. A contract that he turned down, mind you.


Urlacher is just not a very likeable guy. He also doesn't usually have a whole lot of content that comes out of his mouth whenever he talks.

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I loved watching him play, bought two jerseys of his. One of my all time faves. I started disliking him not the player his last year when he said he didn't care about the fans. Now since he retired I have not liked one thing he has said.


I do believe the Bears could have offered at least 3mil for one year and not the 2 mil. I would have liked to see him play one more year. Im willing to bet they didn't want him back because he would have been a locker room cancer because his boy Lovie was fired. This team looks to be Brandon and Jays, having Brian in the locker room last year would have stunted them taking over leadership.





He needs to shut the freak up and drop his ego, he is not an NFL star anymore.

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He was at his best with 1 word sentences or grunts.


Even better when he said nothing...




Yeah, the whole loyalty comments were just utter stupidity when you consider the fact that the Bears were the ONLY team in the league to offer him a contract. A contract that he turned down, mind you.


Urlacher is just not a very likeable guy. He also doesn't usually have a whole lot of content that comes out of his mouth whenever he talks.


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Having said all that, loyalty is DEFINITELY not "pay equal to or more than another team is offering just because a player has been with his team his whole career." That's just stupid. At a certain point the value of the player has to be considered.


Which is why you acting like you know exactly what the Bears did in either case has made you look like a shithead all along. Glad you're finally coming around. Just because Url bitches like a scorned woman doesn't mean we're getting the truth out of him. And the FACT that literally nobody signed him is all anyone should need to know before they understood the Bears were in the right, although maybe not very nice. Hester still has value but he's one dimensional so not a fit for Trestman. End of story.

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Right there with ya.


I have 3 of his jerseys. Blue, white and orange.


He's biting the hand that feeds him. Despite jason, I don't know anyone in Chicago that really wants to hear from the guy. He needs to drop it and fall in line. Or his promotional deals will dry up in Chicago.


I loved watching him play, bought two jerseys of his. One of my all time faves. I started disliking him not the player his last year when he said he didn't care about the fans. Now since he retired I have not liked one thing he has said.


I do believe the Bears could have offered at least 3mil for one year and not the 2 mil. I would have liked to see him play one more year. Im willing to bet they didn't want him back because he would have been a locker room cancer because his boy Lovie was fired. This team looks to be Brandon and Jays, having Brian in the locker room last year would have stunted them taking over leadership.





He needs to shut the freak up and drop his ego, he is not an NFL star anymore.


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Really,really like the direction that BM has taken this team. I believe this is all him, bringing the guys together, making a football team a family bond. I think this carries the team a long ways for bringing in FA's also.


This is something you did not see when the team was led by Olin Kreutz/Brian Urlacher. I like those guys as players, hell even hanging out with them they are cool, but they didn't organize this type of unity. I think new players had a hard time adjusting to the nfl with that type of leadership. I remember Cedric Benson getting black balled by the defense because he held out.



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I think it's kind of a mixed bag. Sure, the money Hester and Urlacher were asking for was more than the Bears wanted to pay. That's understandable. But at the same time, there appears to have been no attempt at signing either player, or even making an effort at negotiation. Who's to say the loyalty Urlacher speaks of wouldn't have been returned if the Bears simply made a lower-middle ground offer? Same goes for Hester. What if Hester would have signed for less than $2M to remain a Bear? We'll never know because the team never even got to that point with him.


Having said all that, loyalty is DEFINITELY not "pay equal to or more than another team is offering just because a player has been with his team his whole career." That's just stupid. At a certain point the value of the player has to be considered.

First of all Emery and Trestman didnt ride his career, they owe him no loyalty. The Bears paid him and Hester both well, so the fact they bitched about the money made them the ones lacking loyalty. They were right about Urlacher, wasnt a very good player at the end of his career. The rest of the league agreed with them, no one offered him a contract. Football teams are like whore houses , they will take every ounce of worth out of you and when your not worth it , throw you out on the street. His time was over, and its as simple as that . We cant go back and say shoulda, coulda, woulda because he didnt play again. I think Hester will prove to be not worth what Atlanta paid for him, but they will play itself out. I have no problem letting go of old players, loved them when they played but realism always wins out, they get old, and this is not an old mans game.

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Let's go back in time. http://fifthdown.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/05...=blogs&_r=0



Let me ask, was Sayers wrong at critiquing the team in 2010 (not only Urlacher but specifically Cutler in this instance)? Surprisingly enough, Urlacher came to the defense of the team this time (and collaterally Cutler's - someone he did not get along with). Obviously his (Urlacher's) loyalty was outwardly to the team if not only appearing so to those of us outside looking in. But yet he speaks out now and it still raises the rankles of some. So what if he does? He works as a broadcaster/analyst. He's paid to analyze things that he knows, and three things he has direct knowledge of are football, Bears football and Bears football history. I agree with SCS in that who cares if he talks about it anymore? You (Connor) as a part of media fell into the 'trap' of scratching off the scab only to lend life to Ulracher's words.

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Let's go back in time. http://fifthdown.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/05...=blogs&_r=0



Let me ask, was Sayers wrong at critiquing the team in 2010 (not only Urlacher but specifically Cutler in this instance)? Surprisingly enough, Urlacher came to the defense of the team this time (and collaterally Cutler's - someone he did not get along with). Obviously his (Urlacher's) loyalty was outwardly to the team if not only appearing so to those of us outside looking in. But yet he speaks out now and it still raises the rankles of some. So what if he does? He works as a broadcaster/analyst. He's paid to analyze things that he knows, and three things he has direct knowledge of are football, Bears football and Bears football history. I agree with SCS in that who cares if he talks about it anymore? You (Connor) as a part of media fell into the 'trap' of scratching off the scab only to lend life to Ulracher's words.

Apparently he is not the only one with some thing to say about it, you addressed it.

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First of all Emery and Trestman didnt ride his career, they owe him no loyalty. The Bears played him and Hester both well, so the fact they bitched about the money made them the ones lacking loyalty. They were right about Urlacher, wasnt a very good player at the end of his career. The rest of the league agreed with them, no one offered him a contract. Football teams are like whore houses , they will take every ounce of worth out of you and when your not worth it , throw you out on the street. His time was over, and its as simple as that . We cant go back and say shoulda, coulda, woulda because he didnt play again. I think Hester will prove to be not worth what Atlanta paid for him, but they will play itself out. I have no problem letting go of old players, loved them when they played but realism always wins out, they get old, and this is not an old mans game.

Completely agree; And, last I checked, the Bears were the only team to offer Urlacher a contract. How's that for showing at least some loyalty. It wasn't the amount he wanted but it was still more then the rest of the league was willing to offer.

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Let's go back in time. http://fifthdown.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/05...=blogs&_r=0



Let me ask, was Sayers wrong at critiquing the team in 2010 (not only Urlacher but specifically Cutler in this instance)? Surprisingly enough, Urlacher came to the defense of the team this time (and collaterally Cutler's - someone he did not get along with). Obviously his (Urlacher's) loyalty was outwardly to the team if not only appearing so to those of us outside looking in. But yet he speaks out now and it still raises the rankles of some. So what if he does? He works as a broadcaster/analyst. He's paid to analyze things that he knows, and three things he has direct knowledge of are football, Bears football and Bears football history. I agree with SCS in that who cares if he talks about it anymore? You (Connor) as a part of media fell into the 'trap' of scratching off the scab only to lend life to Ulracher's words.


When it comes the Bears, I am not media. I don't cover the NFL unless were talking Bulaga who went to one of the four high schools I cover.


Peace :dabears

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That article really speaks to the heart of the whole Brian Url issue....and I would just add, for me personally, I have a hard time separating the player from the personality. I don't want or need players to be perfect, but if I get the impression they do not have character, I would rather they not play for the Bears, even if that costs us some wins. I know it may sound a bit over the top, but I would honestly rather lose with a group of good guys than win with a bunch of a££holes.


Oh well, glad Url is gone, hope his buddy Briggs is following out the door soon...

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That article really speaks to the heart of the whole Brian Url issue....and I would just add, for me personally, I have a hard time separating the player from the personality. I don't want or need players to be perfect, but if I get the impression they do not have character, and tI would rather they not play for the Bears, even if that costs us some wins. I know it may sound a bit over the top, but I would honestly rather lose with a group of good guys than win with a bunch of a££holes.


Oh well, glad Url is gone, hope his buddy Briggs is following out the door soon...

I think some people should take a chill. Brian is sticking up for his brothers, and his feelings were hurt. If you have spent time with a company for a good part of your life, that's all you know. So listen to him, he was the only a Bear, they are only words and thoughts. They wear off like an ex wife or girlfriend. Just acknowlwdge that he was apart of your up and downs on a Sunday. That is what he was... a linebacker. If you take offense, then you should take a step back and think about why it bothers you. Maybe you spend too much energy wondering what Brian has said, which has only been about standing up for his team. His team is gone, but he is still there for them.

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I think some people should take a chill. Brian is sticking up for his brothers, and his feelings were hurt. If you have spent time with a company for a good part of your life, that's all you know. So listen to him, he was the only a Bear, they are only words and thoughts. They wear off like an ex wife or girlfriend. Just acknowlwdge that he was apart of your up and downs on a Sunday. That is what he was... a linebacker. If you take offense, then you should take a step back and think about why it bothers you. Maybe you spend too much energy wondering what Brian has said, which has only been about standing up for his team. His team is gone, but he is still there for them.


Brian is not standing up for his team, he is standing up for certain players (past players). Big difference.

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I think some people should take a chill. Brian is sticking up for his brothers, and his feelings were hurt. If you have spent time with a company for a good part of your life, that's all you know. So listen to him, he was the only a Bear, they are only words and thoughts. They wear off like an ex wife or girlfriend. Just acknowlwdge that he was apart of your up and downs on a Sunday. That is what he was... a linebacker. If you take offense, then you should take a step back and think about why it bothers you. Maybe you spend too much energy wondering what Brian has said, which has only been about standing up for his team. His team is gone, but he is still there for them.



I don't think Brian is necessarily speaking up for his brothers; if he is, he has, and always has, forgotten the fans who pay for his ridiculously luxurious lifestyle.


He is a man, not a boy, and if he cannot figure out how to behave within the Bears, and what it means, then I don't have much time for him.


The reason he has, and does, somewhat bother me is because he never had the character, or respect, for the Bears and the fans that he should have.


I saw Mr. Url at the Bears game at Wembley a year or two ago, he was arrogant and not pleasant at all.....he obviously did not wish to be there.


He forgets entirely how much money the Bears have paid him over the years...choosing instead to cry when they offer more than any other team was willing to and pout because it isn't enough.


I will never own a 54 jersey, and have no use for him.


Bye bye Url. when you figure out what it means to be a Bear, then I MIGHT be interested...in the meantime, F off!


And take your buddy Briggs with you; when we win the Super Bowl, Mr. Lamborghini drunken crash/liar can be absent too hopefully.

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I don't think Brian is necessarily speaking up for his brothers; if he is, he has, and always has, forgotten the fans who pay for his ridiculously luxurious lifestyle.


He is a man, not a boy, and if he cannot figure out how to behave within the Bears, and what it means, then I don't have much time for him.


The reason he has, and does, somewhat bother me is because he never had the character, or respect, for the Bears and the fans that he should have.


I saw Mr. Url at the Bears game at Wembley a year or two ago, he was arrogant and not pleasant at all.....he obviously did not wish to be there.


He forgets entirely how much money the Bears have paid him over the years...choosing instead to cry when they offer more than any other team was willing to and pout because it isn't enough.


I will never own a 54 jersey, and have no use for him.


Bye bye Url. when you figure out what it means to be a Bear, then I MIGHT be interested...in the meantime, F off!


And take your buddy Briggs with you; when we win the Super Bowl, Mr. Lamborghini drunken crash/liar can be absent too hopefully.

What he is doing is taking shots at the Bears every chance he gets. When his name pops up, there is always a reaction. It will come up again when he wishes to take a shot. What a whiny little bitch.

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Sayers comes off as a sour puss too. But at that time, sadly he happened to be correct.


Just because Urlacher is paid and says things doesn't mean I have to agree... Urlacher isn't all bad as a mouthpiece. He did say some good things. But his stupid comments tend to outweigh his good ones. And recently, it's been virtually all stupid. Sayers has been away from the team for a while...Url hasn't stopped whining since he didn't accept the contract the Bears (the only NFL team to do so) offered to him.


Urlacher isn't paid to be a Bears historian. The hope from his network is that he says something negative about the Bears so that there becomes a story... The only insight I've ever gotten from Urlacher's mouth is a window into his pettyness.


Let's not forget the difference between anyone's right to say something stupid, and someone's right to be irritated by those stupid comments.




Let's go back in time. http://fifthdown.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/05...=blogs&_r=0



Let me ask, was Sayers wrong at critiquing the team in 2010 (not only Urlacher but specifically Cutler in this instance)? Surprisingly enough, Urlacher came to the defense of the team this time (and collaterally Cutler's - someone he did not get along with). Obviously his (Urlacher's) loyalty was outwardly to the team if not only appearing so to those of us outside looking in. But yet he speaks out now and it still raises the rankles of some. So what if he does? He works as a broadcaster/analyst. He's paid to analyze things that he knows, and three things he has direct knowledge of are football, Bears football and Bears football history. I agree with SCS in that who cares if he talks about it anymore? You (Connor) as a part of media fell into the 'trap' of scratching off the scab only to lend life to Ulracher's words.


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Sayers comes off as a sour puss too. But at that time, sadly he happened to be correct.


Just because Urlacher is paid and says things doesn't mean I have to agree... Urlacher isn't all bad as a mouthpiece. He did say some good things. But his stupid comments tend to outweigh his good ones. And recently, it's been virtually all stupid. Sayers has been away from the team for a while...Url hasn't stopped whining since he didn't accept the contract the Bears (the only NFL team to do so) offered to him.


Urlacher isn't paid to be a Bears historian. The hope from his network is that he says something negative about the Bears so that there becomes a story... The only insight I've ever gotten from Urlacher's mouth is a window into his pettyness.


Let's not forget the difference between anyone's right to say something stupid, and someone's right to be irritated by those stupid comments.



Good point Mad...but I would like someone with a little more class to be the front head of the Bears...but you may be right...I need to think about it.

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